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al-Qaida in Iraq

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    al-Qaida in Iraq (OP)

    Al-Qaida-linked group claims U.S. deaths By HAMID AHMED, Associated Press Writer
    2 hours, 23 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD - An al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility Tuesday for double suicide truck bombings that killed nine U.S. paratroopers in the worst attack on American ground forces in Iraq in more than a year, saying it sent "two knights" for the attack.


    The Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group of Sunni militants that includes al-Qaida in Iraq, said it was behind Monday's double attack on a U.S. patrol base in Diyala province northeast of Baghdad — an area that has seen violence spike since American troops surged into the capital to halt violence there.

    "The first knight exploded his truck on them and he was followed by his brother in the second truck, exploding it on what remains from the soldiers inside the headquarters," said the statement, posted on a militant Web site.

    The victims were all members of the Army's 82nd Airborne Division, said a spokesman for the Fort Bragg, N.C.-based unit. It was the highest number of casualties for the division since the war began, Maj. Tom Earnhardt said.

    "We are recovering, supporting the families during this time of loss, praying for them and continuing our mission," said Lt. Col. Michael Donnelly, the U.S. military spokesman in northern Iraq. "The enemy brings nothing to benefit the people — nothing."

    In its Web posting Tuesday, the Islamic State of Iraq, an insurgent umbrella group that includes al-Qaida, put the number of Americans killed at 30.

    "Almighty God has guided the soldiers of the Islamic State of Iraq to new methods of explosions," it said without elaborating. The message appeared on a Web site that frequently airs communications from militants, but its authenticity could not be independently confirmed.

    According to a senior Pentagon official, Monday's attack involved suicide bombers in two large dump trucks. One of the trucks got very close to the Sadah patrol base building, and the other one was further away, the official said, adding that at least some of the casualties may have been caused by the collapse of two walls.

    The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information has not yet been released, also said that 15 of the 20 troops who were injured have returned to duty.

    It was single deadliest attack on ground forces since Dec. 1, 2005, when a roadside bomb killed 10 Marines and wounded 11 on a foot patrol near Fallujah. Twelve soldiers died when a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in Diyala on Jan. 20. The military said it might have been shot down but the investigation is still ongoing.

    The use of a suicide bomber in a direct assault against U.S. forces was unusual. Militants, seeking to avoid American firepower, have mostly used hit-and-run ambushes, roadside bombs or mortars on U.S. troops.

    On Feb. 19, insurgents struck a U.S. combat post in Tarmiyah, about 30 miles north of Baghdad, killing two soldiers and wounding 17 in what the military called a "coordinated attack." It began with a suicide car bombing followed by gunfire on soldiers pinned down in a former Iraqi police station where fuel storage tanks were set ablaze by the blast.

    American troops are facing increasing danger as they step up their presence in outposts and police stations in Baghdad and areas surrounding the city, as part of the security crackdown to which U.S. President George W. Bush has committed an extra 30,000 troops.

    Sunni militants are believed to have withdrawn to surrounding areas such as Diyala where they have safe haven. The U.S. command also deployed an extra 700 soldiers to the province last month.

    In telephone interviews, residents of the Ameen area south of Baqouba on Tuesday described what they believed was the same attack that killed the nine soldiers.

    The residents, spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety, said gunmen first fired on American snipers at a U.S. base housed in an old Iraqi primary school, then a suicide car bomb rammed a checkpoint at the school's entrance, breaking through blast walls and other fortifications. The first explosion left a path for a second suicide vehicle, a truck, to approach the building, the witnesses said.

    Several American soldiers were caught beneath the building as it collapsed in the explosion, the residents said.

    Another U.S. soldier was also killed Monday in a roadside bombing in Diyala, the military said — bringing the daily American death toll to 10. A British soldier was also shot to death while on patrol in the southern city of Basra, officials said.

    The deaths raised to 85 the number of U.S. service members who died have in Iraq in April, making it the deadliest month for American troops since December, when 112 died.

    Police in the same province as the attack on the U.S. base said gunmen disguised as Iraqi soldiers killed six Iraqis and burned five homes Tuesday in an unrelated attack. South of the capital, a family of seven was shot to death in their beds at dawn by masked gunmen, neighbors and police said.

