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Lost faith

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    Lost faith (OP)

    Hi all. I am or was a Muslim but slowly and slowly feel like losing my faith. Why? How come Allah will send some people to heaven just cause of kalimah but a Jew or a Christian or atheist who spent their entire life in suffering to help others will go to hell?
    Doesn't make sense

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    Re: Lost faith

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    My dear brothers. I got occupied by my thoughts on this issue as well as other things due to which I couldn't reply. I thought that my last comment stating that I understood what you all said would end this thread but it didnt. It turned into a debate.

    First: I request the mods to please DON'T remove this thread as I will go through it again and again. This will be way back when I get doubts again.

    Second: thank you all for all of your replies. I know I promised each one who answered an individual thanks but....too many replies so I hope you all will forgive me if I'm unable to do so but I'm deeply thankful to all non the less. Allah knows.

    Third: I was never my intention to cause fitnah or make other people have doubts. Never.

    Fourth: it might have looked like I was going to leave Islam or something. If I leave Islam then go where? Christianity Judaism? Nope. Atheism? He'll no! My situation is best described as 'stuck'. Can't leave islam cause of the prophet (saw) but this thorn in my head is preventing me from diving whole heartedly into Islam. I'm going no where. And the spiritual schism is having all sorts of negative effects on me.

    Fifth: Just try to understand this. Believing something, just because, is DANGEROUS! Thats why we have so many religions instead of one. If you dig deep and hard you'll eventually find the truth. But you must first dig.
    Just look at the phenomenon of suicide bombing. These poor people were either coerced into this abominable act or they were brainwashed into it. If they were taught to question and use critical thinking they would NEVER agree to slaughteting innocents! We would never have this problem of terrorism! I know that 99% of it is due to a worldwide conspiracy against Islam so the elite can profit off peoples ignorance and sell more and more senseless war. But still. Part of it is also due to people's lack of questioning.
    Following a commanders orders to murder unarmed women and children is dead wrong yet look at history. Genocides upon genocides carried out due to lack of thinking and reasoning and questioning.

    Sixth: I am very very illiterate when it comes to matters regard Islamic knowledge. Hence I started this topic. I explained what happens if I go to a mosque. I did however have the pleasure of having an Islamic studies teacher when I was young, who told me that the only reason we are here in this world is so that we can give Allah (swt) one pathetic and small excuse which he can use to send us to paradise. And that's the image of Allah I have in my mind. A loving diety who's love is uncomprehensible and mercy boundless.

    Last: I stopped praying cause I felt that praying which such doubts about Islam in my heart would make it void and worthless. I would always ask for guidance in my prayers but since I thought of myself as a non believer I didn't think and still tosto some extent thjnk that my prayers will not be considered in his grace cause of these doubts.
    If you know of any duas or wazaif specially for people like me who want guidance please lemme know.

    Salaam and regards.
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    My dear brothers. I got occupied by my thoughts on this issue as well as other things due to which I couldn't reply. I thought that my last comment stating that I understood what you all said would end this thread but it didnt. It turned into a debate.

    First: I request the mods to please DON'T remove this thread as I will go through it again and again. This will be way back when I get doubts again.

    Second: thank you all for all of your replies. I know I promised each one who answered an individual thanks but....too many replies so I hope you all will forgive me if I'm unable to do so but I'm deeply thankful to all non the less. Allah knows.

    Third: I was never my intention to cause fitnah or make other people have doubts. Never.

    Fourth: it might have looked like I was going to leave Islam or something. If I leave Islam then go where? Christianity Judaism? Nope. Atheism? He'll no! My situation is best described as 'stuck'. Can't leave islam cause of the prophet (saw) but this thorn in my head is preventing me from diving whole heartedly into Islam. I'm going no where. And the spiritual schism is having all sorts of negative effects on me.

    Fifth: Just try to understand this. Believing something, just because, is DANGEROUS! Thats why we have so many religions instead of one. If you dig deep and hard you'll eventually find the truth. But you must first dig.
    Just look at the phenomenon of suicide bombing. These poor people were either coerced into this abominable act or they were brainwashed into it. If they were taught to question and use critical thinking they would NEVER agree to slaughteting innocents! We would never have this problem of terrorism! I know that 99% of it is due to a worldwide conspiracy against Islam so the elite can profit off peoples ignorance and sell more and more senseless war. But still. Part of it is also due to people's lack of questioning.
    Following a commanders orders to murder unarmed women and children is dead wrong yet look at history. Genocides upon genocides carried out due to lack of thinking and reasoning and questioning.

    Sixth: I am very very illiterate when it comes to matters regard Islamic knowledge. Hence I started this topic. I explained what happens if I go to a mosque. I did however have the pleasure of having an Islamic studies teacher when I was young, who told me that the only reason we are here in this world is so that we can give Allah (swt) one pathetic and small excuse which he can use to send us to paradise. And that's the image of Allah I have in my mind. A loving diety who's love is uncomprehensible and mercy boundless.

    Last: I stopped praying cause I felt that praying which such doubts about Islam in my heart would make it void and worthless. I would always ask for guidance in my prayers but since I thought of myself as a non believer I didn't think and still tosto some extent thjnk that my prayers will not be considered in his grace cause of these doubts.
    If you know of any duas or wazaif specially for people like me who want guidance please lemme know.

