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Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

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    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims? (OP)

    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims? I mean the ones that take the Quran literally. The ones who believe they have done well in Allahs eyes by destroying a so called idol or a system that wars against theirs.

    What do you believe?

  2. #81
    Ninth_Scribe's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Akil View Post
    Piety means nothing if you’re a butcher. That’s why it matters. Who cares if you pray five times a day if you are an international terrorist wanted by half a dozen countries?
    Not meaning to continue a disturbing dialogue, and maybe I'm being too simplistic in my definitions, but it's all very confusing. For instance:

    All soldiers follow orders and all soldiers kill.

    No soldier is neat and tidy in their kills. All soldiers have created gruesome deaths.

    Most of our soldiers pray. All Muslim soldiers pray. Both are still soldiers.

    All soldiers on active duty have enemies and are 'wanted' by them.

    Our side wipe out civilians. Our enemies wipe out civilians.

    We wiped out a wedding party during the Shock and Awe campaign. Our enemies wiped out a wedding party in Amman, Jordon.

    I could go on, but you get the idea? The never-ending 'back and forth' of all this and the trading of insults and accusations is making me quite dizzy. From my view, they're all doing the same thing. Just for different reasons.

    Ninth Scribe
    Last edited by Ninth_Scribe; 02-10-2007 at 09:11 PM.
    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed  Muslims?

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  4. #82
    Ubaidah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    The term itself irks me to no end ("extremists"), only because many people see a muslim pray and are not familiar with out practices and the first thing that pops into their head is, extremist.

    But as to your question, those who kill in the name of Allah unjustly are terrible human beings and as far from being true muslims as you can get. Are they cursed or blessed? Well that's for Allah to decide.
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  5. #83
    alidagreat's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    Islam is not a extreme religion. The people who kill and murder innocent people and justify it by saying that is Jihad or God's Will are people who are being heavily influenced by the devil. Satan told Adam "eat from this tree and you will be a king" Satan also told Adam "God said it was ok"

    The same concept applies here. The devil is influencing the people who are doing these things and making them believe this is what Allah wants them to do and that they will be rewarded for it. If only these people would understand the fundamental basics of the religion and follow Prophet Muhammads teachings.

    Islam promotes peace and denounces killing. Islam only gives you the right to fight if you are being oppressed from belief and retaliation. Most importantly...all people who commit suicide are promised the hellfire.

    These extremists who neglect these fundamental principles will pay for what they do. They will be punished for their actions and for not following all the teachings of Islam. They are still Muslims but they are sinning grievous sins for which they will only have Allah to answer to.

    Not a matter of cursed or not cursed...
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  6. #84
    islamway's Avatar Full Member
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    Smile Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    i will give you a good example i hope you know sufi's and sufisim came not in the time of prophet mohammed(peace be upon him).SUFISM started in iraq in basra.

    ok these people belong to extremely diff sect in islam.Now for them jihad means fighting in the cause for Allah without any boundaries.For them jihad is like just going and fighting and taking revenge not seeing wether the innocent people get killed or not and even ignoring children and just killing them too so what they are extremist.doing things without knowledge of islam.

    now according to the true muslim who follows the path of sunnah(teachings of prophet muhammed peace be upon him) and salafi meaning (the right path or the path of the sahabas)which is till today from the time of prophet mohammed(peace be upon him).prophet mohammed(peace be upon him)said jihad means a struggle to fight in the cause of Allah but with restrictions .I WILL EXPLAIN YOU IN SHORT.

    1.)we are not supposed to fight unless OR until the "enemy" starts the fight.
    2.)As we are fighting we are not suppose to kill innocent children,old people and women and men who have nothing to do with war.
    3.)If the enemy has surrendered we are not suppose to kill him instead we have to keep him in jail .
    4.)When the enemy is in jail we have no right to torture him or punish him or give him pain instead we have to teach him islam give him classes even if he doesn't like to know about islam, we are not forced to teach him islam its up to to his wish.
    5.)If the enemy is litrate then we can give him the right to teach others and make them litrate ,still is his choice wether to give others litracy to others or not, remember islam doesnot force.
    6.)We have to give the enemy the same clothes as we wear and also we have to give the enemy the same food and water we eat,we should not make any differences .
    7.)We should give the enemy the certain amount of money to buy himself what ever he wants but in the boundaries of our country only.
    8.)We should finally then release the enemy when the time of his trial is over and free him back to his country safely or if he wishes to stay back in our country by his wish or by the fear that his own country people will kill him for surrendering,remeber islam doesnot force its still the wish of the enemy even if he dint accept islam.