    On the outskirts of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, a suicide truck bomb exploded at a police checkpoint on the outskirts of Ramadi city on Tuesday, killing 15 people, police said.

    And in Baghdad, two bombs went off outside the Iranian Embassy on Tuesday for the second consecutive day. Six civilians were injured, police said. Tension has risen over allegations by the U.S. and some Sunni politicians in Iraq about alleged Iranian interference in the country.

    Eighty-three Iraqis were killed or found dead around the country in those attacks and others.

    British forces transferred another military base to Iraqi troops in Basra in the country's south, ahead of the planned withdrawal this summer of about half of Britain's contribution to the U.S.-led coalition here. Two other British bases — al-Saie and Shatt al-Arab — were turned over to Iraqi forces in Basra, Iraq's second-largest city, in the past month.

    The bulk of Britain's about 7,500 soldiers in the city will now operate from a base at Basra's main airport.

    In other violence Tuesday, two mortar rounds hit a market in southern Baghdad, killing 10 people and wounding 16 others, including women and children, police said.


    So here again we see who is on the side of right and wrong. Today in Iraq, the dealiest day in nearly 5 months, a whole 9 US soldiers died at the hands of two suicide bombers, with dump trucks. In the whole month, only 85 have sadly died. However, while killing those soldiers (as is to be expected in war) the groups have also managed to kill 83 civilians. Does this disgust anyone anymore or is it just common place in this country? These groups killed nearly as many civilians in one day as they have soldiers in a month, and these are the same groups that wish to run the country. So again I ask, is the US at war with Iraq or are these political and religious extremist at war? Who is trying to do the right thing and who is doing the wrong? Absolutely and totally disgusting display of character and respect for life, these people have...
    al-Qaida in Iraq

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    The Numb3rs themselves aren't at issue here. One day the U.S. will lead the body count and a month later the Mujahideen will take the lead. It can change, so it's pointless to follow the body count. It's about how the agression is justified.
    I think most of your comments have been answered by others but I see that this one has been left for me. I find this to be a full blown lie, misrepresentation or form of ignorance. The US civilian body count in Iraq since the fall of Saddam has never been higher than that of your holy warriors. NEVER. The body count of civilians killed by the "holy warriors", which is apparently justified in your eyes, is much higher than that of the US civilian body count. There is absolutely no arguing about that, basically your whole paragraph is nonsense.

    *Do you ever think that the reason you are going back to the drawing board for the 1000th time is because you are wrong. Try a different angle, the groups in Iraq are not from Iraq, they may have been asked to come by a few Iraqis extremist but are not wanted by the general population. In fact, they are wanted much much less in iraq than the US troops.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    Sunni – shia hatreds are ancient hatreds that date back centuries.
    Yes, yes... the Shia opened the gates of Baghdad and the Sunnis defended Kaab al Ahbar. I am well aware of the thousand issues that have yet to be resolved between the "in-laws" of Islam. In Babylon there was a Council to deal with this, and if I have my way with this, that Council will be re-instated. The only thing preventing this from taking place in Iraq today, is Bush!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    The Iraqi’s voted for a government. Their choice was a government not favored by the Bush Administration.
    Oh really? You mean to tell me all of Iraq was ready for an election campaign in the space of time that was given to them? I'd like to see America pull that time frame off... we'd save a fortune in election campaign expenses! Come to that, if America were a true democracy, then our president would merely represent whatever race out-bred us. Correct me if I'm wrong, but white men are definately in the minority and would never have enough votes to continue their presidential successions, over and over again. So, time will tell on that issue... but this still causes problems. I'm not actually disagreeing with you, btw. Just trying to relay a point of view. I've used Bush as a perfect example of the blessings of democracy. For instance, had it not been for democracy we'd be stuck with that MF for the duration of his life. Because of democracy, his days are numb3red. Before you know it, he won't be in a position to "veto" anything.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    The use of white phosphorous was limited and was expressly intended to route out your holy warrior™ heroes. The fact that they intentionally hide among the civilian population, using women and children as human shields is unfortunate but something we regularly see.
    Limited? Are you kidding me? The Hiroshima bomb was limited too.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    These are weapons used with the specific intent to cause as much death, destruction and misery as possible. The fact is, it’s only for lack of “better” weapons that prevents your holy warriors from slaughtering on a grander scale.
    Infamous quotes: "There will not be a safe place in Baghdad," said one Pentagon official who has been briefed on the plan (Shock and Awe).

