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Women going out shopping

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    Women going out shopping (OP)

    Women going out shopping

    Question: Me and my wife go out to the market to buy necessary items for her or the house, and she comes out with me completely covered, and all praise is due to Allaah (alone), and she does not speak to any of the traders (shop owners and assistants). So is there any sin in her coming out (like this) or not? (Please) advise me.

    Response: There is no harm in a woman going out to buy necessary items from the market if she has no-one who is able to do this on her behalf, so long as she is completely covered and remains away from mixing with the men and unnecessarily talking to them. And if she has a man from amongst her mahrams with her, then that is more complete and better.

    However, if there is someone who can buy these necessary items on her behalf, then there is no need for her to go out for that which exists therein of fitnah and danger, especially in this day and age in which fitnah has increased and humility and mutual respect has decreased - except upon those whom Allaah has shown Mercy to. So it is obligatory for a woman to remain in her home as much as she is able to, as He (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:

    {And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…}, Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah 33


    Shaykh Ibn Fowzaan
    al-Muntaqaa min Fataawa Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan - Volume 3, Page 294, Fatwa No.430
    Women going out shopping

    In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. By the time! Verily mankind is at loss – except for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, and advise one another towards the truth and advise one another towards patience.

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    Re: Women going out shopping

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah View Post

    so what, a woman who goes on a bus by herself, or goes to visit her friend is loose? I'd hate to see what you deem as ****ty. Dare i say going on a train alone possiably? Ooh, maybe even going out for some halal takeway!

    i wonder what 'islamic' opinion will be thrown up next. Regulations on how to breathe maybe, that will ensure that the male population dont loose all senses and fit into a sexual frenzy.


    I'm tired of so much sexism in this world. Like a male ain't equally as fitnah inflicted as females.....Allah has made the man and female equal, except a fe differences which are completely logical, and Islam is logical!

    "The woman is like a rib; if you try to straighten her, she will break. So if you want to get benefit from her, do so while she still has some crookedness."[Sahih Bukhari, Arabic-English translation, vol. VII Hadith No. 113.]

    P.s Well done bro Iqram for being the only sane minded male in this thread and for not trashing us sisters and making offensive, sweeping generalisations as so many of our brothers love to do
    lol that's no problem
    Last edited by afriend; 08-11-2006 at 11:18 PM.

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah View Post
    P.s Well done bro Iqram for being the only sane minded male in this thread and for not trashing us sisters and making offensive, sweeping generalisations as so many of our brothers love to do.
    Now now sis, thats a generalisation of the brothers I'm sure they aren't trying to offend us.
    And how can u oppose an ayah in the quran? It is better for us women to stay in our homes - not to suppress us but to protect us. There is wisdom behind everything and allahu a'lam.

  5. #83
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram View Post
    I'm tired of so much sexism in this world. Like a male ain't equally as fitnah inflicted as females.....Allah has made the man and female equal, except a fe differences which are completely logical, and Islam is logical!
    your not the only one thats tired bro. Im sick of men and women telling me that im somehow some sort of temptress who's out to make all the good men 'stray' from righteousness. Anyone would think that us women had our tongues licking on our lips, saying with a sultry voice " come here my pretty boys"


    the amount of demonisation of women that takes place amongst us is unbelieveable. Our brothers are so quick to pipe out how islam libeartes women- which it did, but get habour all this negative views about women.

    One thing that is essetianl in all relationships, whether its with our spouses, relatives or children is TRUST! Its a concept which many have failed to understand. At the end of the day, if your wife is god fearing and you trust them, you wont be suspicious and need tabs on everymove they make. I dont know, but i see that with my parents and they've been married for over 25yrs. Never has once my father ever doubted my mother and never needs to 'check up' on her, or escort her every move or asks my mum to call up for permission to leave the house. Why? Because he compleatly TRUSTS her and alhmdualiah my mother is a god concious women.

    Maybe some men feel they need to act like hawks with their wives and think thats its somehow more religious or mainly to behave in that way, when infact it isnt. I might not be able to rectify the attutides of some men, but i certainly will make du'a that i am not cursed into marrying such a man, for life would be hell if i did.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram View Post
    There was this saying, I'm not sure who by, but it's like this:

    Women are made from the rib of man, they are crooked by nature, if u try to straighten them, they will break and some other parts which i've temporarily forgotten.
    i always thought that was a hadith. I'll check up inshallah to make sure.

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Asma1 View Post
    Now now sis, thats a generalisation of the brothers I'm sure they aren't trying to offend us.
    And how can u oppose an ayah in the quran? It is better for us women to stay in our homes - not to suppress us but to protect us. There is wisdom behind everything and allahu a'lam.
    who said i opposed the ayah? Its funny how people are quick to label others and assume that somehow they are rejecting the words of allah s.w.t

    What i oppose is people taking ayats out of context and then using them to justify their oppressive actions towards women. I know what the ayat means and it does not mean: lock up your women indoors, which is how it tends to be translated into actions. And that somehow if a woman goes out, say to meet her friends, goes to the gym, shopping, travels on the public transport system/or car, that she is 'floosy'= loose.

