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Concept Of God In Major Religions

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    Concept Of God In Major Religions

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    (Dr. Zakir) (Arabic)…Respected Elders and my dear Brothers and Sisters, I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings, Assalmu Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi, Wa Barakathu. May Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Almighty God be on all of you. The Non-Muslims may be wondering that, what was I murmuring or uttering in the beginning of my talk. I was not trying to mesmerize you, or hypnotize you, but I was reciting few verses of the Holy Qur’an from Surah Taha, Ch. No. 20, verses No. 25 and 28. When Allah Subhana Wa Taala, Almighty God asks Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to deliver the message to the Pharoah, Moses (peace be upon him), he prays to Almighty God, Allah Subhana Wa Taala, and recites these verses. (Arabic)…. ‘Oh my Lord expand my breast for me, Expand my center for me, (Arabic)… And make my task easy for me,(Arabic)… And remove the impediment from my speech’. Since we know that Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) was a stamerer, was a stuterer - So he prays to the Almighty God to remove the stamering, to loosen his tongue, as well as remove the barrier, if there is any between him, and the person to whom he is going to deliver the message.

    If a person is giving a talk, on other religions, those people in the audience who do not belong to that religion, they may think that this person is going to speak against their Religion. For example, if suppose, a Hindu is giving a talk on other Religions, the Non-Hindus may feel that, he is going to speak against my Religion. If a Christian is giving a talk on other Religions, the Non-Christians may feel that, he is going to speak against my religion. Similarly, I being a Muslim, when I am giving a talk on other Religions, the Non-Muslims may feel, that I am going to speak against their Religion. That is the reason, I am praying to Allah Subhana Wa Taala, Almighty God, to loosen my tongue as well as remove the impediment, the barrier - mental or otherwise, if there is any, between me and you.

    The topic of this morning’s talk is… ‘Concept of God in Major Religions’. ‘Religion’… according to the Oxford Dictionary means…‘A belief in a Super Human controlling power, especially a personal God or gods, that deserve obedience and worship’. The Qari, Brother Ashraf Muhamedy, he recited few verses of the Holy Qur’an from Surah Al Imran, Ch. No.3, V. No. 64, which says…(Arabic)… ‘Say to the people of the book’ (Arabic)… ‘that come to common terms as between us and you’ Which is the first term? (Arabic)…‘that we worship none but Allah’. (Arabic)…‘that we associate no partners with Him’. (Arabic)…‘that we erect not among ourselves, Lords and Patrons, other than Allah’. (Arabic)…‘if then they turn back’. (Arabic)…‘say we bear witness’. (Arabic)… ‘that we are Muslims bowing our will to Allah Subhana Wa Taala’.

    This is a verse of the Holy Qur’an which shows you a way how to speak with people of different communities. It says : (Arabic)…‘That came to common terms as between us and you’. Which is the first term? (Arabic)….‘That we worship none but Allah’ (Arabic)… ‘that we associate no partners with Him’. One thing common in all the Major Religions of the world is, that the God they worship, they believe He is the same God for them, as well as for the others. For eg… the God which the Hindus worship, they believe He is the same God for the Hindus as well as for the Non-Hindus. The God which the Christians worship, they believe He is the same God, for the Christians as well as for the Non-Christians. Similarly the God…Allah Subhana Wa Taala which we Muslims worship, we believe He is the same Allah Subhana Wa Taala for the Muslims, as well as for the Non-Muslims. The Major Religions of the world can be broadly classified as : Semetic Religions and Non Semetic Religions.

    The Non Semetic Religions are further divided into Aryan and the Non Aryan Religions. The Semetic Religions are those Religions that are followed by the Semites. Who are the Semites? The Semites are the descendents of ‘Shem’, who was the son of Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) which is mentioned in the Bible, in the book Genesis, Ch. No. 5 and Ch.No. 11. So Semetic Religions are those Religions, that are followed by the Jews, by the Arabs, by the Asyrians by the Ponysians - who speak Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Acadians, Ponysians, etc. The major amongst the Semetic Religions are, Judaism, Christianity and Islam - all of which are Prophetic Religions. The Non Sematic Religions are further divided into Aryan and Non-Aryan Religions. The Aryan Religions, are the Religions followed by the Aryans - a group of Indo-European speaking community, which spread in Iran and Northern India, in the 1st half of the 2nd millenium B.C, that is 2000 to 1500 B.C. The Aryan Religion is further divided into Vedic and Non - Vedic Religion. The Vedic religion is ‘Brahaminism’ which has been given the misnomer of Hindusium.

    The Non-Vedic Religions, are Sikhism, Buddism, Jainism, etc. Amongst the Non-Aryan Religions, we have those of the Chinese origin like ‘Taoism’, ‘Confusism’, etc - those of the Japanese origin, like ‘Shintuism’, etc. But most of these Religions, they do not have a concept of God. Therefore they are preferably called as ethical systems, instead of Religions. As far as my talk today will be concerned, I will be speaking about the Concept of God in Major Religions, of ‘Semetic’ and ‘Aryan’ origin. To understand the concept of God, the best and the most accurate way is to analyze their Religious Scriptures, and understand what it has to speak about God. Trying to analyze the concept of God, by looking at the followers is not always correct, because most of the followers they themselves do not know what their Scripture speaks about God. So let us, analyze today, the concept of God in Major Religions by analyzing their Religious Scriptures. First we will discuss the Aryan Religion. Hinduism is the most popular of all the Aryan religions.

    And if you ask a common Hindu, that… How many gods does he believe in? Some may say 3, some may say 33, some may say a 1000, while the others may say, 33 crores, 330 million. But if you ask, a Hindu learned man, who knows his Religious Scriptures, he will tell you that a Hindu should actually believe, only in God. The major difference between the common Hindu and the Muslim is that, the common Hindu believes in a Philosophy known as ‘Pantheism’ - that is, everything is god. The tree is god, the sun is god, the moon is god, the snake is god, the monkey is god, the human beings are god. The Muslim believes that everything is God’s - GOD with an Apostofy ‘S’, everything belongs to God. The tree belongs to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the human beings belong to God. So the major difference between the common Hindu and the Muslim, is the Apostofy ‘S’.