    "The sheer size of this (Shock and Awe) has never been seen before, never been contemplated before," the official said.

    By that I mean you get rid of their power, water. In 2,3,4,5 days they are physically, emotionally and psychologically exhausted," Ullman tells Martin.

    Excuse me, but I repeat: The Bush Administration is accusing the Iraqi fighters (and their allies) of behaving... like Bush!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    The Democrats are already posturing to put an end to America’s involvement in this. I’ll suggest a small wager. When the U.S. does pull out of Iraq and the carnage begins in earnest, I’m betting you and others will be whining about how the U.S. abandoned Iraq and thus caused the continuing sunni – shia slaughter.
    I'll take that bet. While the democrats posture for their position, I'm busy with my own... a reconciliation plan that will grant Amnesty and resurrect that council.

    The Ninth Scribe
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Yes, yes... the Shia opened the gates of Baghdad and the Sunnis defended Kaab al Ahbar. I am well aware of the thousand issues that have yet to be resolved between the "in-laws" of Islam. In Babylon there was a Council to deal with this, and if I have my way with this, that Council will be re-instated. The only thing preventing this from taking place in Iraq today, is Bush!
    Do tell how is Bush stopping you from having your way of things with this "council"? LOL I love how you continue to project yourself as some sort of Iraqi messenger.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Oh really? You mean to tell me all of Iraq was ready for an election campaign in the space of time that was given to them? I'd like to see America pull that time frame off... we'd save a fortune in election campaign expenses!
    The idea was to stop the power vacuum, didnt work, but as mentioned above, apparently alot of people understood who they were voting for enough to where 3/4 of the Iraqi adults came to vote. Also please note that people were bombed at the polls, but they kept voting anyways.

    No no, you are right these people dont want democracy they just risked their lives to get someone in power. OH but wait it wasnt Al-Qaeda in Iraq or its affiliates so those who vote and those appointed must die. That is ok with you though right?
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Come to that, if America were a true democracy, then our president would merely represent whatever race out-bred us. Correct me if I'm wrong, but white men are definately in the minority and would never have enough votes to continue their presidential successions, over and over again.
    I will be happy to correct you, the majority are the white males in american, actually we are an overwhelming majority. So yes you are wrong and yes that is probably why white males dominate the presidency in America. However there is a half white and half black running for democrat right now, remember Obama. America is no doubt a true democracy, why else do you think people all over the world want to live here?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    I've used Bush as a perfect example of the blessings of democracy. For instance, had it not been for democracy we'd be stuck with that MF for the duration of his life. Because of democracy, his days are numb3red. Before you know it, he won't be in a position to "veto" anything.
    Just think if the same could have been said of Saddam I have to say though I am ready for a change in leadership, I dont know if it will have the effect you are looking for though.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Limited? Are you kidding me? The Hiroshima bomb was limited too.
    yes it was limited, hiroshima was unprecendented and ended a war that would have claimed many more lives both japanese and american. it may seem to have been ruthless but it actually may have saved lives in the long run.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Infamous quotes: "There will not be a safe place in Baghdad," said one Pentagon official who has been briefed on the plan (Shock and Awe).

    "The sheer size of this (Shock and Awe) has never been seen before, never been contemplated before," the official said.

    By that I mean you get rid of their power, water. In 2,3,4,5 days they are physically, emotionally and psychologically exhausted," Ullman tells Martin.

    Excuse me, but I repeat: The Bush Administration is accusing the Iraqi fighters (and their allies) of behaving... like Bush!
    These quotes all come from the beginning of the war, a time when it was to drive SH and his people out, physically emotionally and psychologically was not used in the context of every Iraqi, it was used for saddam and his regime.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    I'll take that bet. While the democrats posture for their position, I'm busy with my own... a reconciliation plan that will grant Amnesty and resurrect that council.

