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    The Way of the Believer
    Based on the book “Ni’matul-Istiqaama” by Shaykh Mahmood al-Masri

    Innal hamdalillah wa salaat wa salaam ‘alaa Rasoolillaah

    True strength often does not lie in one’s physique or muscle-power, but is almost always an issue going much deeper. Many are those who seem strong-willed and distinguished amongst people until there occurs at hand something which exposes their true reality, showing a weak and brittle state. Then there are those few individuals who may remain unknown to society, but who hold a high rank with their Lord. They may be seen to be weak and insignificant, but their reality is such that when Mankind is wandering in darkness and heedlessness, they never lose their path. Were the people to be enveloped in fear and hardship, these individuals would not flinch. Such is the power of having Istiqaama.

    lightening 1 - Istiqaama..

    What is Istiqaama?

    Istiqaama is often translated to mean ‘uprightness, correctness, integrity, soundness and so forth. It comes from the root word قام (qaama) meaning ‘to rise’ or ‘to stand upright’ and it’s from this that we derive words like مستقيم(mustaqeem) as in ‘Siraat al-Mustaqeem’ (Straight Path).

    For the believer, Istiqaama is a virtue and a caliber that cannot be done without. It’s a quality that we continually strive to attain although we may fail at times.

    In this age where fitaan (tribulations) have become widespread and open sin is the norm, many people have lost the istiqaama they once had in them – the strength to stay upon the straight path with firmness has escaped through their fingers.

    Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) mentions in Surah Fussilat,

    "إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا و لا تحزنوا
    و أبشروا بالجنة التى كنتم توعدون"

    “Verily, those who say ‘Our Lord is Allaah’ and then they istaqaamu (remain firm and straight), on them the angels will descend (at time of death) saying: ‘Fear not, nor grieve! But receive glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!” [Fussilat:30]

    He (subhaanahu) also says,

    "فاستقم كما أمرت و من تاب معك و لا تطغوا إنه بما تعملون بصير"
    “So stand you firm and straight as you are commanded – and those who turn in repentance with you, and transgress not. Verily, He is All-Seer of what you do.” [Surah Hud:112]

    The reward of istiqaama in this world is nothing other than Jannah as is mentioned in the first of the two verses above. It comes next to our declaration of Imaan in Allaah, and it is what will aid and strengthen our Tawheed (belief in Allaah). In addition to uprightness and firmness, istiqaama also entails leaving sin and avoiding transgression as Allaah said in the previous verse, “and transgress not” - making it part of the command given in the above ayah. Our istiqaama is not complete until and unless we stay within the boundaries set for us by Allaah through the Shari’ah (Islamic Law).

    In a beautiful hadeeth of the Prophet (s), it is related that Sufyan ibn ‘Abdullaah (ra) came to him and said, “O Messenger of Allaah! Tell me something about Islaam which I can ask of no-one except you.” He (s) said, “Say: I believe in Allaah and thereafter be upright [Sahih Muslim]

    As upholders of Islaam, we have to realise that developing this istiqaama within us, is a long-term process. It does not occur overnight or after listening to one lecture, but rather it’s a continuous struggle in which we may find ourselves failing more often than once.

    Istiqaama is in our words, actions, intentions, and state (our condition). It is what our character builds upon and it is what determines our destiny on the Day of Judgement.

    Throughout Islamic History, reflections of istiqaama have shone from great figures. The Prophets being at the forefront leading this world under the guidance of Allaah (s.w.t) were truly upon istiqaama. Calling a nation engrossed in disbelief and shirk is not easy when you are alone. How simple it must be for one to walk away at the first sign of rejection – but not the Prophets (alaihumusalaam). Allaah had kept them firm upon His path and established within them the istiqaama they needed to carry out such testing tasks. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s) were nurtured by the Qur’aan which not only changed them so drastically, but built them upon firmness and integrity. So great was their istiqaama and patience that horrific ordeals poured out on them was not enough to shake them or make them utter false statements. They were the ones who stood like towering blocks against the current of what surrounded them.

    Istiqaama is also needed during times of ease just as much as it would be needed during times of hardship. This is because when the heart begins to feel false security, ease and becomes arrogantly confident from the punishment of Allaah then this is a heart that has been exposed to fitnah (test), and has subsequently failed. It is during these periods that the masses start to suffer from forgetfulness. Their vision shifts from the Aakhira to the Dunya and so their actions begin to be ones done solely for attaining and reaping worldly benefits at the expense of their Deen. It is during these times that a person becomes blind to their sins, and therefore hardly sees a need for repentance – increasing one's outstanding punishment. Istiqaama however, doesn’t allow a person to be as easily misled as that. It prevents a person from occupying such weakness in their Islaam, and keeps their heart and feet planted firmly upon the Straight Path. It serves as the distinguishing factor which keeps them firm and focused whether in hardship or in ease.