    The Hindus say, everything is God, and we Muslims say everything is God’s - God with a Apostofy ‘S’. If we can solve this difference of Apostofy ‘S’, the Hindus and the Muslims will be united. How do you do it? As the Qur’an says… (Arabic)….. ‘That come to common terms as between us and you’. Which is the first term? (Arabic)…‘that we worship none but Allah’, (Arabic)… ‘that we associate no partners with Him’. So let us analyze the concept of God in Hinduisum, by analyzing their Religious Scriptures. The most popular amongst all the Hindu Religious Scriptures, is the ‘Bhagwat Geeta’. This is a copy of Bhagwat Geeta - In the IRF we have Alhamdulillah, more than 30 different translations only of Bhagwat Geeta. The Bhagwat Geeta says in Ch. No. 7, V. No.20 ‘That those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship the demi gods’ - That means the materialistic people, they worship demi gods - That means not the true Almighty God.

    The Upanishads are the other Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus. It is mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad, Ch.No. 6, Section No. 2, Verse No.1. ‘God is one only… ‘Akam Avidetuim’… not a second’ That means - There is only God, He doesn’t have any partner, He is alone. Same as the Holy Qur’an which is mentioned in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No. 112, V. No.1, (Arabic)… ‘Say He is Allah, one and only’. It is mentioned in the Sweta Sutara Upanishad, Ch. No. 6, Verse No.9, ‘Na Kasia Kasji Janita Nakadipa’, which means….‘Of Him there is no parents, nor Lord’ He has got no parents, He has got no masters - That means, He alone is sufficient, He is not dependent on anyone else.

    As the Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No.112, V. No.3, (Arabic)…‘He begets not nor is He begotten’ The quotation I gave from ‘Upanishads’, was translated by S. Radha Krishnan, and we have other translations also in our foundation. Further, if you read in the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, V. No. 19, it says …‘Natastiya Pratima Asti’ ‘There is no likeness of Him’.

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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    continue from previous part.....

    Same as the Holy Qur’an, Surah Iklas, Ch. No. 112, Verse No. 4 (Arabic)… ‘There is nothing like Him’. It is further mentioned in the next verse of the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch.No.4 Verse No. 20, that… ‘His form cannot be seen, No one can see Him with the eyes’. Similar to the message that is given in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Anam, Ch.No.6, V.No.103…‘No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all vision, He is beyond comprehension, yet He is acquainted with all things’. Amongst all the Religious Scriptures of the Hindus, the most sacred are the Vedas, and there are principally 4 Vedas - the Rigved, the Ajurved, the Samved, and the Atharvaved. The Rigved deals with ‘Songs of praises’; the Ajurved deals with ‘Sacrificial formulas’, the Samved with Melody, and the Atharvaved with Magical formulas. It is mentioned in the Ajurved, Ch. No. 32, Verse No. 3…‘Natasti Pratima Asti’ - There is no image of Him.

    And verse continues and says that ‘He is unborn, and He should be worshipped’. It is mentioned in the Yasjurved, Ch. No. 40, V. No.8 that ‘God in bodyless and Pure’. It is mentioned in the Ajurved, Ch.No. 40, V.No.9,… ‘Andasma Pravishanti Ya Sambaiti Upaste’, which means – ‘They are entering darkness those who worship the Asambuti’. The ‘Asambuti’ are the natural things like air, water, fire. And the verse continues…“they are sinking more in darkness, those who worship the ‘Sambuti’ ”. The ‘Sambuti’ are the ‘created things’. The quotation I gave of Ajurved, was by Devichand as well as by Ralfh.T. Grefith. The other Veda is the ‘Atharvaved’. It is mentioned in Atharveda, Book No. 20, Ch. No. 58, Verse No. 3 - It says ‘Dev Maha Osi’… ‘God is verily great’. Same as ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ - Allah is the Greatest. Amongst all the Vedas the most sacred and the oldest, is the Rigveda. It is mentioned in the Rigved, Book. No. 1, Hymn No. 164, Verse No. 46…‘Sages call one God by many names’.

    That means, there are various names given to this one God, and the Rigved alone gives no less than 33 different attributes to Almighty God - most of which are mentioned in Rigved, Book. 2, Hymn No. 1. And one of the beautiful attribute which is mentioned on Rigved of the Almighty God is ‘Brahama’, which is mentioned in Rigved, Book No. 2, Hymn No.1, Verse No.3. ‘Brahama’ means, ‘The Creator’. If you translate into Arabic, it means ‘Khalique’. We Muslims have got no objection if anyone calls Almighty God, Allah Subhana Wa Taala as ‘Khalique’, or ‘Creator’ or ‘Brahama’. But if someone says that ‘Brahama’ is Almighty God, who has got four heads, and on each head is a crown and he has got four arms, we Muslim take strong objection to it.

    Moreover, it is even prohibited in the Ajurved, Ch. No. 32, Verse No. 3, which says… ‘Natastya Pratima Asti’- There is no image of Him. Another beautiful attribute, which is given in the Rigved, Book No. 2, Hymn No.1, Verse No. 3, is ‘Vishnu’. ‘Vishnu’ means ‘The Sustainer’. If you translate into Arabic, it means ‘Rab’. We Muslim have got no objection of someone calls Almighty God as ‘Rab’ or ‘Cherisher’, ‘Sustainer’ or ‘Vishnu’. But if someone says that ‘Vishnu’ is Almighty God, who has got 4 hands, and one of his right hand holds the ‘Chakra’ that is the diskettes, and one of his left hand holds the conch and he is riding on a bird, or reclining on a couch of snakes, we Muslims take strong objection to it. You are going against the Ajurved, Ch. No. 40, V.No.8, which says

    ‘God is bodyless’- as well as Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, Verse No. 19, of Sweta Satra Upanishad, which says: ‘Natastya Pratima Asti’…‘There is no likeness of Him’. It is mentioned in the Rigveda Book. No. 8, Hymn No. 1, Verse No. 1 ‘Maach dangadi Samshata’ - that means… ‘Do not worship anyone besides Him alone - Praise Him alone’. It is mentioned in the Rigved, Book No. 5, Ch. No. 81, Verse No. 1, - it says ‘Verily great is the glory of the Divine Creator’ Same as Surah Fatihah, Ch.No. 1, V.No.2…‘Alhamdulillah hi Rab ul Alameen’… ‘Praise be to Allah (swt) the Lord of the worlds’. It is further mentioned in Rigved, Book No. 3, Hymn No. 34, Verse No.1, - it says that… ‘He is the Bountiest Giver’.