    The Ninth Scribe
    Please show us one proposal or reconciliation plan that has been approved or instated by anyone that has come from you.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    Hmm. If I wanted to read a list of the work of the "Knights" of Allah, I'd go to Jihadunspun.
    Attacking US troops directly instead of schools and shoppers? Ahh well a change is as good as a rest.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

    Occupation: The term of control of a territory by foreign military forces: Iraq 2003-2005
    Liberation:when something or someone is freed: Operation Telic 2003
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq


    Great post!
    al-Qaida in Iraq

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ruggedtouch View Post
    Frisk them all at the door for bomb vests before letting them in.
    They won't need weapons. People use weapons when they feel threatened. People lie when they feel threatened. Suggest you find an Iraqi (just one) and pretend to be three separate people. The first, an American Republican. The second, a American Democrat and the third, a Muslim "extremist" (either Sunni or Shiite). The results of such a test might surprize you. In truth, the people are worn down, which is exactly what the DoD wanted from the start... and they mistrust everyone. Their answer (if you can fairly call it that), will be exactly what they expect you want to hear. To them, it is not questioning, they view it in the same context as interrogation. Experience has taught them that to say otherwise could cause them harm (they'll end up on someone's hit list). How can you have an election when the people can't even speak freely?

    The Ninth Scribe
    Last edited by Ninth_Scribe; 04-30-2007 at 03:41 PM.
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    They won't need weapons. People use weapons when they feel threatened. People lie when they feel threatened. Suggest you find an Iraqi (just one) and pretend to be three separate people. The first, an American Republican. The second, a American Democrat and the third, a Muslim "extremist" (either Sunni or Shiite). The results of such a test might surprize you. In truth, the people are worn down, which is exactly what the DoD wanted from the start... and they mistrust everyone. Their answer (if you can fairly call it that), will be exactly what they expect you want to hear. To them, it is not questioning, they view it in the same context as interrogation. Experience has taught them that to say otherwise could cause them harm (they'll end up on someone's hit list). How can you have an election when the people can't even speak freely?

    The Ninth Scribe

    So to his whole post which was probably one of the more comprehensive posts I have ever read on this site, this is all you have to say. A weak and vague paragraph about how a meeting might suprise someone and how the Iraqis only went to vote because that is what they thought would keep them off a hit list:enough!: You are truly remarkable how you dance around factual information and only listen or use what you find for your own side. Try using an open mind, otherwise you will always find yourself as the loser of any debate, arguement or conversation as you are shown to be here.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by MTAFFI View Post
    So to his whole post which was probably one of the more comprehensive posts I have ever read on this site, this is all you have to say. A weak and vague paragraph about how a meeting might suprise someone and how the Iraqis only went to vote because that is what they thought would keep them off a hit list:enough!: You are truly remarkable how you dance around factual information and only listen or use what you find for your own side. Try using an open mind, otherwise you will always find yourself as the loser of any debate, arguement or conversation as you are shown to be here.
    You are so predictable, throwing your judgments around as if you were Lord Fonteroy... but others have judgments too and I have listened to all parties concerned and appreciate their various complaints. From what I can tell, you'll not be satisfied until Islam (the whole of it) falls to it's knees and agrees with you. Just telling you the truth here, because you deserve that much - it will never happen. This war will be without an ending and all countries will suffer it's weight for generations to come, because regardless of what the Bush Administration has told it's people, these are not a small "handful of thugs" spattered around the four corners of the world and America is no more closer to Mission Accomplished than it was four years ago. You are witnessing an up-rising that is gathering momentum and strength.... especially in Iraq (both Sunni and Shia sects)! So much for your freedom theories. They are but two fingers away from raising the "Black Hand" but you know what's best, right? It's so easy for you.

    This isn't about winning and losing. It isn't a game. The days of scoring brownie points ended... and brownie points will not solve this problem anyway.
    I believe the Numb3rs speak for themselves. So sound off if it makes you feel better. Rant, Rave and come up with every name you can think of - but be careful... it all comes back to you, you know?

    You get what you give.

