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Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician (OP)

    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Author: Shaykh Waheed Abdus-Salaam Baalee
    Source: The Clear Path Translator: Abu Hibbaan and Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

    Published: Saturday 29th October, 2005

    If the characteristics mentioned below are recognised in a person who attempts to heal someone, and if he possesses them then one should be certain that such a person is a magician.
    1. The magician asks the name of the ill person and the name of the mother.
    2. The magician requests some form of clothes of the ill person for example, shirt, hat or handkerchief.
    3. Sometimes the magician requests an animal that he sacrifices without reciting "Bismillah (Begining in the name of Allaah)." then he rubs the blood of the animal on the person's body and he throws the rest on uninhabited land.
    4. The magician writes spells and talismans (ta'weez).
    5. The magician recites the spells and talisman that cannot be understood by normal people.
    6. The magician gives the patient a veil that has boxes and the boxes contain numbers or letters.
    7. The magician orders the patient to seclude himself from the people for a specific period and to lock himself in a room where sunlight cannot reach him.
    8. The magician sometimes asks the patient not to touch water for a specific period which is normally forty (40) days. And this sign is clear evidence that the Jinn the magician uses are Christian.
    9. The magician gives the patient some things that he needs to bury in the ground.
    10. He gives the patient some papers that he needs to burn and inhale the smoke from the burning paper.
    11. He may chant or murmur in a tongue or language that nobody understands.
    12. The magician sometimes tells the patient his name, the name of his city and the reason for his visit, all as soon as he sees him.
    13. The magician gives the patient a piece of paper or a plate with some letters inscribed on it, and the patient has to mix it with water and drink it.
    If you see a single sign from these signs in a person and you become certain he is a magician then do not go to him otherwise the statement of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) will apply to you:
    "Whoever visited a fortune teller and believed in what was said to him then he has disbelieved in the religion revealed to Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)." [This hadeeth with its supports is Hasan, and Bazzaar, Ahmad and Haakim have narrated it. See also Saheeh al-Jaami (no.5939)]
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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    Malaikah: do you mean healed by the black magic? It is an illusion... for example there was a story where the wife of one of the men from the early generations of Islam was using one of those amulet things to cure her twitching eye. That is haram, of course, (it was a non-religious, non-sunnah one), but it worked, and she told her husband if it was haram why does it work (or something like that...). He replied to her that there was probably a devil who used to poke her eye or something and cause it to twitch, and when she got the amulet he stopped doing it to trick her into committing shirk.
    Me: Now that is a real eye-opener. JazakAllah.
    I've had some second thoughts about this. I can understand a devil poking someone's eye and a majician telling it to go away etc.. But cancer isn't caused by the devils, so a majician can't tell it to go away. Hence, spiritual healing hasn't anything to do with majic.

    also when someone flies or does whatever, you should just say so what? because its defo gona be a magic trick done with jinns or something
    yeh, ok. I'll shrug and say, "So what! It's not big deal!" lol
    But somethings can't be explained by science, yet don't involve majic. For instance it could be a case of mind over matter. The Tibetan monks know a mental exercise by which they can make themselves feel warm in the cold climate, despite wearing minimal clothing. Also in Psychokinesis mental force (remote mental influence) can be used to move objects etc. It's simply learning how to manipulate energy just as a remote control for a TV.

    I feel that as these things are not understood they are usually deemed haram and associated with jinns. But I don't believe that to be the case always.

    Jinns don't go around doing favours for people. A jinns needs to be brought under control by a majician and that is not easy to achieve. They will try their best to resist capture. People have tried and some have been killed doing that (by jinns scaring the life out of them).

    Healing can also be done by laying of hands on a patient. A healer transfers his/her energy into the patient. The is no such thing or belief in Islam, yet scientifically it is possible. I believe that because muslims are so behind in science that they have difficulty understanding these phenomenas. But really they are explainable.

    Now this depends on the intention, if its a scientific cure that you hammer some nails in a plank of wood to get rid of the toothache. Then that may be okay.

    However, if the person is saying that hammering the plank of wood with nails is part of the ruqya, spiritual healing - then that is dangerous since that isn't in accordance with the Sunnah (unless proved otherwise.)
    Firstly, spiritual healing has got nothing to do with spirits. It means that when the body is ill, the soul is affected. Illness occurs when the balance of lights in the aura are reduced or in excess - distorting the balance. That's when colour therapy works. The treatment for cancer combines colour therapy to balance the reduction of the colour red lacking in the in the aura.