    It is further mentioned in the Ajurved, Ch.No.40, V.No. 16 - It says that… ‘Lead us to the good path, and save us from the sin which makes us wander and go astray’. Similar to the verse Holy Qur’an of Surah Fathiha Ch. No.1, Verse No.6 and 7, (Arabic…..) That…‘Show us the straight path, the path of those who have earned thine favour, And the path of those who go not astray’ It is mentioned in Rigved Book, No. 6, Hymn No. 45, Verse No. 16… ‘Ya ekt it mustihi’ - ‘Praise Him who is Matchless and Alone’. The quotation I gave from the RigVed was by Satya Prakash Narayan and Satyakam Vidyalankar, as well as by Ralph.T.Grifith, Vol. I and Vol. II. We have various translations of Religious Scriptures of various Religions. So whatever quotations we give, if any one wants to verify that the speaker is pulling a fast one, they are most welcome to come to our foundation and take a Photostat copy. And all these translations which I gave to you is not done by Muslims – It is done by the people who follow that religion, as well as by Orientalists.

    The ‘Brahma Sutra’ of Hinduism, of the Vedanta - the main cream is, ‘Akkum Braham Dusta Nastim - Niya nastim Kincham’ ‘Bagwan Ek hi hai, dhusra nahi hai, nahi hai, nahi hai, zara bhi nahi hai’. There is only one God, not a second one, not at all, not all, not in the least bit. So if you read the Hindu Scriptures, you will understand the concept of God, in Hinduism. Let us discuss the concept of God in Sikhism. Sikhism is a Non Semetic, Aryan Non Vedic Religion. Though it has a small following, as compared to the other major Religions, it is an offshoot of Hinduism. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Sahib, at the end of the 15th century, and it originated from the area of Pakistan and North West India, that is Punjab, the land of the five rivers. And this religion which was founded by Guru Nanak Sahib - it is a Religion of 10 gurus. The first one who founded the Religion, is Guru Nanak Sahib, and the last and the 10th one is Guru Govind Sahib.

    Guru Nanak Sahib was born in a ‘Shatriya’ warrior caste family, but he was very much influenced by the Muslims. ‘Sikh’ is derived from the word ‘Sisya’ which means a ‘disciple’ or ‘follower’, and the sacred book of the ‘Sikhs’, is Sri Guru Granth Sahib - this is a book ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib’. And the Sikh has to maintain his five ‘Ks’ . The first ‘K’ is the ‘Kash’, the uncut hair which all the gurus kept, the second is the ‘Kanga’, the comb which is used to keep the hair clean, the third is the ‘Kadha’, the metal or the steel bangel used for strength and for self restrain, the fourth is the ‘Kripan’, the dagger which is used for self defence, and the fifth is the ‘Kacha’ the long under wear till knee length, or under dross which is used for agility - These 5 ‘Ks’ also help in identifying any Sikh.

    The best definition that any Sikh can give regarding the concept of Almighty God in Sikhism, is quote the ‘Mul Mantra’ - the fundamental creed of Sikhism, which occurs in the beginning of Shri Guru Granth Sahib…at the beginning, i.e. of Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Volume No.1, Ch. No.1,Verse No.1. It is also called as ‘Japoji Mulmatra’ - It says that… ‘Only one God exists’. And He is called by ‘Dadru’, - the ‘Creator’, ‘the One free from fear and hatred’, ‘the Immortal, ‘Not begotten’, ‘Self-Existing’ ‘Great and Compassionate’. Sikhism strictly believes in Monotheism. And Almighty God, in the unmanifest form is called as ‘Ek Omkara’ and in the manifest form, He is called as ‘Ek Omkara’.

    And Guru Granth Sahib, he gave various attributes to this manifest form of Almighty God, ‘Omkara’ - and called it also as ‘Kartar’… the Creator, ‘Akal’… the Eternal, ‘Satyanama’… the Holy One, ‘Sahib’… the Lord, ‘Parvadigar’…‘Cherisher’, ‘Rahim’… the Merciful, ‘Karim’…‘the Benevolent’, and he also called Him as ‘Wahe Guru’… ‘One true Lord, one true God’. Sikhism besides believing in Monotheism, it is also against ‘Avtarvada’- the concept of incarnation of God. They are against that God can take human forms… can incarnate - and they are also against idol worship. Guru Nanak, was very much influenced by Sant Kabir - No wonder, if you read the ‘Guru Granth Sahib’, several chapters contain many couplets… ‘Do has’ of Sant Kabir. And one the most famous ‘Dohas’ of Sant Kabir is…‘Dukh mein sumren sab kare, Sukh mein kare na koi. Jo sukh mein sumren kare, to dukh kahe hoi’. ‘Everyone remembers God during trouble - no one remembers Him during peace and happiness.

    The one who remembers him during peace and happiness, why will he have trouble?’ A similar message is given in the Holy Qur’an, in a Surah Ar Zumar, Ch. 39, Verse No. 8…‘that Man, when trouble touches him, he cries out to the Lord and repents to Him, and when the Lord bestows him from His mercy, the man forgets that he had prayed and cried - and he associates rivals to Allah Subhana Wa Taala.
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    Assallama Alaikum Jazak'Allah sister
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    Actually , Aallah SWT Himself declare that Laa illaa Aallah SWT . That's from Al Salaf AS .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ummu Amatullah View Post
    The tree is god, the sun is god, the moon is god, the snake is god, the monkey is god, the human beings are god
    From creation we do conclude that God loves diversity . Millions of species of animals, trees . Millions of stars , galaxies , the sun , the moon . The vast array of gods and goddesses in Hinduism are indicative of infinite nature of divine .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ummu Amatullah View Post
    There is only one God, not a second one, not at all, not all, not in the least bit
    You are confusing God with Ishwara . Ishwara is only one . Gods aka Devtas or Demons they are many and theres no Shirk as per Vedas in worshiping them .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    You are confusing God with Ishwara . Ishwara is only one . Gods aka Devtas or Demons they are many and theres no Shirk as per Vedas in worshiping them .
    Welcome to the forum. There is shirk in worshipping them as per QURAN. You must understand the God and shirk belief in Islam. God is the ultimate and supreme being which there is nothing higher than Him or even equal to Him. If you think Ishwara is something else other than God and above God ( or Gods) then your God concept is totally different from Islam. But if you think Ishwara is God and He is one but you also worship other beings like demons etc you definetely commit shirk according to Islam. So, make your point clear enough. Best regards
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    Concept Of God In Major Religions

    “Either seem as you are or be as you seem” Rumi
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    talibilm's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    From creation we do conclude that God loves diversity . Millions of species of animals, trees . Millions of stars , galaxies , the sun , the moon . The vast array of gods and goddesses in Hinduism are indicative of infinite nature of divine .