    Brother the religion where there is no peace that is not the real religion.The people who are living in extremes are lacking knowledge of islam or they are from diff sects .

    Islam the word it self means peace.

    Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahimahullaah) said, "The jihaad with decisive proofs [from the Book and the Sunnah] and the tongue takes precedence over the jihaad with the sword and the spear." [Al-Jawaab us-Saheeh of Ibn Taymiyyah (1/237)].

    Nasr bin Zakariyaa (Rahimahullaah) said, I heard Muhammad bin Yahyaa adh-Dhuhlee saying, I heard Yahyaa bin Yahyaa saying, "Defence of the Sunnah is more superior than Jihaad in the path of Allaah." So I said, "A man spends his wealth, tires his body and strives (in jihaad), so is this one (still) better than him? He said, "Yes, by many times!" [Dhammu ul-Kalaam of al-Harawi].

    Ibn Hazam (Rahimahullaah) said: There is nothing more harmful to the branches of knowledge and its people than those who enter themselves into it and they are not from its people. They are ignorant and yet they think they have knowledge, they cause corruption whilst thinking they are correcting the affairs.[at Ta'aalam wa Atharuhu 'alal Fikr wal Kitaab pg 7]

    Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) said: Indeed the people of Truth and the Sunnah do not follow anyone [unconditionally] except the messenger of Allaah , the one who does not speak from his desires - it is only revelation revealed to him

    Islaam is not a religion of arms and swords! When Allaah Almighty revealed the Noble Qur'ân to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and Muhammad became the Messenger of GOD Almighty, Muhammad had to spread Islaam to 365 Pagan Arab Tribes. These tribes showed so much hostility toward the Muslims and Islaam, and have imposed so many battles against the Muslims. For instance, when our Prophet peace be upon him sent his messenger to "Kisrah", the Emperor of Persia, introducing Islaam to him, Kisrah ordered for the Muslims' Messenger to be executed!.Back then, like today, this was considered a coward act. It was the Persians who showed the hostility toward the Muslims and declared the many battles against Islaam.The Christian Romans weren't any better. For instance, in one of their many battles against the Muslims is when they saw the threat to their religion in the Middle East, the King "Herucl", sent out an army of 100,000 men and ordered them to go to "Madina" in what we call today Saudi Arabia to destroy Islaam once and for all.

    The Muslims were not stable yet at that time, and they only sent out an army of 3,000 men at that time to drive the Christian Romans away from Madina. The battle was named "The battle of Mo'ta" and it took place in Mo'ta, Jordan today.

    The Muslims' plan was to meet the Christian Romans far away from Madina, and to have them stray away from Madina. The army of 3,000 men was successful enough to fight the Christian Romans for few days and then to pull away from the battle and headed South of Jordan. The Romans strayed away from Madina and the small army of the Muslims was able to run away through the mountains. More than half of the 3,000 Muslims however were killed in this operation.

    The point is that Islaam didn't spread by sword with much choice. The wars were imposed upon the Muslims. The Muslims didn't ask for those wars.
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    format_quote Originally Posted by islamway View Post
    now according to the true muslim who follows the path of sunnah(teachings of prophet muhammed peace be upon him) and salafi meaning (the right path or the path of the sahabas)which is till today from the time of prophet mohammed(peace be upon him).prophet mohammed(peace be upon him)said jihad means a struggle to fight in the cause of Allah but with restrictions .I WILL EXPLAIN YOU IN SHORT.