    The taweez written by red food colour are drank by the patient. Why red? Again this is to stop the cancer attacking the red blood cells and attacking the red colour which is empty of nutrients. The lack of nutrients means the cancer starts dying, while the red blood cells are left alone to grow. How is the cancer confused to attack the food colour and not the cells? I believe that is with the isms of Allah subhana wa ta'ala writen in the taweez.

    Therefore, my understanding of spiritual healing is that it it largely scientific and not majic by any means. Jinns or majic cannot cure cancer or any illness, except poking someone in the eye I suppose.

    Islam recommeneds certain things for cures. But that is a collective recommendation for the Ummah. I find it hard to believe that an individual coming up with different cures might be going against the shariah when there is nothing haram involved in what they are doing.

    True spiritual healers never practice anything untoward and they never charge for their services. To me spiritual healing is just treating the body and soul which althought not proven by science, consist of scientific elements. With any healing, using Allah's name for blessings cannot be haram.

    some pics of the human aura
    photos bottom - Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician
    Last edited by Snowflake; 05-01-2007 at 09:04 AM. Reason: http://auracam.com/images/photos-bottom.jpg
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Jinns don't go around doing favours for people. A jinns needs to be brought under control by a majician and that is not easy to achieve. They will try their best to resist capture. People have tried and some have been killed doing that (by jinns scaring the life out of them).

    To the best of my knowledge, it is the magician who becomes under the control of jinn- the jinns get them to do some nasty stuff before they help them, the worst of which being shirk.

    The taweez written by red food colour are drank by the patient. Why red? Again this is to stop the cancer attacking the red blood cells and attacking the red colour which is empty of nutrients. The lack of nutrients means the cancer starts dying, while the red blood cells are left alone to grow. How is the cancer confused to attack the food colour and not the cells? I believe that is with the isms of Allah subhana wa ta'ala writen in the taweez.
    Are you saying that people actually use red food colour to write something thinking that it is going to be off help as part of this spiritual healing thing?

    That sounds extremely haram to me... it might not be black magic, but it sounds like shirk if this is meant to be some kind of religious style healing thing. Mixing religious healing with some kind of colour superstition all in one... it just doesn't sound right, the healing comes from the trust in Allah and the proper use of Quran/names of Allah and other God related things, not from colour.

    (p.s. from a scientific point of view that explanation makes no sense at all! Is the theory based only on the fact that red blood cells and red dye share the colour? Cell in the body don't interact with blood cells because they are red, it is a complex chemical process...)

    The treatment for cancer combines colour therapy to balance the reduction of the colour red lacking in the in the aura.
    There is no light inside the body, therefore there is no colour. There is nothing scientific about this .

    Chromotherapy has been highly controversial, due to the fact that it does not follow the scientific method and can be categorized as a pseudo-science. At best the idea that chromotherapy works could be described by the scientific community as a hypothesis, but it has not been tested or proven that introducing colors is actually healing these people.

    Chromotherapy doesn't satisfy either the falsifiability or verifiablity conditions needed to deem an experiment valid. There are many other things besides a color of a chakra being out of line that could cause an illness and therefore cause the chromotherapy treatment not to work. There are also many other reasons why someone would get better, such as proper rest, relaxation, use of other forms of treatment simultaeously etc, that would make the chromotherapy appear to work when it actually doesn't.

    In order for chromotherapy to be proved as scientifically viable, there would need to be some sort of control used in these experiments. Chromotherapy ignores cases that don't work and treats any successful case as proof that it does work. In a scientific experiment this kind of reasoning would not work. The cases that don't work must be given as much weight as those cases that do in proving the effectiveness of chromotherapy. Having a control group would also prevent against the placebo effect, which could definitely be a contributing factor in patients using chromotherapy. (Carey, 2004)


    Muslimah_sis, you really need to check out the links that Al Madani provided...
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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  5. #43
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


    To the best of my knowledge, it is the magician who becomes under the control of jinn- the jinns get them to do some nasty stuff before they help them, the worst of which being shirk.
    Not necessarily. There are haram practices which enable man to capture a jinn and use it to do what he wants. A jinn can only make humans do what it wants if it possesses them. Remember a jinn need to be under the control of a majician when he's sent to possess someone.