    You are partly right , God loves diversity and had created very different landscapes, living beings, trees, plants etc All of them to prove his Mightiest art of creation like an Architect and the common sensed human to know the greatness of his Lord, The Creator .

    How about an architect always building the same style building every where ?
    is he a great architect or a an Architect who builds many buildings in different styles and shapes with different colours etc ??

    Not only that, The Creator God also made diversities to show what's the value of day through a night and vice versa, what's the values of a fragrance by creating stink , value of health by creating disease etc etc etc etc etc etc

    So that's Aim of diversity of the creations , to illuminate the Mightiest Might of The Lord, The Creator which he shows as his Signs of marvel.

    A few verses from the protected Last Book of God http://legacy.quran.com/35/27-28

    Kindly read post # 32 here to see to which extent is this diversity


    So when too many cooks can just spoil the food (can't even make food ) so How about our Globe ( land is just 1/3rd) & its creations in its own places, These planets in its own orbits, stars, galaxies co existing SO BEAUTIFULLY . Will this be possible if there are many Gods ? Can India have two prime ministers ?
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-17-2017 at 02:08 PM.
    Concept Of God In Major Religions

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian View Post
    But if you think Ishwara is God and He is one but you also worship other beings like demons etc you definetely commit shirk according to Islam. So, make your point clear enough
    The Supreme One who represents selflessness, controls the entire universe, is present everywhere and is the Devata of all Devatas, alone is source of bliss. Those who do not understand Him remain drenched in sorrow and those who realize Him achieve unconditional happiness. (Rigveda 1.164.39)

    Ishwar of Vedas = God of Christianity minus the concept of Trinity minus the necessity to surrender to Jesus
    Ishwar of Vedas = Allah of Islam minus the necessity to accept Muhammad as final Prophet.
    In other words, If someone says first part of Shahada : lâ ilâha illallâh (There is no other God except one and only Allah) but rejects the second part : Muḥammadur rasûlullâh (Muhammad is his messenger), that is close to concept of Vedic God.
    In Islam, it is Shirk or greatest sin to worship anything except Allah. If you take this concept further and also refuse to accept any Muhammad or Gabriel as necessary to be remembered apart from Allah, you are avoiding Shirk as per Vedas.

    We dont associate any partners or prophets with Ishwara . But you do ...

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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Will this be possible if there are many Gods ? Can India have two prime ministers ?
    Vedas and science do know about multi universes .Vedas have already described about infinite different universes in many dimensions they have described about many universes and parallel universes within ,earlier science was not capable of grasping it ,but now they accept the possibilities of parallel universes within universe (read about hologram theory ).

    Gods or Devtas or Demons whatever you call them are basically highly elevated advanced beings who dwell on in a higher plane of existence . We worship or make pacts with them to help us attain various objectives . There is no Shirk in doing that .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    We dont associate any partners or prophets with Ishwara . But you do ...
    To claim something you should have proof through good knowledge about the subject. You must read the Last Book of Allah the glorious Quran since, FRANKLY you do not understand BASICALLY the meaning of creating 'partners (equals )' to God from your above statement. we are supposed to give testimony on our Shahadha that Prophet Muhammad is
    1) Slave of Allah
    2) Messenger of Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    Vedas and science do know about multi universes .Vedas have already described about infinite different universes in many dimensions they have described about many universes and parallel universes within ,earlier science was not capable of grasping it ,but now they accept the possibilities of parallel universes within universe (read about hologram theory ).Gods or Devtas or Demons whatever you call them are basically highly elevated advanced beings who dwell on in a higher plane of existence . We worship or make pacts with them to help us attain various objectives . There is no Shirk in doing that .
    The answer to this part is given by the glorious Quran by those Demons & elevated beings you talk about are Angels & Jinns which Man took them as gods & helpers . This is shirk .

    We worship Allah , The Creator Alone and from him we seek Help . Allah knows all and listens even the prayers of an Ant so we do not need intermediaries. And from some books of Islam we come to know that start of worshipping idols even in Mecca at the kaaba just 300 years before the birth of our last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when the richest care taker of Kaaba, Amr ibn Luhay started the practise of making idols for dead Saints just to get loyalty and support of the disciples of those dead saints (politics )

    Lets see how idols worship started on Earth

    When a son of Adam killed another brother of his own, and after killing he felt remorse and was also Missing crying for his dead brother. Satan came to him as a friend and suggested the solutions of relief for him from the sadness of missing his brother by making an idol of his dead brother so that he can see him again. So this plan of Shaitan helped this brother but his love for his brother (the silent idol) grew more which further went into hugging the statue , offering his sorry and even offering food he once liked etc. But the children slipped further by going a step further up by giving respect to their late Uncle 's statue by bowing in respect and taking blessings and continuing their father's actions of offering food etc. their grand children went one more step further by asking Luck from their grandpa (the same Idol) and satan or Shaitan played a further trick helping them to get what the begged from the Idol and making them to assume that Actually it was that Idol was helping them and it further grew into idol gods.

    So man started worshipping man , animals and even private parts , penis of Man in the name of Shiva Ling means in sanksrit penis of Shiva . Captain what do you call this ? A religion ? (from Vedhas) i heard about even women's.... Though modern generation of such believers try to hide the fact its the penis of Shiva by twisting that fact. But still you have more verses about '' The Lingam' since Prophet Abraham is also mentioned in the vedhas 'Abram lingathihum'' meaning Abraham the circumcised one '' and These statements here are further confirmed by many hindu scholars. since this incident of circumcision of Abraham that almost all religions mention about Shows that they all came from same source ''One God'' but got distorted by its people, ( the more old, more the distortion is)

    All those millions of gods in hinduism came in the near similar way. if you won't believe this, here is the LIVE PROOF OF ONE MORE NEW hindu god, which is just about 300 years before , Madurai Veeran, a Robin Good Charecter in India https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madurai_Veeran , who was much wanted by the police and after his death his statue was made and had been already converted into a god with many temples who has cross oceans to Malaysia as temple in this secular Muslim country.
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-19-2017 at 01:20 AM.
    Concept Of God In Major Religions

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    In Islam, it is Shirk or greatest sin to worship anything except Allah. If you take this concept further and also refuse to accept any Muhammad or Gabriel as necessary to be remembered apart from Allah, you are avoiding Shirk as per Vedas.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    Gods or Devtas or Demons whatever you call them are basically highly elevated advanced beings who dwell on in a higher plane of existence . We worship or make pacts with them to help us attain various objectives . There is no Shirk in doing that .
    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

    Worshipping other than Allah and also make a pacts with them to help you attain various objectives, is what we call Shirk. As stated in Al-Fatihah verse 5, Allah wants we only to worship and beg for help only to Allah, and without any mediator/medium or else (please see Al-Baqarah 186), the practice worshipping other than Allah is one of the reason why Allah sent the last prophet Muhammad PBUH to us, to guide us back to the true path.

