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About Christianity

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    About Christianity (OP)

    A recent post made me ponder.. but this is not the best place to ask, being an islamic site and all but I see many Christians in here and ex Christians too!

    What it's essentially about is that in islam, it is basic to have learnt about the 25 prophets. The message is understood via the historical lessons given to man throughout the ages as they collectively progressed in these stories. So for those who accept islam, they are already following the final messenger and they are settled...

    What is not settled is that we know the Jews are still awaiting their final(?) messenger. They rejected Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them both. Christians rejected Muhammad (pbuh), so are they waiting for a final messenger or have they settled for what is brought to them by the Bible? or: There are no more messengers! Or : Don't know?

    Or am I not clear?

    About Christianity

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.

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    Re: About Christianity

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Bobbyflay23 View Post
    What I mean is that the Quran has the same meaning worldwide because we have maintained the language as I said I believe Christianity is the truth but has been changed I can give proof of Islam when I wake up tomorrow but when I say this don't get offended but it says in the Bible that the world is flat I believe Christianity is the truth as I said it has just been changed quite a bit and that's just one example you know I'll send you links to dr zakir naik talking about this stuff tomorrow he has studied comprtive religion quite a bit and shows that I believe in the book of gospel it makes reference to Muhammed saw also I believe he found somthing in the first testemant of god saying I am not a human being or somthing like that the proof of Islam gets very scientific and can go as far to him predicting the internet and porn and even back then in the Quran it had a exact in chonrical order of how baby's where born in the stomach but like while it's still at the microscopic level so no one could've known this until 100 years ago he also predicted headphones airplanes many things I believe the Bible still contains truth but allot of the truth has been changed and manipulated the two videos by dr zakir naik one of them is like 20 min long (it talks about the Bible and Muhammad saw) and there's another about the changes in the Bible I forgot how long it is and the last one is about a hour long going through allot of the evidences to why Islam has proof behind it again I have nothing against Christianity I just believe that much of it has been change we Muslims believe the same thing about the Jews
    Yes, Muslims accept all 3 religions but , as you said, think the Bible has lost its meaning throughout time. Although, we know it has the same original meaning as the dead Sea scrolls confirm this.
    I'm sure the Quran is a very intelligent book. But it's just hard for me to consider it as scripture for the simple fact that it was written so many years after the books of the Bible were written. I beleive scripture closed at the completion of the Bible. Writings of Muhammad didn't began until much later in time. And Muhammad is not mentioned in scrioture. If the Bible hinted at the fact that a prominent prophet would appear much later in time with more writings or teachings then I could see myself looking into it and considering it as fact. But it's not.
    Im not saying it's not correct. As we don't know..none of us do..it's about faith and choosing what seems most truth worthy. And I personally, beleive the Bible to be much more trustworthy. With that said, If I beleive the Bible to be trustworthy and want to place my faith on it, I can't also choose to hold the Quran and Muhammad as scripture because that would contradict my original claim.
    But I'm open to lesrning more about the Quran, Muhammad and Muslim history. I find it quite fascinating and would like to learn more for educational purposes so I appreciate your comments and point of view
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Robrog8999 View Post
    Yes, Muslims accept all 3 religions but , as you said, think the Bible has lost its meaning throughout time. Although, we know it has the same original meaning as the dead Sea scrolls confirm this.
    I'm sure the Quran is a very intelligent book. But it's just hard for me to consider it as scripture for the simple fact that it was written so many years after the books of the Bible were written. I beleive scripture closed at the completion of the Bible. Writings of Muhammad didn't began until much later in time. And Muhammad is not mentioned in scrioture. If the Bible hinted at the fact that a prominent prophet would appear much later in time with more writings or teachings then I could see myself looking into it and considering it as fact. But it's not.
    Im not saying it's not correct. As we don't know..none of us do..it's about faith and choosing what seems most truth worthy. And I personally, beleive the Bible to be much more trustworthy. With that said, If I beleive the Bible to be trustworthy and want to place my faith on it, I can't also choose to hold the Quran and Muhammad as scripture because that would contradict my original claim.
    But I'm open to lesrning more about the Quran, Muhammad and Muslim history. I find it quite fascinating and would like to learn more for educational purposes so I appreciate your comments and point of view
    Oke the train has started to leave (discussion has stared ). You said which scripture is more trustworthy. As an ex-atheist my arguments are mostly based on logic, rationality and reason.