    Are you saying that people actually use red food colour to write something thinking that it is going to be off help as part of this spiritual healing thing?

    That sounds extremely haram to me... it might not be black magic, but it sounds like shirk if this is meant to be some kind of religious style healing thing. Mixing religious healing with some kind of colour superstition all in one... it just doesn't sound right, the healing comes from the trust in Allah and the proper use of Quran/names of Allah and other God related things, not from colour.
    lol colour superstition? If it wasn't scientifically proven, why are jaundiced babies treated with blue light which breaks up the bilirubin that's made them go yellow? Of course healing comes from Allah, but you still might take a paracetamol for a headache.

    (p.s. from a scientific point of view that explanation makes no sense at all! Is the theory based only on the fact that red blood cells and red dye share the colour? Cell in the body don't interact with blood cells because they are red, it is a complex chemical process...)
    Does now! :P It's not a theory. It's a fact - but not based solely on using colour. It's a combination of other things I mentioned before. But each colour has an energy, therefore why shouldn't it help with healing?

    There is no light inside the body, therefore there is no colour. There is nothing scientific about this .
    I didn't say the aura is inside the body. The aura is actually an electro-magnetic field which consists of seven layers and surrounds every living organism or object in the Universe. Every layer has it's own frequency which affects a persons mood, emotions, thinking, behaviour and health. Therefore a disturbance in the balance of these lights leads to disturbance in another. Another proof of how light affects us can be seen in how sunlight makes us feel happy

    Chromotherapy has been highly controversial, due to the fact that it does not follow the scientific method and can be categorized as a pseudo-science. At best the idea that chromotherapy works could be described by the scientific community as a hypothesis, but it has not been tested or proven that introducing colors is actually healing these people.

    Chromotherapy doesn't satisfy either the falsifiability or verifiablity conditions needed to deem an experiment valid. There are many other things besides a color of a chakra being out of line that could cause an illness and therefore cause the chromotherapy treatment not to work. There are also many other reasons why someone would get better, such as proper rest, relaxation, use of other forms of treatment simultaeously etc, that would make the chromotherapy appear to work when it actually doesn't.

    In order for chromotherapy to be proved as scientifically viable, there would need to be some sort of control used in these experiments. Chromotherapy ignores cases that don't work and treats any successful case as proof that it does work. In a scientific experiment this kind of reasoning would not work. The cases that don't work must be given as much weight as those cases that do in proving the effectiveness of chromotherapy. Having a control group would also prevent against the placebo effect, which could definitely be a contributing factor in patients using chromotherapy. (Carey, 2004)


    Muslimah_sis, you really need to check out the links that Al Madani provided...
    similarly to what you have quoted above, spiritual healing doesn't qualify for scientific experiments. I know because I contact them to do it. Perhaps some but not all elements of S.P. can be proven scientifically, but that does not mean they do not work. Just as reading a duaa can heal someone, it can't be scientifically proven. Then how can spiritual healing be proven 100%, since it's a mix of holistic, spiritual and science combined.

    Just for interest.. there's even a method to bring patients out of a coma. There's nothing mystical about it. It just involves burning a bit of (I think it was pure sheep/llalama wool) next to a coma patient so that they breathe it in. (Think smelling salts). There are no taweez involved at all in this treatment. Yet that's one treatment from spiritual/faith healing.

    P.S. I will listen to the lectures inshaAllah. But it can take time as I usually come to my PC for a break from sewing and housework.
    Last edited by Snowflake; 05-01-2007 at 11:08 AM.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Interesting response to the laying-of-hands method of healing - Reiki

    Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
    A Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Question Salamu `Alaykum. Reiki is a Japanese art for healing which was re-discovered by Mikao Usui in early 1900. This is a way of treatment with the energy through the hands. While giving treatment, there is no such concept which is against our belief. However, the way of attunement and use of some signs* before a treatment is disturbing me and it seems to be deriven from Budha's thoughts.

    I use Reiki with very firm belief in Allah, and there is no teaching of Budha's thoughts at all although I know that we should pray Allah before giving treatment to anybody. Could you please let me know if Reiki practice has any interaction with the teachings of Islam?

    Answer Wa`alaykum As-Salaamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    "If the kind of treatment you have indicated does not involve any procedures unacceptable in Islam, and there is no assuming of invoking anyone other than Allah for healing, then there is nothing in Islam objectionable to this practice.

