6 points to note:-
1 there is a slight difference between pre-condition and condition. Pre-condition are required before the prayer. Hence naming it pre. Yet it is the same book. Compulsories and requirements are the same ‘wajibat’ I have used compulsories as it more common (I think). Obligatory are ‘fard’
2 the 3rd condition is not the age of ‘maturity’ but the age of recognition which is about 7 years in the hanbali mathab
3 the fourth condition point 10 mentions ‘it must be the proper time for it. This applies to those who have a constant state of ritual impurity (i.e. such as menstruating women), due to its obligation’. The menstruating women does not pray so the example is not correct – this is not in the Arabic text and not in the English explained translation (I presume). The example should be the Abnormal uterine bleeding which is called ‘isihada’ in Arabic.
4 the fourth condition in the nullification point 4 the word sexual is not in the Arabic. Also, you can break wudu without sexual desire for example just by touching the woman’s private part or a child’s private part (for cleaning) will break wudu as stated in some books of shafi mathab.
5 This is a draft copy. But for those who can, they can check for any mistakes with the Arabic Text which has full vowel marks checked with 2 Arabic books. Generally you will find a new line in the English Text every time there is a new line in the Arabic Text. This will allow you to follow both texts easy.
6 We would like to thank the original translator and may Allah reward him dearly.