    I ask questions about all sort of things and have done it continously even with Islam and every time I get logical, rational and reasonable answers to it.

    What the brother meant about different "versions" is literally different versions. In Islam there is the original and there are translations. Translations differ in wordings etc those are MADE by human beings. However we have the original Qur'an. If you open a Qur'an most of the time you see the Arabic (original text) and the translation beneath it.

    In this case the questions that I asked Christianity is how come I for example borrowed money from person X and and did not pay him back. Why am I thrown in to prison so to say? Why can't you be thrown in prison instead?..I mean this is what you guys believe happened with Jesus. Some has done sin X but he must die for that sin YOU commit.

    Instead of going further please answer this question first.
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    Re: About Christianity

    Greetings and peace be with you Simple_Person;

    As an ex-atheist my arguments are mostly based on logic, rationality and reason.
    That is pretty amazing, most atheists use reason to prove there is no god.

    In this case the questions that I asked Christianity is how come I for example borrowed money from person X and and did not pay him back. Why am I thrown in to prison so to say? Why can't you be thrown in prison instead?..I mean this is what you guys believe happened with Jesus. Some has done sin X but he must die for that sin YOU commit.

    Instead of going further please answer this question first.
    Forgiveness is a profound subject that seems to defy human nature, logic, reason and rationality.

    If I punched you on the nose, why would you forgive me? Your instinct would be to punch back or demand justice.

    If I stole your car, you would demand it back and want the thief punished, why would you forgive them?

    The prophet pbuh, suffered many injustices, and he forgave, he could only forgive people that needed to be forgiven. He had to suffer, in order that witnesses would see this, and they might be inspired to follow his example.

    Imagine if the prophet pbuh, had lived a life of luxury and protected in his palace from worldy injustice. How could he then preach about forgiveness to his followers? They would say, it is ok for him to talk, he has not suffered himself.

    Prophets are pious people who lead by example, they preach about things they do themselves.

    When you look at the 99 names of Allah, it says three times, that Allah is the forgiver. Yet I have noticed over the years that many people on this forum have struggled with the notion of forgiving others. They also struggle with the idea that they can be forgiven themselves.

    If I punched you on the nose and stole your car, I have broken Allah’s commandments, how can I be sure that Allah will forgive me? If I lost hope in the forgiveness of God, then this could lead to depression and a loss of faith. Christians also suffer and struggle with forgiveness when we sin against God.

    If Allah forgives, then we should also strive to be like him, and also forgive others.

    I am not sure how much further I should go. I am very conscious that I am a Christian on a Muslim forum, and I do not want to cause problems by expressing my faith too deeply.

    But hopefully, this may lead you to think that there are some things about God – Allah that seem to defy human understanding, logic and reason.

    In the spirit of searching for a greatest meaning of ‘One God’

    About Christianity

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you Simple_Person;

    (1) That is pretty amazing, most atheists use reason to prove there is no god.

    (2) Forgiveness is a profound subject that seems to defy human nature, logic, reason and rationality.

    If I punched you on the nose, why would you forgive me? Your instinct would be to punch back or demand justice.

    If I stole your car, you would demand it back and want the thief punished, why would you forgive them?

    The prophet pbuh, suffered many injustices, and he forgave, he could only forgive people that needed to be forgiven. He had to suffer, in order that witnesses would see this, and they might be inspired to follow his example.

    Imagine if the prophet pbuh, had lived a life of luxury and protected in his palace from worldy injustice. How could he then preach about forgiveness to his followers? They would say, it is ok for him to talk, he has not suffered himself.