    1.)we are not supposed to fight unless OR until the "enemy" starts the fight.
    2.)As we are fighting we are not suppose to kill innocent children,old people and women and men who have nothing to do with war.
    3.)If the enemy has surrendered we are not suppose to kill him instead we have to keep him in jail .
    4.)When the enemy is in jail we have no right to torture him or punish him or give him pain instead we have to teach him islam give him classes even if he doesn't like to know about islam, we are not forced to teach him islam its up to to his wish.
    5.)If the enemy is litrate then we can give him the right to teach others and make them litrate ,still is his choice wether to give others litracy to others or not, remember islam doesnot force.
    6.)We have to give the enemy the same clothes as we wear and also we have to give the enemy the same food and water we eat,we should not make any differences .
    7.)We should give the enemy the certain amount of money to buy himself what ever he wants but in the boundaries of our country only.
    8.)We should finally then release the enemy when the time of his trial is over and free him back to his country safely or if he wishes to stay back in our country by his wish or by the fear that his own country people will kill him for surrendering,remeber islam doesnot force its still the wish of the enemy even if he dint accept islam.
    Permit me to go off topic for a moment please, I thought of something while reading this most excellent post:

    While I think these 8 points are indeed quite reasonable, I wonder how a Muslim would feel if someone was to treat him by them. Here is what I mean. Whether I like it or not (and I don't) the USA has a number of people of Muslim faith imprisoned at Guantanamo in Cuba. Aside from the point that the USA is guilty with regard to point #1 in Iraq, it has basically kept the rest of the points, and has even gone beyond some of these. The Muslims imprisoned there have not been given the food eaten by the typical American, but halal food. They have actually been provided with Muslim chaplains, and no effort has been made to convert them to Christianity. And still there are complaints regarding their treatment. Should the USA instead have them dress in American style dress, serve them American style food (including ham for Easter), and teach them about Christianity?
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  9. #86
    IzakHalevas's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ninth_Scribe View Post
    We were sitting on one of the walls over-looking the tomb of Ezra. Azrael asked me why this place was holding up my progress (writing). I said: It's because of Zarqawi. I hopped down from the wall and walked toward the structure. If he finds out about this place... what if he blows it up?

    Azrael hopped down from the wall and came to my side. He said: Well, then the sun will shine upon the land again. Maybe some flowers will grow there instead. Then he moved closer to me and said: I am not there Sheila. He whispered in my ear while pointing to my heart and said: I am right here.

    OK. I suppose it makes sense...

    Ninth Scribe
    Wait... what!?! Who is Azrael? Are you speaking to the "angel of death" according to Islam? :eek: :eek: :eek: And he talks to you?
    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed  Muslims?

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  10. #87
    Sabbir_1's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims? I mean the ones that take the Quran literally. The ones who believe they have done well in Allahs eyes by destroying a so called idol or a system that wars against theirs.

    What do you believe?
    There Muslims....
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  11. #88
    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    format_quote Originally Posted by D.Y.R#7XTRUST View Post
    . The ones who believe they have done well in Allahs eyes
    i doubt theres a single muslim out there who doesnt wish for this.

    by destroying a so called idol or a system that wars against theirs.
    an act such as this is meritorious, surely!
    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed  Muslims?

    My tears testify that i have a heart
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  12. #89
    Ninth_Scribe's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    format_quote Originally Posted by IzakHalevas View Post
    Wait... what!?! Who is Azrael? Are you speaking to the "angel of death" according to Islam? :eek: :eek: :eek: And he talks to you?
    The... clears throat... Angel of Death? Are you really that much of a sucker for gossip and inuendo? The one who holds this name is your faithful scribe. It's a very long story and I'm not allowed to explain all the various components that were responsible for mis-aligning the name and reputation, but as soon as there is a council to hear the issue - this one is going right to the top of the table! Grounds? Bearing false witness against another is a major sin!

    Ninth Scribe
    Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed  Muslims?

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    Re: Islam extremists,,are they blessed Muslims or cursed Muslims?

    format_quote Originally Posted by khalil27 View Post
    They're Muslims....
    Words of Isa - he who is free from the sin may cast the first stone. The U.S. has commited identical acts and I cannot judge against one without judging against them both. Sorry.

    Ninth Scribe
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