    Protection comes from allah s.w.t and him alone, wherver you are. Don't think that somehow by being at home, that your out of compleate harms way. I remeber quite clearly how during the civil war in my own country how women were raped inside their own homes sis, so dont think that the the walls, bricks and motar will protect you, because they are nothing!

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    Durrah, if a woman is dressed Islamically and modestly there is no harm in leaving the house for her.
    It's not about trusting her it is about protecting her for her own sake.
    And Brother Iqram, women staying in the home isn't just someone's opinion, we are advised to do so in the Qur'an and Allah's book is far from sexist.
    Women going out shopping

    Oh Mankind! What keeps you from your Lord most Generous?

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    Actually, if u read what was before that ayah, you will be surptised to see:

    O wives of the Prophet! you are not like any other of the women; If you will be on your guard, then be not soft in (your) speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn; and speak a good word. And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

    This is directed to the wives of the prophet [SAW]

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah View Post

    Protection comes from allah s.w.t and him alone, wherver you are. Don't think that somehow by being at home, that your out of compleate harms way. I remeber quite clearly how during the civil war in my own country how women were raped inside their own homes sis, so dont think that the the walls, bricks and motar will protect you, because they are nothing!
    So? That doesn't mean we place ourselves in harms way. If you want to go out sis then by all means do so. There is no need to get worked up. The Brothers gave us some advice and you are free to have your own oppinion. Remember there is no compulsion in religion. If you don't like their advice then either say so politely or remain silent. There is no point in arguing against fellow muslims. And you create a bad impression of yourself by doing so.
    Women going out shopping

    Oh Mankind! What keeps you from your Lord most Generous?

    1stprize 1 - Women going out shopping

    There is no Hand but the Hand of Allah is over it, and
    There is no Opressor but he is tried with a Greater Opression.

  11. #88
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram View Post
    Actually, if u read what was before that ayah, you will be surptised to see:

    O wives of the Prophet! you are not like any other of the women; If you will be on your guard, then be not soft in (your) speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn; and speak a good word. And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

    This is directed to the wives of the prophet [SAW]
    Yes and we should follow the example set by the wives of the prophets.
    Women going out shopping

    Oh Mankind! What keeps you from your Lord most Generous?

    1stprize 1 - Women going out shopping

    There is no Hand but the Hand of Allah is over it, and
    There is no Opressor but he is tried with a Greater Opression.

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    Yes, Allah also says:

    you are not like any other of the women

    So you can't force it upon every woman Annoying cos this has been refuted in the previous pages....

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ayesha Rana View Post
    Durrah, if a woman is dressed Islamically and modestly there is no harm in leaving the house for her.
    Im well aware of that sister and that is sahih. But in the minds of some, modest dress or no modest dress, going out of the house, unless your on a ambulance stretcher is a no-no. I've seen how men twist the words of allah s.w.t and their context to do thing which by and large are not islamic.

    One example (and this is not hearsay): theres 2 brothers i know of. Both have only 1 set of keys which belongs to them. As soon as they go to work in the morning (8/9am) they lock the door shut.

    -Have their wives got a set of keys? NO! So the wives are physically in their houses till their husbands come home, which is around 6pm.

    -If the house catches fire, could they get out with their babies? NO, because their front door is locked and they dont have a set of keys

    -If someone breaks in the back window, can they run out the front door? NO, because its locked and they dont have set of keys

    -If they need to go GP for health reasons, can they walk out with their kids and pop down to the GP sugery? NO (and GP's usually close at 5/6pm), why? yes thats right, because they dont have a set of keys.

    -If the food runs out and they need to replenish a few grocries, can they go out to the shops? NO.......... you know why!

    How do these brothers justify their actions?

    {And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…}, Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah 33

  15. #91
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ayesha Rana View Post
    So? That doesn't mean we place ourselves in harms way. If you want to go out sis then by all means do so. There is no need to get worked up. The Brothers gave us some advice and you are free to have your own oppinion. Remember there is no compulsion in religion. If you don't like their advice then either say so politely or remain silent. There is no point in arguing against fellow muslims. And you create a bad impression of yourself by doing so.
    If only it was being presented as 'advice' sister, i would have no problem, but its not, its being presented as a ruling that we are being told that we supposed to abide by. Maybe those rulings work fine in socities like saudi, where a women can't drive or walk a few miles without an escort but not here.

    secondly, im not worked up and neither have i been rude. Just because i am slightly passionate about ceratin topics, doesnt mean im being rude. If i have come across that way and you feel that i spoken in that manner towards you, then i apoligise.

    thridly, the only people that are creating a bad impression are the brothers and sisters who have negative attiudies towards their sisters (and justify it through so-called relgious behaviour)

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    Iqram bro i'm surprised you're being all emotional and accusing others of sexism subhanallah... Mind you it was a sister who posted it, are you accusing her of being a self-hating sister?