    We are not worshipping prophet Muhammad PBUH and other prophets, we believe Allah has sent them to us and we do pray and beg to Allah for their peace and happiness. And we also are not worshipping any angels nor beg for help to them, we only taught that we should believe that Allah has created angels.

    Please read carefully surah Al-Fatihah, it only 7 verses, but it contains a big details of what's Allah wants for us to do. Begging to other than Allah, means you believe that Allah as the creator isn't capable to help you, or Allah doesn't care for you, or doesn't listen to your pray, and I think this is hurting Allah most, because you know Allah is merciful, care, and love us more than our parents.
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    FRANKLY you do not understand BASICALLY the meaning of creating 'partners (equals )' to God from your above statement
    You imply you cant go to jannah without believing in Prophets , Angels , Books of Allah ? Ishwara has no such limitations tbh .

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    The answer to this part is given by the glorious Quran by those Demons & elevated beings you talk about are Angels & Jinns which Man took them as gods & helpers . This is shirk .
    How are you so sure God has no idols ? I can prove from quran Allah has body. He rests on throne that has four legs .

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Lets see how idols worship started on Earth
    First I had like to know what do you think Adam was created in the image of Allah ? Yes or no

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    penis of Man in the name of Shiva Ling means in sanksrit penis of Shiva . Captain what do you call this ?
    The Yezidi’s also practice the same Linga worship that is common in Hinduism. Along with other rites found in Hinduism. Such as the belief in avatar’s the incarnations of Gods in human form. And the carrying of the Sajak’s is also found in India with the image of the deity being carried thought the towns and villages by the Priests and given offerings by the people. Which is how the Yezidi procession of the seven Sajak’s are done. The Linga the Yezidi women pray to is the form of Shaitan in their ancient rites in which they ask to be made pregnant by the Linga of Melek Taus. The Linga is the form of Shiva and worshipped as Shiva in Hinduism. Just as they are worshipped by the Yezidi as the form of Shaitan. The Linga is the symbol of the spine and soul and its energies.

    And now let the powerful one accept the sacred-bowl filled with milk, white, filled with Shukra’ (Rig Veda.IV.27.5)
    Here is the transformation of the lower-energy we talked about of the Shukra or semen in the lower-chakras, representing the genital organs and lust, and it’s being transformed into the higher Soma or immortality through the awakening of Kundalini from the base of the spine up to the Crown of the where, where it is transformed into this immortal elixir (Amrita or Ambrosia).

    The sacred bowl here is hence filled with Shukra, the Divine Seminal Fluid, which is transformed to Soma in the Crown Chakra, when it is taken up the Sushumna, the middle-current in Yoga representing the subtle channel in the spine, through which one accesses higher powers, and through which the Kundalini Shakti ascends as Udanavayu, the up-moving air or breath, which has a purifying nature as a pierces the chakras and transforms this lower / base seminal fluid into the nectar of immortality in the Crown of the head.

    There is nothing too odd in Linga worship , it is an allegory and is directly about spirituality uwu .

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Madurai Veeran, a Robin Good Charecter in India https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madurai_Veeran , who was much wanted by the police and after his death his statue was made and had been already converted into a god with many temples who has cross oceans to Malaysia as temple in this secular Muslim country.
    He is a folk deity . We have had that tradition of having folk deity . I mean even in present time , many villages of India have their own folk deities.

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    The Lingam' since Prophet Abraham is also mentioned in the vedhas 'Abram lingathihum'' meaning Abraham the circumcised one '' and These statements here are further confirmed by many hindu scholars. since this incident of circumcision of Abraham that almost all religions mention about Shows that they all came from same source ''One God'' but got distorted by its people, ( the more old, more the distortion is)
    There aint any mention of prophet in Vedas . Where did you get this ? Give citations from Vedas .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by air View Post
    Begging to other than Allah, means you believe that Allah as the creator isn't capable to help you, or Allah doesn't care for you, or doesn't listen to your pray, and I think this is hurting Allah most, because you know Allah is merciful, care, and love us more than our parents.
    Hinduism is not a salvation theology and can be called Sanatana Dharma where spiritual practice is done to attain higher level of consciousness and elevate to higher plane of existence .There is no concept of being saved from Hellfire . There is rather an idea that through yoga and meditation you can evolve over time and unite with God and or be like a God . There is no division of world into this class of believers and non believers .

    We have not received any commandments ever that if we dont do a slavish worship we are bound to get epic lolz on the day of judgement uwu.
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    You imply you cant go to jannah without believing in Prophets , Angels , Books of Allah ? Ishwara has no such limitations tbh .

    Here I can see clearly you UNDERESTIMATE the Power & rules of Allah , the creator of Galaxies. Even the Jews who call Christians as Polytheists since they themselves consider as Monotheists after recouping back to Monotheism from the WARNING of the glorious Quran, (since Jews took Rabbi Ezra , who founded their lost Torah , as son of God) are also many steps back when comparing with clear cut rules of Islamic scriptures regarding who is that One, UNIQUE, Creator ?. Since Islam is the last updated Religion, with the Last updated Book with the Last messenger. example, Its like the latest updated iphone, when all others are OUTDATED. So Hinduism lags behind at the last when comes to monotheism. Do you know How powerful is Allah in the below thread , note post # 35


    The Creator's rules are THE rules but his mercy is keeping this world of sinners still in tact.see this hadith

    Muslim :: Book 32 : Hadith 6246
    Abu Dharr reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said:

    '' My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Me and unlawful for you, so do not commit oppression against one another. My servants, all of you are liable to err except one whom I guide on the right path, so seek right guidance from Me so that I should direct you to the right path. O My servants, all of you are hungry (needy) except one whom I feed, so beg food from Me, so that I may give that to you. O My servants, all of you are naked (need clothes) except one whom I provide garments, so beg clothes from Me, so that I should clothe you. O My servants, you commit error night and day and I am there to pardon your sins, so beg pardon from Me so that I should grant you pardon. O My servants, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any good. O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and even the whole of human race of yours, and that of jinns even, become (equal in) God-conscious like the heart of a single person amongst you,
    nothing would add to My Power. O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of the Jinns too in unison become the most wicked (all beating) like the heart of a single person, it would cause no loss to My Power.
    O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of jinns also all stand in one plain ground and you ask Me and I confer upon every person what he asks for, it would not. in any way, cause any loss to Me (even less) than that which is caused to the ocean by dipping the needle in it. My servants, these for you I shall reward you for thern, so he who deeds of yours which I am recording finds good should praise Allah and he who does not find that should not blame anyone but his ownself. Sa'id said that when Abu Idris Khaulini narrated this hadith he knelt upon his knees.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    How are you so sure God has no idols ? I can prove from quran Allah has body. He rests on throne that has four legs .