    In fact, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that if anyone can help his brother or sister in any way, let him do so without hesitation. Therefore, if Reiki has been found to be a beneficial method of treatment, a Muslim should never hesitate in making use of it."

    Allah Almighty knows best.
    signs* refering to symbols used in attunement when learning Reiki.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Fatwa # 13859 from United Kingdom Date: Tuesday, January 31st 2006

    Psychological and Social

    A learned elder has told us to do taweez, as this method has also worked before. Is this a correct method. Is doing taweez shirk?

    My dad gambles, he has been gambling for the past 40 years. Know he is in his 50's. His gambling is destroying our family. What can we do to stop him from gambling? we have confronted him many times but he does not listen and now his gambling is getting worser. A learned elder has told us to do taweez, as this method has also worked before. Is this a correct method. Is doing taweez shirk?

    To make Taweez is not Shirk. The following makes this clear.

    Allah Taãla says in the Noble Qurãn, 'In the Qurãn is (spiritual, physical) cure for people.'

    The opening chapter of the Noble Qurãn, Surah Faatiha is also called the chapter of Shifaa. It is recorded in the Bukhari Shareef vol. 1 p. , 'A ruler of a certain clan was stung by a creature, the people of the area requested the Sahaaba to cure him, one Sahaabi read Surah Faatiha and blew on the affected area and cured the ruler. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) even praised the Sahaabi for doing so.

    From the above quotations, it is clear that the verses of the Noble Qurãn is a means of cure. Treating oneself with Taweez containing verses of the Qurãn is similar to treating oneself with medication. By using medication, one merely places his trust in Allah Taãla and use the medication as a means of cure. The effect in the means is with the Will of Allah Taãla so, too is the usage of the Taweez.

    The art of making Taweez is a science independent to other known sciences. People who have studied this science are most knowledgeable to explain its vast understanding. One thing must be outlined at the outset is that anyone practising the making of Taweez cannot ascribe (in his method and application) partners with Allah Taãla. Any act of Kufr is unacceptable in Islam.

    (^No such indication of shirk/kufar in SP)

    The people during the time of Jaahiliyya had an incorrect belief that the stars and planets cause rainfall, but the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) dismissed that. The drawings and illustrations used in Taweez are like the concepts used in geometry, etc. to arrive at a solution.

    (^Like I explained before, the symbols are unseen shapes/forms of the disease.)

    In conclusion, consider the following Hadith: Abu Khuzaymah (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) narrates from his father that he asked Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), 'Inform me about Rukan (blowing in water and Taweez), medication, and means of security, does it change Taqdeer (predestination)? He replied, 'They (all the above) are within Taqdeer. (Mishkãt pg. 22)

    It is our opinion that you refer your matter to a local Aalim for personal attention and guidance. You could refer to Hadhrat Mufti Ismail Kachholvi Saheb of of 71 Fairbank Road, Girlington, Bradford BD8 9JU Telefax: 01274-822538. He is one of the most senior Mufti of this time and also a senior Khalifah of Hadhrat Shaykh Zakariyyah [ra]. Many people have benefitted from his spiritual discourses and guidance.

    and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

    Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    I strongly reccomend you to check this link inshaa Allaah:


    It's in regard to the views of Allaah's Messenger and the Sahabah on the taweez. And Allaah knows best.
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  10. #47
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    I was not aware some Muslims take recourse to magicians. Where in the Islamic world does this usually take place?

    And I was caught off guard by number #8, I was not aware Jinn could be Christian (or any religion for that matter!)
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  11. #48
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snowflake View Post
    I used to practice spiritual healing, mainly for Cancer. The taweez I wrote did contain some numbers and diagrams which I didn't understand. I never did ask my teacher what they meant and now she's passed away. But there was no jinns involved so how can it be considered majic?

    Also we (the Azeemi Foundation) did not charge for the treatments. They were only done fi sabilillah. And we were never allowed to do anything that was harmful. Our books simply didn't contain malicious stuff only healing. Why is it so wrong then?
    Sister, the squares and the numbers represent sigil magic... stay away!!! All magic is with the help of Jinn. Period.

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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post
    I was not aware some Muslims take recourse to magicians. Where in the Islamic world does this usually take place?

    And I was caught off guard by number #8, I was not aware Jinn could be Christian (or any religion for that matter!)
    this may be of interest:

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