    And Durrah... if you disagree with the ruling, instead of being all fuzzy... refute a verse with a verse, hadith with hadith and so on... you're not making any point by just lashing it out at people based on what you think...

    Women going out shopping


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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram View Post
    Yes, Allah also says:

    you are not like any other of the women

    So you can't force it upon every woman Annoying cos this has been refuted in the previous pages....

    Please correct me if Im wrong, but all I know isnt it the wifes of Rasulullah shalalahu alaihi wasallam is the best example for women in how they behave in society. If they stay at home and they stay at home, and theyre the best example for you women. But do U think just because of the ayah then they just stayed at home till they dead? Is it possible? You better search the tafseer, or maybe someone can tell us the tafseer from Ibn Katheer or Qurthubi about this matter. About the tafseer of the ayah, so we may not tafseer with our own understanding or interpretaion and following our nafs. Allahu a'lam. And also the same to men, whatever order to Rasulullah then its also for us, there are many hadiths about orders to Rasulullah and its become hukm for us too. And especially for women then make ummul mu'minin as your idol, then you can life safely insha Allah. And about the ayah, then look at tafseer insha Allah. I havent check.

    And I wrote my opinion was NOT to offend someones feeling. Of course if one woman have to go out to take/buy something that she really need and no other way that she has to go alone, and then she have to go by bus then its darurah, shes in emergency situation right. As long as she has no choice except taking the bus. AS we already know that in busses its ikhtilat, mixing between men and women, and if she wanna be more saver then take the taxy instead. Its Easy and dont make dien harder, its easy if you wanna think more about the problem solver, just HAVE to be more aware of the situation, thats all.

    And also, DONT TRUST YOUR SELF TOO MUCH, now you can say "Im not a men flirter, no way I will look at those men or I will act to them freely", masha Allah, Allah said "laa taqrobuz zinaa" and that means we have to be aware of the doors that can lead us to zinaa, and why women better to stay at home, cause hadith "when women go out of the house, then syaithon will follow her". And then this syaithon will make every mens eyes to the women and they will make everyting looked pretty on the mens veiwing. So its best women to stay at home, the best to them self and also its saver to the men around her. And also if you are too sure about your self, then we know that Allah muqallibal quluub, if our heart is in Islam, who can goarantee we will have the same heart when we dead later? Or maybe tonight or one minute from now? We cant goarantee cause Allah muqallibal quluub. So thats why its sunnah to say "Allahumman yaa muqallibal quluub, thabit qulubanaa 'alaa thoatik", means yaa Allah who often turn around the heart, please make our heart stronger to obey you". (please make the correction better insha Allah since Im not english)

    And may not think that Islam is hard to be practised, cause maybe its our conceit that we hardly can understand what Islam teaching us cause its against our passion. Allahu a'lam.
    Last edited by Dhulqarnaeen; 08-12-2006 at 09:41 AM.
    Women going out shopping

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram View Post
    So women should be locked up inside their homes UNLESS it's for something they need.....Never go to have a bit of leisure time [in limits] or something like that.....perhaps that's how it is in Saudi, but there is no harm if a woman covers herself and walks the streets with modesty to go somewhere nice......That should be suspected over??

    All I can say is some people are shadeed to the point where there are no limits....

    A woman is a human being for God's sake! Islam is the liberator of women...By keeping them locked up in their homes is no liberation.....And I KNOW islam is definately not unreasonable......
    good post brother..some Muslims think even a squeak coming out of a woman is haraam..that she should only go out with her husband and if hes not around just lock herself at home presumably cooking food for a bunch of kids.
    Women going out shopping

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Mu'minah View Post
    It is not matter of locking up women in their houses. It is a matter of them following the commandment of the Quran.

    And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…, Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah 33

    If it is necessary for the sister to go out then she can do so! She has ever right. But she should not make a display of herself and cause fitnah…

    that verse applies ONLY to the Mothers of the Faithful ..ie the wives of Prophet Muhammed peace and blessings be upon them all.
    Women going out shopping

    All of them worship out of fear of fire
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    or so they may dwell in the gardens , and reach to the meadows of paradise and there drink from its rivers
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    ^^ sis this thread isn't about what certain Muslims do or don't do.. it's about what Allah tells us to do...

    Iqram why don't you just explain things with evidence instead of going off your rocker like that...