    A little knowledge is dangerous so you still have to go deep in the glorious Quran by understanding the sura http://legacy.quran.com/112 and verse 3:7 for a better understanding ( Not full understanding) The hands etc of Allah has told about them to us in they way we will understand but we can't comprehend what Allah looks like and none has seen Allah even among all the Prophets.

    when you can't comprehend even the size and structure of his just One angel who's shape is like this

    Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: "I have been granted permission to speak to an angel, one of the bearers of the Throne. His feet are in the lowest earth and the Throne is resting on his horn. The distance from his earlobe to his shoulder is like that of a bird flying for seven hundred years. That angel says, 'Glory be to You, wherever You are. '" [At-Tabaraani]

    Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: "I have been granted permission to speak about one of the angels of Allah, one of the bearers of the Throne. The distance from his earlobes to his shoulders is the distance of a seven - hundred year journey." [Abu Daawood]

    Then How are you going to comprehend Allah , their Creator ???

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    First I had like to know what do you think Adam was created in the image of Allah ? Yes or no
    No .He was created in Adam's Own image . in the sense he did not under go the phases of foetus, infant , toddler, boy, lad and then Man etc but he was created in Adam's (pbuh) own real image (the standard image) of 60 cubits

    kindly refer to my post before a few years ago, here in post # 124 for more info http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthrea...n-of-god/page4

    also refer to post # 105 to know the Greatness of Your Creator.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    The Yezidi’s also practice the same Linga worship that is common in Hinduism. Along with other rites found in Hinduism. Such as the belief in avatar’s the incarnations of Gods in human form. And the carrying of the Sajak’s is also found in India with the image of the deity being carried thought the towns and villages by the Priests and given offerings by the people. Which is how the Yezidi procession of the seven Sajak’s are done. The Linga the Yezidi women pray to is the form of Shaitan in their ancient rites in which they ask to be made pregnant by the Linga of Melek Taus. The Linga is the form of Shiva and worshipped as Shiva in Hinduism. Just as they are worshipped by the Yezidi as the form of Shaitan. The Linga is the symbol of the spine and soul and its energies. And now let the powerful one accept the sacred-bowl filled with milk, white, filled with Shukra’ (Rig Veda.IV.27.5)Here is the transformation of the lower-energy we talked about of the Shukra or semen in the lower-chakras, representing the genital organs and lust, and it’s being transformed into the higher Soma or immortality through the awakening of Kundalini from the base of the spine up to the Crown of the where, where it is transformed into this immortal elixir (Amrita or Ambrosia).The sacred bowl here is hence filled with Shukra, the Divine Seminal Fluid, which is transformed to Soma in the Crown Chakra, when it is taken up the Sushumna, the middle-current in Yoga representing the subtle channel in the spine, through which one accesses higher powers, and through which the Kundalini Shakti ascends as Udanavayu, the up-moving air or breath, which has a purifying nature as a pierces the chakras and transforms this lower / base seminal fluid into the nectar of immortality in the Crown of the head.There is nothing too odd in Linga worship , it is an allegory and is directly about spirituality uwu .
    A wine bottle bearing a sticker of honey is the parable for your claims. Just keeping Muslim names does not make you a Muslim. Even many born Muslims are for name sake that has already been Prophesied from hadith . Nudity of all sorts are most condemned in islam. The idolators near the kaaba were allowed to live around Kaaba for nearly two years EVEN after the take over of Mecca by the Muslims , they were even allowed their usual pligrimage to Kaaba, So Sweet were Muslims but they turned to their old ways of doing pilgrimage in Nude so they were banned and were told to leave out of Mecca.


    Bukhari :: Book 6 :: Volume 60 :: Hadith 179

    Narrated Humaid bin Abdur Rahman:Abu Huraira said, "Abu Bakr sent me in that Hajj in which he was the chief of the pilgrims along with the announcers whom he sent on the Day of Nahr to announce at Mina: "No pagan shall perform Hajj after this year, and none shall perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba in a naked state." Humaid added: That the Prophet sent 'Ali bin Abi Talib (after Abu Bakr) and ordered him to recite aloud in public Surat-Baraa. Abu Huraira added, "So 'Ali, along with us, recited Bara'a (loudly) before the people at Mina on the Day of Nahr and announced "No pagan shall perform Hajj after this year and none shall perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba in a NAKED state."..except those pagans with whom you (Muslims) have a treaty." (9.4)

    We still see such Nudity in hindu pilgrimage at Kumba Mela in India.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    He is a folk deity . We have had that tradition of having folk deity . I mean even in present time , many villages of India have their own folk deities.
    Yes you are correct they are some deities for the people there . Do you know the meaning of diety ? ( its immortal, so were they immortal ? ) that's shirk the greatest injustice to The Lord, The Creator, comparing them to mortals who were begotten (born through sex) ,drank, ate and excreted, slept, fell ill ,fever and had sex.

    What do you think of all other SO CALLED deities of pagans , and other idol worshippers before centuries or millenniums ? Its all the same too with their case. Man's exaggeration assumptions was always there then and now and will be forever. That's the trick Shaitan plays as I have clearly described and proved in post # 11 , He persuades to start a small shirk and leads to the big shirk . In another 100 years he (Madurai Veeran) can go to the top ten of Hindu gods if he is given that advertisement in Malaysia like Ganesha . Every Idol worshipper will argue that his Diety is the best . So you have Gangs of gods .lol.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    There aint any mention of prophet in Vedas . Where did you get this ? Give citations from Vedas .
    Sanjay Dwivedi ,a high cast Hindu, A Brahmin From a prestigious Family and who studied about 15 years to become a Pandit or a Hindu scholar, later studied the Quran and embraced Islam told these facts That One True God has been mentioned in many places of vedas as one without form, without father or mother as believed in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (sal pbuh) has been mentioned in the Vedas (about 4000 years ago) as ' clearly as Muhammad' and Prophet Abraham Or Ibrahim(as) is also mentioned in Vedas in Rig Vedha as ' 'Abrahm'' the one who is Circumcised and mentioning about Prophet Muhammad its been clearly mentioned he will be circumcised and he will be meat eater while followers of Vedas there were mainly Pure vegetarians called , the brahmins.