    The Ninth Scribe
    Last edited by Ninth_Scribe; 05-07-2007 at 04:15 PM.
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    You are so predictable, throwing your judgments around as if you were Lord Fonteroy... but others have judgments too and I have listened to all parties concerned and appreciate their various complaints. From what I can tell, you'll not be satisfied until Islam (the whole of it) falls to it's knees and agrees with you. Just telling you the truth here, because you deserve that much - it will never happen. This war will be without an ending and all countries will suffer it's weight for generations to come, because regardless of what the Bush Administration has told it's people, these are not a small "handful of thugs" spattered around the four corners of the world and America is no more closer to Mission Accomplished than it was four years ago. You are witnessing an up-rising that is gathering momentum and strength.... especially in Iraq (both Sunni and Shia sects)! So much for your freedom theories. They are but two fingers away from raising the "Black Hand" but you know what's best, right? It's so easy for you.

    This isn't about winning and losing. It isn't a game. The days of scoring brownie points ended... and brownie points will not solve this problem anyway.
    I believe the Numb3rs speak for themselves. So sound off if it makes you feel better. Rant, Rave and come up with every name you can think of - but be careful... it all comes back to you, you know?

    You get what you give.

    The Ninth Scribe
    First off, who did I judge? When did I ever make a judgement? I too listen to various parties and I respect their opinions or beliefs. Islam doesnt need to "fall to its knees" for me, as I dont believe that myself or my country is at war with Islam. We are at war with those who use Islam as an excuse, as should all practicing Muslims, and everyone else for that matter. You are right also, this war will be without ending, but what you dont understand is it isnt going to somehow profoundly effect me either. The fact that these people kill each other everyday by the hundreds has absolutely no effect on my life, other than I hate to see all those innocent people die. Also let me try to explain this to you again, we already won our "war" in Iraq. It was won when saddam was hanging like a rat from his rope, so you are wrong in that we are no closer than 4 years ago, because we won. Now as far as creating stability in Iraq, I would agree, there is nothing to accomplish there, I say pull out let them kill each other then when the terrorist group arises and takes the government we will have good reason to blow the whole country to pieces. I wonder how that black hand will stop that? Saddam sure couldnt when he was hiding in his hole. Also who is rising up? Is it Muslims everywhere? I am sure that many Muslims on this site can back me up and agree that this is not going on, unless you are talking about rising up against the extremists.

    You are right though, this isnt a game, thousands of Iraqis die every month, it surely isnt a game to them. When the US leaves who will be there to protect them?

    With all that said why dont you now go back and read ruggedtouch's post and actually respond to it? If it is because he is right, then lets see you tell him so, rather than respond to the only thing you can dig out of all that, that can help with your lousy point.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

    "War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by MTAFFI View Post
    We are at war with those who use Islam as an excuse, as should all practicing Muslims, and everyone else for that matter.
    The ones you accuse of using Islam as an excuse are the ones accusing America likewise... of using Democracy as an excuse. I'm not particularly interested in moderate Islam because they could care less which way the feather flies. I make it a point to study "radical" Islam because they are the ones who brought the complaints. Contrary to the Bush administration's assertion that these are small pockets of fighters, I've found their numb3rs to be somewhat awe inspiring. This is no small population! If we try to use warfare to deal with this, it will easily carry on for the next 100 years!

    I believe there are other ways to deal with this. That's all.

    The Ninth Scribe
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    The ones you accuse of using Islam as an excuse are the ones accusing America likewise... of using Democracy as an excuse.
    What did the US do to Muslims DIRECTLY to deserve 9/11? How did the US start this war? If you cannot answer those questions, then the US is not using democracy as an excuse. In fact the US needs no excuses, we were attacked and we have responded to those who pose a threat and who potentially were directly or indirectly involved in the attack, PERIOD. Radical Islam started this war, and eventually one way or another they will be destroyed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    I'm not particularly interested in moderate Islam because they could care less which way the feather flies. I make it a point to study "radical" Islam because they are the ones who brought the complaints.
    So you dont study "moderate" Islam, please tell me what that is exactly so I can get my ducks in a row before I respond to that. If it is what I think, then these people do care, they wish for peace with the west and dont condone that which goes against the holy Quran. Radical Islam is a joke and will be defeated.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Contrary to the Bush administration's assertion that these are small pockets of fighters, I've found their numb3rs to be somewhat awe inspiring. This is no small population! If we try to use warfare to deal with this, it will easily carry on for the next 100 years!
    So then you are saying that this is not the minority of Muslims? If this is the case then it is a us against them thing.... I dont think you would want this, especially if you are Muslim. A war with Muslims in the Middle east and here in the US would not be simple but it would definitely be feasible. The middle east could be obliterated within 6 months, and I mean everyone could die, and those in the US could be rounded up and also killed. It sounds savage, but from what you are saying all of the (or the majority of)Muslims hate the west and wont stop fighting us and will continue to violate the security of our nation, now I hate to say this but at some point there will be a line drawn, and enough will be enough. This will not continue for 100 years, there will be much bigger bombs dropped before that happens.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    I believe there are other ways to deal with this. That's all.