    Here's a bit of a help for you... We know that Allah revealed that verse about staying at home right? But we also know that the prophet use to (almost always) do a draw between his wives and take one of his wives to accompany him on an expedition he'd go to....

    also from what sis amirah mentioned about his wives visiting him during the night...

    and also.. the hadith of the prophet which states that Islam will rule all over, to th epoint that a Woman will leave her home and travel abroad fearing no one but Allah (i.e. all alone)....

    What that implies is, the verse doesn't mean at all "Stick yourself home, don't squeak (as scents of jannah put it) and don't do anything else"... It's a recomendation...

    Maybe you should also pull off another 'mens liberlisation argument' about the hadith which says that we shouldn't go out during the 'dhaheerah' because the shayateen are out and about during that time.... so what u gonna say? "How dare the prophet lock men up inside thier homes during that time unless its for something they need?" and "How dare the prophet repremand his companions from hanging out on the street?" ("just because they didn't have any need to be there") ??

    Fear Allah guys.. honestly it's a big thing to go yelling and accusing people of things just because they quoted a verse or two! And learn how to put things into perspective for gods sake...

    And iqram if you're going to be like that... quote me one single place where any brother said women should be locked in their homes unless its for a need? I'm pretty sure the brothers with evidence here agree that she's got all the right to go visit sisters and learn and go tot he Masjid etc etc etc....

    If there are any Muslim males who believe that women should be caged in their homes and not even 'squeak', then all the worst to them, but don't go painting that image on to me or whoever else without proof.
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by scentsofjannah View Post
    that verse applies ONLY to the Mothers of the Faithful ..ie the wives of Prophet Muhammed peace and blessings be upon them all.
    where's your proof for that? have you read my response to Ameen who also pulled off that argument..
    all thebest
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah View Post

    your not the only one thats tired bro. Im sick of men and women telling me that im somehow some sort of temptress who's out to make all the good men 'stray' from righteousness. Anyone would think that us women had our tongues licking on our lips, saying with a sultry voice " come here my pretty boys"


    the amount of demonisation of women that takes place amongst us is unbelieveable. Our brothers are so quick to pipe out how islam libeartes women- which it did, but get habour all this negative views about women.

    One thing that is essetianl in all relationships, whether its with our spouses, relatives or children is TRUST! Its a concept which many have failed to understand. At the end of the day, if your wife is god fearing and you trust them, you wont be suspicious and need tabs on everymove they make. I dont know, but i see that with my parents and they've been married for over 25yrs. Never has once my father ever doubted my mother and never needs to 'check up' on her, or escort her every move or asks my mum to call up for permission to leave the house. Why? Because he compleatly TRUSTS her and alhmdualiah my mother is a god concious women.

    Maybe some men feel they need to act like hawks with their wives and think thats its somehow more religious or mainly to behave in that way, when infact it isnt. I might not be able to rectify the attutides of some men, but i certainly will make du'a that i am not cursed into marrying such a man, for life would be hell if i did.

    i always thought that was a hadith. I'll check up inshallah to make sure.
    great post sis

    I'm very worried about this too..Muslims seem to be mixing Islam with their own culture then they push that down our throats as authentic Islam.

    Women can go anywhere provided they don't TRANGRESS the limits.

    Men can go anywhere provided they DONT transgress the limits

    Its as simple as that.There are no different laws for women and different laws for men...both have to guard their bodies, and act responsibly.
    Women going out shopping

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    Re: Women going out shopping

    ^^ The prophet repremanded his companions from sitting on the street with nothing to do.... so there's more to it than just going out whenever you want for no reason.

    Alhamdulilah he was telling that to the male companions, if he said that to female companions i bet we'd have a protest here

    Women going out shopping


    ليس بعلم ما حواه القمطر، ماالعلم إلا ما وعاه الصدر
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    Re: Women going out shopping

    format_quote Originally Posted by lolwatever View Post
    where's your proof for that? have you read my response to Ameen who also pulled off that argument..
    all thebest

    Yes that verse was specifically addressed to the Mothers of the Faithful (May Allah be pleased with them all)

    Its not addressed to me or any ordinary women.

    do you even know there are verses in the Qur'an addressed to the Mothers of the Faithful that tells them to speak from behind a partition??

    and do you even know there are verses that tell them not to take OTHER HUSBANDS after the death of Prophet Muhammed? peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

    Now tell me which Muslim Women will agree to that?? If they say the verses addressed to the Mothers of the faithful apply to us ordinary women too then the above verses also apply to them according to their logic.

    Women going out shopping

    All of them worship out of fear of fire
    and consider deliverance abundant good fortune
    or so they may dwell in the gardens , and reach to the meadows of paradise and there drink from its rivers
    of gardens or fire i have no opinion
    I seek no exchange for my Dearest Love

    Rabia Al Adawiya

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