    Al Biruni,The Islamic Scientist, Astronomer who came to India says Brahmins of High status were purely monotheist (from wiki as below)

    '' Al-Biruni was disgusted by scholars who failed to engage'' PRIMARY SOURCES'' in their treatment of Hindu Religion.......................................... .................................................. ..............

    Al-Biruni divides Hindus into an educated and an uneducated class. He describes the educated as monotheistic, believing that God is one, eternal, and omnipotent and eschewing all forms of idol worship. He recognizes that
    uneducated Hindus worshipped a multiplicity of idols yet points out that even some Muslims (such as the Jabiriyya) have adopted anthropomorphic concepts of God. (Ataman, 2005) ''

    But still a part of the world likes Assumptions, Imaginations and creates comparision to The One True God, the Creator. which is the Biggest Injustice & the Biggest unforgivable sin as Per the Noble Quran.

    kindly watch Mr Divedi as "Ahmed Pandit' but in Urdu ,Hindi


    Here's a translation of this video from my limited Hindi, Urdu knowledge as follows

    Translation: Today we can see there is a line or queue of gods in them is not because they benefit from them but they worship them to achieve peace of their hearts. I had many friends who taught vedas and granth to others but I myself saw that they were never Peaceful. Why ? because there was a big search in their hearts for the real Creator who had sent the Message to mankind. And that is Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

    Reads in sanskrit and translates..This Muhammad will be born in Arabia which will be near sea. Does it mean river Ganges ? Its the same place where we are standing now which is close to the sea (might be he was in middle east while delivering this speech) reads Sanskrit and translates..Lets clear it more. The ambassador of God will be born in a such a place where its surroundings have been visited by many other Ambassadors of God before him. He will be the last Ambassadors among all those ambassadors of God.

    Reads sanskrit translates... that God who is the one and the Most Powerful God whose representative he will be and he will proclaim the truth to the mankind that the Creator of Mankind is only one and Most Powerful and none else except him. So Big Truth the vedas are exclaiming,screaming,and you will get these vedas today at the market or holybooks bazar, am not talking about vedas 300 years old which have been Kept in Banaras(sacred city) all these proofs which i've told you are in those vedas in the market. And those vedas that I was taught is not available in the holybooks market now. You can research about Prophet's name in the vedas from the market.the 15 times of Prophet Muhammad 's name mentioned will also be available in them.

    Let see what will Prophet will do after he comes (as in vedas)

    He will bring such a message which will give success to humanity & what will be the last message.


    Ganga (ganges) does not mean the name of river but it means pure water which refers to the purest water of Zam zam.

    He will have 5 things that the earlier Ambassadors of God did not have.
    1)One will be zamzam well
    2)The city where they will turn their face while Praying
    3) will Preach message or Mission of about one god (not clear)
    4) circumcision will be followed by his people.
    5)he will bring book of God or message, it means Noble Quran which will tell how to lead the complete life

    Reads Sanskrit Translates,

    He will be the Guru of all Gurus(Guru means Teacher or leader) He will inform from Arabia and message will be spread from there. will use Clear water those of angels he will use or Zam zam water (or refers to cleaning of Prophet's heart by angels) Reads Sanskrit & translates.. After Delivering the above 5 things he will declare to God saying that the responsibility God gave him He has delivered it completely to the mankind and his duty is now completed.

    ( I think he refers to the last haj Sermon where Prophet(saw) says''(http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthrea...arewell-Sermon)

    '' Toward the end of his sermon, Muhammad asked "O people, have I faithfully delivered unto you my message?" A powerful murmur of assent "O Allah, yes!", arose from thousands of pilgrims and the vibrant words "Allahumma na’m" rolled like thunder throughout the valley. Muhammad raised his forefinger and said: "Be my witness O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people." )

    And his followers Men & women will love & follow the Guru ( teacher) such as babies run after their Mothers, such will be the Gurus's students and follow his message( not sure) This is the light that Vedas Emit, are we ready to take advantage of it ? Ask ourselves in how much darkness we are now ? we have been worshipping some many gods leaving the Real ONE to be worshipped, But Inspite of it See how kind is our True One God , our Creator who has been fullfilling all our needs though we have sinned but did not ask anything in return . Inspite of knowing our real Creator ,Are we not yet ready to turn to him ?

    Last edited by talibilm; 11-21-2017 at 06:10 AM.
    Concept Of God In Major Religions

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    Hinduism is not a salvation theology and can be called Sanatana Dharma where spiritual practice is done to attain higher level of consciousness and elevate to higher plane of existence .There is no concept of being saved from Hellfire . There is rather an idea that through yoga and meditation you can evolve over time and unite with God and or be like a God . There is no division of world into this class of believers and non believers .

    We have not received any commandments ever that if we dont do a slavish worship we are bound to get epic lolz on the day of judgement uwu.
    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

    I see, but I think someone who does not agree with the concept one of a religion can be called a non-believer is not it?
    And since there's no division between believers and non-believers, what happen to all the people that not practising Hinduism and sinners after they die?

    I do not understand what you mean by the term slavish worship, how is Hindu people worshipping?
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by air View Post
    what happen to all the people that not practising Hinduism and sinners after they die?

    I do not understand what you mean by the term slavish worship, how is Hindu people worshipping?
    Nothing will happen . The life you and we live is just one of several chapters our lives goes through . .