    Prophets are pious people who lead by example, they preach about things they do themselves.

    When you look at the 99 names of Allah, it says three times, that Allah is the forgiver. Yet I have noticed over the years that many people on this forum have struggled with the notion of forgiving others. They also struggle with the idea that they can be forgiven themselves.

    If I punched you on the nose and stole your car, I have broken Allah’s commandments, how can I be sure that Allah will forgive me? If I lost hope in the forgiveness of God, then this could lead to depression and a loss of faith. Christians also suffer and struggle with forgiveness when we sin against God.

    If Allah forgives, then we should also strive to be like him, and also forgive others.

    I am not sure how much further I should go. I am very conscious that I am a Christian on a Muslim forum, and I do not want to cause problems by expressing my faith too deeply.

    But hopefully, this may lead you to think that there are some things about God – Allah that seem to defy human understanding, logic and reason.

    In the spirit of searching for a greatest meaning of ‘One God’

    Peace be upon you too,

    (1) On the contrary, with LOGIC, RATIONALITY and REASON it is you can conclude the existence of a Creator. If one says based on logic, rationality and reason i have concluded there is no Creator, FOR SURE they by accident or WITH intention did not include certain data. Anyhow lets get back to the comment.

    (2) Brother YOUR argument has cornered you. Let me show you how you cornered yourself. Indeed Allah tests the ones he loves the most with more severe tests. The prophets are the ones who have been tested the most and the most severe tests. You indeed say forgiveness is something and Allah does forgive. But Allah forgives without me sacrificing anybody's blood for it. I only have to seek forgiveness from Allah and He forgives me. This is LOGICAL, RATIONAL and REASONABLE even by HUMAN STANDARDS. You may have harmed me and after some time you realize this and come to me with humbleness and ask forgiveness from me. I without a second can say "I forgive you". I do not need money from you, or you to sacrifice an arm and a leg or whatever..i just can forgive you. So i may have suffered but that has ended and now forgiveness we continue to live our lives.

    Yet what is it then about the whole "he died for our sins". So in other words you are saying "God is too weak/cruel and UNABLE to forgive people WITHOUT any sacrifice.". Let me repeat that again. So in other words you are saying "God is too weak/cruel and UNABLE to forgive people WITHOUT any sacrifice."

    Before commenting, digest what i have said then you will see how illogical this "he(Jesus) died for our sins" is. We human beings can forgive people, however it depends SOLELY on EACH and every human being what their limits is of forgiveness. However Allah is THE MOST FORGIVING..THE MOST MERCIFUL. He has made it clear that even if you do shirk(worship somebody else besides Him) and repent, He will forgive you. If your sins reach the sky and you repent He will forgive you. The moment you enter Islam..ALL YOUR SINS will be forgiven and you have a clean slate. You have killed somebody in cold blood, He will forgive you..JUST repent that is ALL that He asks of you and turn back to Him.

    So you see how LOGICAL, RATIONAL AND REASONABLE Islam is? Simple explanation for the most learned person to understand and the most illiterate person to understand. Also people like me who mostly follow the road of logic, rationality and reason ..my reaction is.."makes sense, i have nothing to add to it..". Can you see why more people are converting to Islam because it just makes sense. Also whole Day of Judgement the same..makes sense. You collect as many good deeds as possible, follow the road He has shows us to follow and by His mercy and us having submitted TO HIM..BY HIS will we enter paradise. Also..makes sense...very logical..

    So take your time, i am not saying this because one might think i "hate" Christianity or "hate" any other religion by that matter. Allah has given us a brain to use and we are INSULTING HIM by not using this blessing (brain).