    This is why the pious predecessors feared for themselves when they experienced prolonged periods of ease and comfort in their lives - they feared that any due punishment or atonement for sin had been delayed for the hereafter, where every reward or punishment increases in magnitude and length.

    Istiqaama of the Heart

    Ibn Rajab (rahimahullaah) said, “The root of istiqaama lies with the heart being firm upon Tawheed.”

    Having correct Tawheed is essential in every minute and detailed aspect of a person’s Islaam – recognizing Allaah as our Lord and Creator. Dedicating all our worship to Him Alone and purifying our belief in Him. Learning to love Him, having fear of His punishment and having hope for His reward. Learning to have Tawakkal (reliance) upon Him and making sure to negate and reject all other false deities, as Abu Bakr (ra) was once asked, ‘what is istiqaama?’ he replied by saying, “It is to not associate partners with Allaah and by this he meant that one’s istiqaama is based on sincere and correct Tawheed.

    The heart been at the center of the life is often the driving force for many of our actions. This is why the Prophet (s) said, “Verily, in the body is a morsel of flesh, were it to be upright, then the whole body would be upright and were it to be corrupt then the whole body would corrupt. Verily, it is the heart.”

    Therefore, it can only follow that a heart established upon Tawheed will order and call for righteous actions to be performed. Ibn Rajab (rh) called the heart ‘King of the body’ in that it is obeyed and naturally followed.

    Quran - Istiqaama..

    Some sayings of the Salaf regarding Istiqaama

    Different scholars and righteous figures from Islamic History have given several statements and advise regarding Istiqaama.

    Mujahid: Be upright and stand firm on laa ilaaha illallaah until you meet Allaah.

    Ali ibn Abee Taalib and Ibn Abbaas (radi Allaahu ‘anhumaa): Istiqaama means to carry out the faraa’idh (obligations in Islaam).

    ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan (ra): It is to purify your actions for Allaah, i.e. to be sincere in deeds.

    Al-Hasan al-Basri: Be firm and upright upon the commands of Allaah, work to His obedience and keep away from His disobedience

    Ibn al-Qayyim mentions that some knowledgeable people would say, “Be the companion of Istiqaama and not the seeker of respect and nobility [amongst the people], because your soul seeks this respect and nobility while Allaah has called it to seek Istiqaama.” He (rahimahullaah) also said, ‘I heard Ibn Taymiyyah say, “The greatest nobility lies in the presence and requirement of Istiqaama”

    To conclude, this is the Istiqaama that we so ardently need in order to safeguard our Deen, make it out of this Dunya and arrive safely in the Aakhira. It is what will aid us against our enemies, against Shaytaan and his army and it is also what will help us make strong and wise decisions throughout our lives, and remain firm upon them.

    “Verily, those who say ‘Our Lord is Allaah’ and thereafter remain firm and straight (istaqaamu), on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Such shall be the dwellers of Paradise abiding therein – a reward for what they used to do.” [Al-Ahqaaf: 13-14]

    We ask Allaah to bestow upon us His Grace, forgive us of our sins and plant our hearts firmly upon the Word of Truth (the Shahaadah). May He give us the Istiqaama we need to face the challenges of life, and live up to the title of being Muslims. Ameen

    Anything good I’ve said is from Allaah due to His never-ending Mercy and Grace. Anything wrong I’ve said is from me and Shaytaan.

    [How to attain Istiqaama - To be continued Insha'Allaah]
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 06-03-2006 at 10:09 PM.
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    Re: Istiqaama..

    Attaining Istiqaama

    Istiqaama is an acquired characteristic and unlike the fitrah, we are not born with it. So how does one attain this great virtue? Below are some of the many ways which will aid us Inshaa’Allaah.

    • Holding oneself firmly to Allaah (أعتصام با لله)
    This is the greatest of ways to achieve firmness in one’s Deen - building a relationship with Allaah and being on guard so that the link between us and our Lord is not severed by our sins. Know that guidance is from Allaah and our hearts are in between the two fingers of Allaah – He turns it to any direction He wills.

    " يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا على دينك "
    “O over-turner of hearts, make our heart firm on Your Deen”

    § Race to the obedience of Allaah

    Allaah says in the Qur’aan,

    " و سارعوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم و جنة عرضها السموات و الأرض أعدت للمتقين "

    “And race to forgiveness from your Lord, and to Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.” [3:133]

    He, tabaaraka wa ta’aala also mentions in Surah Baqarah,

    " فاستبقوا الخيرات "

    “So hasten towards all that is good” [verse 148]

    The heart that knows it hasn’t got long to live can never be content with doing little. The ones who raced to do good in the life of this world will be granted –on the Day of Judgement- a light which will in turn race ahead of them.

    " يوم ترى المؤمنين و المؤمنات يسعى نورهم بين أيديهم و بأيمانهم بشراكم اليوم جناتُ تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها ذلك هو الفوز العظيم "

    “On the Day you shall see the believing men and women – their light running forward before them and by their right hands. Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Truly, this is the great success.” [Qur’aan 57:12]

    Those who raced to righteous deeds in their lives will race towards Paradise in the hereafter, as our Lord (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) informs,

    " و السابقون السابقون
    أولـئك المقربون "

    “And those foremost (in faith and good deeds) will be foremost (in Paradise)
    These will be those nearest to Allaah” [Waqi'ah]

    § Living by the Qur’aan

    The importance of this needs little mention. As one knowledgeable person said, ‘If you want to see your standing with Allaah, look to your standing with the Book of Allaah’ and just as it is important to live by the Qur’aan (laws, commands, prohibitions etc), it is equally important to live with the Qur’aan – turning to it for advise and keeping it as our close companion in this world.

    § Sincerity and struggling against the soul

    " و الذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا و إن الله لمع المحسنين "

    As for those who strive hard in Us (Our cause), We will surely guide them to our path. And verily, Allah us with the Muhsineen (good doers)” [29:69]

    Lack of sincerity has no fruitful outcome. In fact insincerity which is not repented from often results in misguidance. This ties in with struggling and striving – particular against the nafs (soul) because the very nature of the nafs is that it commands evil and the following of false desires. The sincere believer realizes that no matter how high they may reach in Imaan and Taqwa, continuous struggle is needed to tame the nafs – so that it is under his or her command and control and not vice versa.

    § Seeking knowledge and Da’wah

    Allaah says in the Qur’aan,

    " إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء "

    It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allaah” [35:28]

    As one increases in knowledge, they will soon see an increase in their Taqwa and subsequently in their Istiqaama. Whoever seeks knowledge, gains it, acts according to it and with it calls people to Allaah – then such a person has indeed been guided by his Lord, ‘azza wa jall, and this is from the greatest ways of building one’s istiqaama and maintaining it.

    § Righteous Companions

    The search for good companions never stops in the life of the believer. Righteous friends who help one to remember Allaah act as a fortress from the evil of society that one may live in. This is why the Prophet (s) said, “A person is upon the deen of his friend, so let each one of you look to whom you befriend”. Building a better character within one’s self or acquiring a righteous trait is not easy, but if we surround ourselves with people who already have these instilled in them then Inshaa’Allah by the will of Allah it’ll ease the way.

    § Du’a

    Although the last point, this is something that should have been at the beginning, middle and end. It is an on-going act without which a person hardly gains or increases in rank. Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) loves to see His slave call out to Him, and He loves to answer the cries of the believers. Istiqaama, like many other righteous virtues is not something that can be attained by anyone and everyone. It is a blessing with which Allaah keeps firm those whom He wishes, and keeps them guided. The believer recognizes this and thus never stops asking for it.

    May Allaah, ‘azza wa jall, help us implement the good.

    May He give us the sight to distinguish between right and wrong, and the strength to follow the right despite the difficulties. Ameen

    Anything good I’ve said is from Allaah and anything wrong I’ve said is from me and Shaytaan.

    Last edited by - Qatada -; 06-03-2006 at 10:10 PM.
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    Re: Istiqaama..

    Masha Allâh.. Jazak Allâhu khayr wa barak Allâhu fîk akhî.. Did you write this yourself?

    أم ذي عينين كبيرين

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    Re: Istiqaama..

    i got it off another forum alhamdulillah.

    its got alot of beneficial posts, so you might want to check it out insha'Allaah.


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    Re: Istiqaama..

    mshallah very benificial read
    and jaza kallahu khiran fid darain
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    Re: Istiqaama..

    jazaak Allah Brother for the beneficial sharing.


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    Re: Istiqaama..

    jazakallahkaier my brother very good indded to read worth it.
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