    Slavish worship implies limiting the concept of God to a particular text . I do agree present days hindus are doing the same . They have been disconnected majority of them from real prayer to Ishwara which is kundalini yoga , meditation etc
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Here I can see clearly you UNDERESTIMATE the Power & rules of Allah , the creator of Galaxies. Even the Jews who call Christians as Polytheists since they themselves consider as Monotheists after recouping back to Monotheism from the WARNING of the glorious Quran, (since Jews took Rabbi Ezra , who founded their lost Torah , as son of God) are also many steps back when comparing with clear cut rules of Islamic scriptures regarding who is that One, UNIQUE, Creator ?. Since Islam is the last updated Religion, with the Last updated Book with the Last messenger. example, Its like the latest updated iphone, when all others are OUTDATED. So Hinduism lags behind at the last when comes to monotheism. Do you know How powerful is Allah in the below thread , note post # 35
    Is allah perfect or not ? His knowledge is prone to corruption .He has to send books over and over . THis is hilarious tbh .
    In fact you stole monotheism from Vedas .

    . "And when we said unto the angels, worship Adam, they all worshipped him except Eblis (Satan), who refused, and was puffed up with pride and became of the number of the unbelievers." surah baqrah 2: 32.) This clearly indicates that the Mohammedan God was not Omniscient i.e., He was not cognizant of the three periods of time - the past, the present, and future. Had he been Omniscient, He would not have created Satan. Nor was God All-powerful, since when Satan deliberately refuse to obey Him he could do nothing against him. Now if only one infidel (Satan), could trouble God so much as to render Him helpless what will He and His votaries do when they will have to cope with millions (according to their own belief) of infidels? God increased infirmity in some and let others astray. He must have learnt such things from Satan . In fact your God led Satan astray by asking him to do sajda . Your god even got enemies LOL .

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    No .He was created in Adam's Own image
    Since God formed Adam of the dust of the ground, he was not made in the image of allah, otherwise, allah also must have been made of the dust. When allah breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, was that breath allah Himself or something else? If it was something different, man was not made in the image of allah, but if it was so Adam and allah are alike and being alike allah also like man becomes subject to birth and death, growth and decay, hunger and thirst. how can then such a being be called allah? For this reason this statement recorded in the Old Testament nor yours books does not appear to be right, nor can therefore, this book be the Word of allah.

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    A wine bottle bearing a sticker of honey is the parable for your claims. Just keeping Muslim names does not make you a Muslim. Even many born Muslims are for name sake that has already been Prophesied from hadith . Nudity of all sorts are most condemned in islam. The idolators near the kaaba were allowed to live around Kaaba for nearly two years EVEN after the take over of Mecca by the Muslims , they were even allowed their usual pligrimage to Kaaba, So Sweet were Muslims but they turned to their old ways of doing pilgrimage in Nude so they were banned and were told to leave out of Mecca. We still see such Nudity in hindu pilgrimage at Kumba Mela in India.
    The rivers of wine flow in your quran not ours lol . And none is born moslem you become one after saying shahada . And funny thing is that a person of insane mind can never become a moslem lel . Nudity ? If you see it then deal with it uwu .

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Yes you are correct they are some deities for the people there . Do you know the meaning of diety ? ( its immortal, so were they immortal ? ) that's shirk the greatest injustice to The Lord, The Creator, comparing them to mortals who were begotten (born through sex) ,drank, ate and excreted, slept, fell ill ,fever and had sex.

    • a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion).
      "a deity of ancient Greece"
      synonyms: god, goddess, divine being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity, immortal; Morecreator, demiurge;
      daemon, numen;
      • divine status, quality, or nature.
        "a ruler driven by delusions of deity"
      • the creator and supreme being (in a monotheistic religion such as Christianity).
        noun: Deity; noun: the Deity
        "she raised her head as if appealing to the Deity presiding over the church"
      • a representation of a god or goddess, such as a statue or carving.
        "also on show is a bronze falcon deity"

        Where does a deity mean Ishwara ?

    What do you think of all other SO CALLED deities of pagans , and other idol worshippers before centuries or millenniums ? Its all the same too with their case. Man's exaggeration assumptions was always there then and now and will be forever. That's the trick Shaitan plays as I have clearly described and proved in post # 11 , He persuades to start a small shirk and leads to the big shirk . In another 100 years he (Madurai Veeran) can go to the top ten of Hindu gods if he is given that advertisement in Malaysia like Ganesha . Every Idol worshipper will argue that his Diety is the best . So you have Gangs of gods .lol.
    Because there is no one size fits for all approach in Dharma .Symbols and images have a deep imapct on us . You do realize it . They could be material objects but still they ignite a response that we treasure . You shake hands dont you ? thats not necessary for your survivial but it helps you connect to others . Santan Dharma unlike yours is not only philosophical but also experintial . We dont limit divine mere to a text LOL . You do realize the goal of ours is not to SURVIVE GOD to get to heaven and to attain virgins . LOL you are against nudity ? Your jannah is full of virgin women.

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Sanjay Dwivedi ,a high cast Hindu, A Brahmin From a prestigious Family and who studied about 15 years to become a Pandit or a Hindu scholar, later studied the Quran and embraced Islam told these facts That One True God has been mentioned in many places of vedas as one without form, without father or mother as believed in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (sal pbuh) has been mentioned in the Vedas (about 4000 years ago) as ' clearly as Muhammad' and Prophet Abraham Or Ibrahim(as) is also mentioned in Vedas in Rig Vedha as ' 'Abrahm'' the one who is Circumcised and mentioning about Prophet Muhammad its been clearly mentioned he will be circumcised and he will be meat eater while followers of Vedas there were mainly Pure vegetarians called , the brahmins.
    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Prophecised in other Scriptures.

    In my last reply I have already debunked it . Prophet is yes prophesised in Bhavishya purana but as a corrupter .
    Sanjay dwivedi okay fine no problem he is ex vedic just like ex moslems uwu . He is lgnorant man . He must first answer my posts . And you better heed this well . Devtas aka Gods / Jinns and demons are not Ishwara but highly elevated life forms . Devtas literally means one who gives knowledge . There aint any shirk in worshipping them . If you are so troubled by this fact then you first introspect in yours own that why you have to associate prophet muhammed in Shahada . We dont need that but you do xD

    Abrham ? Give me the verse from Vedas uwu . By the way in the same way you stole twisted Amon of Egypt and Aum of Sanskrit to Ameen you have twisted and copied a lot many things . That doesnt means yours prophet was mentioned in our Vedas . You read my post the link which has been already provided .
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    Re: Concept Of God In Major Religions

    format_quote Originally Posted by Thekafir View Post

    Everything for Wood, the Liar & psycho is a joke . He will film himself as if he is inside the kaaba. He will twist each and everything with lies and twisted assumptions JUST to make collections (donations) from the ignorant Christians.
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-20-2017 at 01:22 PM.
    Concept Of God In Major Religions

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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