    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-28-2017 at 03:02 PM.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Robrog8999 View Post
    That's because Christianity is such a large religion made up of so many people that some groups like to twist things .
    But all teach the same fundamental thing, Jesus is savior and that's what it's about.
    And no, the Bible doesn't not teach the world is flat..on the contrary, it teaches what it is. The Bible describes the world as being a ball or sphere. Way before anyone even knew this.
    The earth is described in Job 26:7 as being suspended over empty space, implying a spherical figure. This notion is further entertained in Isaiah 40:21-22, which refers to “the circle of the earth.” This is further supported by Proverbs 8:27 , which speaks of God drawing a circle on the face of the deep. From a “bird’s-eye view” of the ocean, the horizon is seen as a circle. Such an observation indicates that where light terminates, darkness begins, describing the reality of day and night on a spherical earth.
    I have a friend that accepts Christianity specifically because they think the worlds flat when everyone thought the worlds flat they didn't think it was a square they thought it was a circle on Islam we call the world egg shaped which scientists recently confirmed this is true it's not a complete shere but that's off topic my friend Denys Islam specifically because we believe the worlds not flat then I've also heard from Christians before and Muslims that the Bible says that it's flat so idk maybe it says the it's a sphere and everybody's been lying to me but since most the people I know think it says it's flat and since most flat earth conspiracist say that the worlds flat but a disc with a hole in the middle I would assume Christianity is the thing that supplied the idea but I am not ignorant to the fact that the Bible is rephering to the world being a sphere but is just misinterpreted
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bobbyflay23 View Post
    I have a friend that accepts Christianity specifically because they think the worlds flat
    they also thing the world is 6000 years old lol.

    Bro, do your brain some justice, find new friends

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    Re: About Christianity

    His is a very short instance of it
    https://youtu.be/bhtsRUXCATM talking about Muhammad in the Bible now I found one I don't feel like listening to it but here it is it's 3 hours long by dr zakir naik and the title says Muhammad in the Bible https://youtu.be/gtVhdsc_7J4
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    About Christianity

    As for proof of Muhammad being a prophet and Islam being the truth in religion I will start off my explaining why it couldn't have been corrupted and then I will link a video of dr zakir naik giving the logical proof so the reason why Islam couldn't have been corrupted is because of a oral tradition we have for Muslims we could throw away every single Quran away in the ocean we have millions of people in this world right now that have memorized the entire Quran and even if we didn't have those people say died off we have over a billion Muslims and every one of them that prays has memorized 2-5 chapters of the Quran if we get all the Muslims together we could make a new Quran tomorrow and if anyone lies obviously most of them will not lie so they would kick out the liar so by this we know that the Quran can not be eleminated or corrupted unless we kill all the Muslims and burn all the Qurans and as for Christians all you have to do is publish a bible with a few different words and say this is the Bible and there you go maybe some people won't follow it but later on after they have kids there kids couldnread it and like it because it says things that they like more then the original and this can happen for over a 1000 years and also as to what u said about the reason why there's allot of groups in Christianity we have 1.6 probably more Muslims in the world and there's only 1 other group of Muslims wich are the Shias but they are only 10% of the population and we do not consider them real Muslims because of so many things they do like making fun of the companions calling the prophets wife a cheater and all this stuff they are not true Muslims but they do follow Muhammad is the rasool and allah is god so therefore they are Muslims but they believe things like they're priests can see the unseen which is a major shirk so it takes them out of the fold of Islam this is according to the ahedith so essentially these guys believe Islam is the truth but they don't follow it correctly now here's a link to dr zakir naik and proof Muhammad is the messenger of god https://youtu.be/rdoCzv28IOw may god guide you to the best religion and most truthful one I believe it is Islam but that's just my opinion
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    they also thing the world is 6000 years old lol.

    Bro, do your brain some justice, find new friends

    I don't hang out with him anymore he'll get angry and scream at me for not believing the worlds flat
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    Re: About Christianity

    regarding the flat earth thing, i'm guessing he never heard of Terry Pratchett. He was the author of the DISC WORLD series of novels, a fantasy ok?

    For decades, Terry Pratchett wove his stories into his fantasy disc world, and amassed hundreds of thousands of fans... on the 12th of March, 2015 - he died.