    The Ninth Scribe
    Like what?
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by MTAFFI View Post
    What did the US do to Muslims DIRECTLY to deserve 9/11? How did the US start this war? If you cannot answer those questions, then the US is not using democracy as an excuse.
    Don't have a lot of time to get into this, but from what I understand, and I didn't take them at their word (I've been double checking the records), the complaint is that we sold a ton of weapons to Israel that were used to harm innocent Muslims, and that's a pretty serious complaint. To get a jist of how serious it is, America is furious that Iran is selling weapons that are being used to kill Americans in Iraq. Both sides consider their complaints extremely serious, although I'm not sure both sides realize the complaints are identical. It's a mess... but that's what I have on this subject (in a nut-shell). Hope that helps.

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    Don't have a lot of time to get into this, but from what I understand, and I didn't take them at their word (I've been double checking the records), the complaint is that we sold a ton of weapons to Israel that were used to harm innocent Muslims, and that's a pretty serious complaint. To get a jist of how serious it is, America is furious that Iran is selling weapons that are being used to kill Americans in Iraq. Both sides consider their complaints extremely serious, although I'm not sure both sides realize the complaints are identical. It's a mess... but that's what I have on this subject (in a nut-shell). Hope that helps.

    The Ninth Scribe
    But that is indirect, the US sells weapons to Israel all the time, just like the soviets sell to Iran and so on and so on. So based on this information there was no right in the attack on the trade center. This attack is was sparked the war, it was not the US started this but extreme Muslims, now Muslims land is attacked for it, sounds reasonable to me
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    South Africa sells arms to Yeman...Yeman sells them on to the former Yugoslavia. The Yuoslavs use them to oppress the muslims (and to committ genocide before the USA and UK stepped in).

    Time to strap on the vests and head to Johannasberg?
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    "We used to be allies with Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussain" - Republican Ron Paul

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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama View Post
    "We used to be allies with Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussain" - Republican Ron Paul

    Your point being what? You're voting for Ron Paul?
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    America was a useful tool in those days for Bin Liner and Saddam, as a bulwark against the Great Satan. (i'm talking about the USSR)
    al-Qaida in Iraq

    Occupation: The term of control of a territory by foreign military forces: Iraq 2003-2005
    Liberation:when something or someone is freed: Operation Telic 2003
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by barney View Post
    America was a useful tool in those days for Bin Liner and Saddam, as a bulwark against the Great Satan. (i'm talking about the USSR)
    I doubt the U.S. even cared who or what Bin Laden was at the time of the Soviet/Afghan War. Anybody willing to cause trouble for the Soviets was considered a friend during the Cold War. Any accusation that the U.S. had some personal and involved relationship with Bin Laden is patently false. The U.S. supplied anti-Soviet fighters with weapons and money for years, as the Soviet Union did for our enemies.
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    "Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is."
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    Aye. Personally, I would have left em with Jezzails and Lee-Enfields.
    al-Qaida in Iraq

    Occupation: The term of control of a territory by foreign military forces: Iraq 2003-2005
    Liberation:when something or someone is freed: Operation Telic 2003
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    Re: al-Qaida in Iraq

    format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi View Post
    Your point being what? You're voting for Ron Paul?
    Yesterday's friends, today's enemies.

    Bin Laden and saddam don't go together at all. Saddam loved his secular rule and bin laden wanted kuffars out of Muslim lands, two totally different ideologies. Only the naive and ignorant believe US when it tries to link bin laden to saddam so pathetically.
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