    And all his DISC WORLD fans, had no more books to look forward to - I mean, these guys were hardcore role playing types if you know what I mean, so to have their guru die on them, left them in a bit of a void to put it mildly.

    Small wonder then, that this void had to be filled and was done so via the internet and its social media. They tried to apply Terry Pratchett's logic to the earth and coupled this with "out of context" verses from the bible to push for a flat earth.

    Moving onto the bible - the verses they use is the following:

    Ezekiel 7:2 - Also thou son of man, thus saith the lord, an end has come upon the four corners of the land

    Isaiah 11:12 - And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

    and some more, but in all of these, the word used for corners in Hebrew is actually the word KANAPH, which has many meanings, but in context it refers to the "four cardinal DIRECTIONS (extremities) of the earth" - meaning, North South East and West.

    Tell this to your friend, and let's see how green he is around the ears on his own bible.

    I just got back from Speakers Corner, where I witnessed two Christians who claimed they both have the holy ghost - arguing with each other... the irony of their futility was lost on them totally.

    but not on me.

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    Re: About Christianity

    Either way he'll think the worlds flat because of his "proof" about NASA faking stuff but the truth is NASA fakes stuff somtimes for good reasons like how the government spends all the money on warefare and they still have non fake stuff and also his proof about time lapses at looking at stars from the Antarctica because the stars spin and he claims if it was true the stars would be going everywhere since we are going fast in tons of different orbits because the sun moves earth moves and the planets move and since we are spinning that the stars would be going in a spiral but would go everywhere but the thing is its so far away that moving wouldn't do anything because that doesn't change our point of view but spinning would because that changed our point of view I'll tell him stuff like this but ittl go through one ear and out the other he'll interrupt me mid way and start screaming your soo f*****g dumb and he'll start calling me a sand n***er and like he gets really arrogant he also calls me close minded which is kinda hypocritical he never read any books on this stuff he's a dropout and he just watches YouTube videos about theory's and stuff he makes YouTube videos for a living and like idk he's pretty much brain washed later he told me that he used to worship Satan and he was a deviant and stuff so I honestly think that he just had disease in his heart and allah increased it due to his hatred towards him he's also very hypocritical but then he found the "truth" he thinks Christianity is corrupted and he doesn't claim to believe in any religion just god but whenever you talk about why he thinks the worlds flat he says the zionists are trying to cover up the truth and that the Bible says the worlds flat he's technically Christian but he doesn't really follow the faith or anything I don't really know what goes on in his mind I know I just ranted about how bad of a person he is but hey you don't know him that's not backbiting
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    regarding the flat earth thing, i'm guessing he never heard of Terry Pratchett. He was the author of the DISC WORLD series of novels, a fantasy ok?

    For decades, Terry Pratchett wove his stories into his fantasy disc world, and amassed hundreds of thousands of fans... on the 12th of March, 2015 - he died.

    And all his DISC WORLD fans, had no more books to look forward to - I mean, these guys were hardcore role playing types if you know what I mean, so to have their guru die on them, left them in a bit of a void to put it mildly.

    Small wonder then, that this void had to be filled and was done so via the internet and its social media. They tried to apply Terry Pratchett's logic to the earth and coupled this with "out of context" verses from the bible to push for a flat earth.

    Moving onto the bible - the verses they use is the following:

    Ezekiel 7:2 - Also thou son of man, thus saith the lord, an end has come upon the four corners of the land

    Isaiah 11:12 - And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

    and some more, but in all of these, the word used for corners in Hebrew is actually the word KANAPH, which has many meanings, but in context it refers to the "four cardinal DIRECTIONS (extremities) of the earth" - meaning, North South East and West.

    Tell this to your friend, and let's see how green he is around the ears on his own bible.

    I just got back from Speakers Corner, where I witnessed two Christians who claimed they both have the holy ghost - arguing with each other... the irony of their futility was lost on them totally.

    but not on me.

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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bobbyflay23 View Post
    Either way he'll think the worlds flat because of his "proof" about NASA faking stuff but the truth is NASA fakes stuff somtimes for good reasons like how the government spends all the money on warefare and they still have non fake stuff and also his proof about time lapses at looking at stars from the Antarctica because the stars spin and he claims if it was true the stars would be going everywhere since we are going fast in tons of different orbits because the sun moves earth moves and the planets move and since we are spinning that the stars would be going in a spiral but would go everywhere but the thing is its so far away that moving wouldn't do anything because that doesn't change our point of view but spinning would because that changed our point of view I'll tell him stuff like this but ittl go through one ear and out the other he'll interrupt me mid way and start screaming your soo f*****g dumb and he'll start calling me a sand n***er and like he gets really arrogant he also calls me close minded which is kinda hypocritical he never read any books on this stuff he's a dropout and he just watches YouTube videos about theory's and stuff he makes YouTube videos for a living and like idk he's pretty much brain washed later he told me that he used to worship Satan and he was a deviant and stuff so I honestly think that he just had disease in his heart and allah increased it due to his hatred towards him he's also very hypocritical but then he found the "truth" he thinks Christianity is corrupted and he doesn't claim to believe in any religion just god but whenever you talk about why he thinks the worlds flat he says the zionists are trying to cover up the truth and that the Bible says the worlds flat he's technically Christian but he doesn't really follow the faith or anything I don't really know what goes on in his mind I know I just ranted about how bad of a person he is but hey you don't know him that's not backbiting
    Ask a Jew if the world is flat - they know their bible better than Christians do.

    You'll have all you need! Once proven that the earth is not flat, you can ask him why he has taken Terry Pratchett for his messiah and not Jesus

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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    Oke the train has started to leave (discussion has stared ). You said which scripture is more trustworthy. As an ex-atheist my arguments are mostly based on logic, rationality and reason.

    I ask questions about all sort of things and have done it continously even with Islam and every time I get logical, rational and reasonable answers to it.

    What the brother meant about different "versions" is literally different versions. In Islam there is the original and there are translations. Translations differ in wordings etc those are MADE by human beings. However we have the original Qur'an. If you open a Qur'an most of the time you see the Arabic (original text) and the translation beneath it.

    In this case the questions that I asked Christianity is how come I for example borrowed money from person X and and did not pay him back. Why am I thrown in to prison so to say? Why can't you be thrown in prison instead?..I mean this is what you guys believe happened with Jesus. Some has done sin X but he must die for that sin YOU commit.

    Instead of going further please answer this question first.
    Because he's loves us and chose to save us out of love for us. He knew that we were doomed without him and because he loves us so much, he decided to come and die in our place. As we ourselves cannot do that. We're sinful and the atonement has to be done by one who is clean and pure. Jesus was the only clean and pure person. He is son of God and although not God himself, he is higher then all of us. So he chose to die in our place (penalty for sin) and was raised 3 days later, therefore, completing the atonement in our behalf. Now, we must choose to accept and believe this and thank him for it in order to be saved.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bobbyflay23 View Post
    I have a friend that accepts Christianity specifically because they think the worlds flat when everyone thought the worlds flat they didn't think it was a square they thought it was a circle on Islam we call the world egg shaped which scientists recently confirmed this is true it's not a complete shere but that's off topic my friend Denys Islam specifically because we believe the worlds not flat then I've also heard from Christians before and Muslims that the Bible says that it's flat so idk maybe it says the it's a sphere and everybody's been lying to me but since most the people I know think it says it's flat and since most flat earth conspiracist say that the worlds flat but a disc with a hole in the middle I would assume Christianity is the thing that supplied the idea but I am not ignorant to the fact that the Bible is rephering to the world being a sphere but is just misinterpreted
    Haha no. The Bible does not teach a flat Earth. It teaches what it is. And any Christian who believes its flat is denying both the Bible and science.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    they also thing the world is 6000 years old lol.

    Bro, do your brain some justice, find new friends

    Right? No Christian I know beleive this. Heck, I don't know anyone who believes this. That's denying the facts. Ignorant people I guess.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    Ask a Jew if the world is flat - they know their bible better than Christians do.

    You'll have all you need! Once proven that the earth is not flat, you can ask him why he has taken Terry Pratchett for his messiah and not Jesus

    Your right. Most Jews do seem to know the bible better then most Christian's, sadly. It's such a large religion that there's so many off shoots and twisted teachings.
    Christian's need to return to their Bible's and to God.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Robrog8999 View Post
    Because he's loves us and chose to save us out of love for us. He knew that we were doomed without him and because he loves us so much, he decided to come and die in our place. As we ourselves cannot do that. We're sinful and the atonement has to be done by one who is clean and pure. Jesus was the only clean and pure person. He is son of God and although not God himself, he is higher then all of us. So he chose to die in our place (penalty for sin) and was raised 3 days later, therefore, completing the atonement in our behalf. Now, we must choose to accept and believe this and thank him for it in order to be saved.
    Oke, just like brother Eric H, what you are saying is that God is too cruel OR too weak to forgive us without anybody dying?

    By your definition of God I am better than that God you are describing. Why? Because if you have done a crime against me I can forgive you without any blood to be spilled YET the definition of that God of yours is unable. So by that standard means this God of yours is just too cruel of a God or too weak to just forgive people who ask for His forgiveness.

    The definition of God in Islam is just EXACTLY that which I described as He forgiving me just when I ask sincerely for His forgiveness. He by all attributes outweighs me and is even the One who gives me everything that I have and use ...He has all from power to mercy to forgiveness to knowledge to wisdom etc.etc.etc. He is because of ALL of this is THE ONLY ONE WORTHY of worship. But if we look at how Christians describe their God then for sure this God of theirs is not worthy of worship as He is LIMITED in forgiving somebody without blood being spilled.

    If you say no He is THE ONE worthy of worship then I ask you how come I AM BETTER than that God you describe when it comes to forgiveness?..
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    Re: About Christianity

    Greetings and peace be with you Simple_Person;

    Oke, just like brother Eric H, what you are saying is that God is too cruel OR too weak to forgive us without anybody dying?
    The death and resurrection of Jesus is profound, and beyond my understanding. After Jesus is betrayed by his friend, condemned to death and nailed to a cross, he prays forgive them Father for they know not what they do. As Christians, we are expected to live our lives as Jesus lived his, but I wonder how many of us could forgive in the extreme way that Jesus forgave?

    Somehow we are all brothers in faith, and I believe we should be an encouragement to each other despite all our differences.

    May God bless you and all those you love and care for.

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    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: About Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you Simple_Person;

    The death and resurrection of Jesus is profound, and beyond my understanding. After Jesus is betrayed by his friend, condemned to death and nailed to a cross, he prays forgive them Father for they know not what they do. As Christians, we are expected to live our lives as Jesus lived his, but I wonder how many of us could forgive in the extreme way that Jesus forgave?

    Somehow we are all brothers in faith, and I believe we should be an encouragement to each other despite all our differences.

    May God bless you and all those you love and care for.

    Brother that is still not answering the question. You saying "beyond my understanding" i agree, if something is beyond our understanding, God would not give us something that we are ONLY confused by. The definition of the Creator ONLY in Islam makes sense.

    Yet you have not answered my question that according to my understanding i am MORE forgiving then the God according to Christians of today. I forgive people without them having to die for it. Even other Muslims are MORE forgiving then according to the definition of Christians of today. In Islamic law if somebody kills let's say a child of couple X, the couple can choose to forgive that individual and NOBODY has to die for it. So by the standards of MODERN DAY Christianity, ALL the Muslims by default are MORE forgiving then the definition they give God.

    You agree to that? If not do please explain then to me how Muslims are not more forgiving then the definition Christians give God?

    Last edited by Simple_Person; 05-06-2017 at 08:03 AM.
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