    Salaam and regards.
    I agree with you that blindly believing is wrong. I had a lot of doubts about Islam about 3 yrs back as well but i never really indulged them. As for prayer, you cannot let guilt or doubts etc stop you brother, Allah is merciful, he understands! He knows how bad you feel and this may well be a part of a bigger plan for you. Faith through logic and finding it yourself is a lot more powerful than just following a religion cos your family do( in my humble opinion). During prayer tell God your doubts, tell him look this is freaking me out etc and i really need guidance( maybe not word for word but you get me). you need to find a path to "pull you back"in to Islam. Its different for different people. For me it was the Quran and Hadith. I wish you all the best inshallah
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    Re: Lost faith

    Thank you. I know now that from this mess only Allah swt can help me. I mean reading the post above, one can clearly see that there is a clear cut division of opinion. Two seperate schools of thought.
    I don't advocate taking religion purely based on reason as reason alone is deficient and will never fully satisfy a person. A leap of faith is a leap of faith for a reason.
    However being totally blind and deaf and following without question something is how tyranny and injustice takes place. That's how extremism is born.

    Most importantly I have learned that I definitely need to learn Quran and devote myself to understanding it. No scholar or fatwa is above it.
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  6. #104
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Thank you. I know now that from this mess only Allah swt can help me. I mean reading the post above, one can clearly see that there is a clear cut division of opinion. Two seperate schools of thought.
    I don't advocate taking religion purely based on reason as reason alone is deficient and will never fully satisfy a person. A leap of faith is a leap of faith for a reason.
    However being totally blind and deaf and following without question something is how tyranny and injustice takes place. That's how extremism is born.

    Most importantly I have learned that I definitely need to learn Quran and devote myself to understanding it. No scholar or fatwa is above it.
    Whatever you do, please start praying the obligatory prayers. The difference between faith and disbelief is the prayer. May Allah Azza wa Jal guide you back to the Straight Way. Ameen.
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    Lost faith

    "When a person sees the road as too long, he weakens in his walk." - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
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  8. #105
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Thank you. I know now that from this mess only Allah swt can help me. I mean reading the post above, one can clearly see that there is a clear cut division of opinion. Two seperate schools of thought.
    I don't advocate taking religion purely based on reason as reason alone is deficient and will never fully satisfy a person. A leap of faith is a leap of faith for a reason.
    However being totally blind and deaf and following without question something is how tyranny and injustice takes place. That's how extremism is born.

    Most importantly I have learned that I definitely need to learn Quran and devote myself to understanding it. No scholar or fatwa is above it.
    Definitely! 100% i spent a long time looking at this scholar and that and this opinion and that, but i learnt that you need to understand Islam in your own terms. Yes there are some things that are clear cut,( eg prayer x5 a day) and some not( there's a whole argument about whether using a tasbih is halal or bidah) you just need to pick your battles at the end of the day. Keep your intentions pure and try your hardest and all will go well inshallah!
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  9. #106
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Thank you. I know now that from this mess only Allah swt can help me. I mean reading the post above, one can clearly see that there is a clear cut division of opinion. Two seperate schools of thought.
    I don't advocate taking religion purely based on reason as reason alone is deficient and will never fully satisfy a person. A leap of faith is a leap of faith for a reason.
    However being totally blind and deaf and following without question something is how tyranny and injustice takes place. That's how extremism is born.

    Most importantly I have learned that I definitely need to learn Quran and devote myself to understanding it. No scholar or fatwa is above it.

    brother, you are advised to stay away from books, articles, lectures, video of atheists until you complete your study and have more sterling faith
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  10. #107
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    Re: Lost faith

    Our Lord! (they say), Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure

    Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba'da idh hadaytana wa hab lana milladunka rahmah innaka antal Wahhab
    رَبَّنَا لاَ تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ
    [8: آل عمران]

    Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith
    Rabbana wala tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bihi wa'fu anna waghfir lana wairhamna anta mawlana fansurna 'alal-qawmil kafireen
    رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لاَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ
    [البقرة :286]

    Our Lord! Send us not to the company of the wrong-doers
    Rabbana la taj'alna ma'al qawwmi-dhalimeen
    رَبَّنَا لاَ تَجْعَلْنَا مَعَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ
    [الأعراف :47]

    Dua29 1 - Lost faith
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    Re: Lost faith

    lost_one, I would like to give a non-muslim answer, and probably a very unpopular answer, but I think it is relevant to you. I have read about 2/3 of the Quran in English and I haven't found anything wrong with it. On the other hand, most people are horribly confused and always have been. This means that the mainstream interpretation of any religion will always be wrong, and Islam is no exception. Don't reject the Quran just because Muslims don't understand it.

    Now I will get specific. Consider these 2 statements: "Those who eat rotten food get sick." and "All those who eat rotten food get sick." Are these statements the same? No, they are not. The first statement is true because it is a general statement and exceptions don't invalidate it. The second statement is false because there are exceptions. Yet today's Muslims read such statements like the first in the Quran as meaning "all". Why? Because people are fundamentally intolerant and they read their intolerance into the Quran. But it isn't in the Quran itself. The Quran actually makes a careful distinction between universal statements ("all" and "no one") and general statements. When the Quran makes a general statement like that those who don't believe in the hereafter are condemned, I agree that this is GENERALLY true even though I don't believe in the hereafter. There are exceptions. (I don't reject the hereafter, I just have no belief about it, I have no idea whether or not it is true.) In fact I challenge you to find a single statement in the Quran that I, as a non-Muslim, would consider to be false, using the actually meaning of the text rather than the Muslim interpretation.

    Obviously as a non-Muslim, I have my reasons for not following the Quran. But your reasoning doesn't seem right to me, and this is the point that I want to make here. Most jews, christians, and atheists are condemned because they are immoral, and the reason that they are immoral is that their beliefs don't give good enough guidance. But there are exceptions, which is why the Quran makes these kinds of statements as general statements, never as universal statements.
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    Re: Lost faith

    Jews and Christians are misguided period. All of them today that did not accept the last Messenger, Muhammad s.a.a.w. Allah says:

    "And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." (3:85)

    There are no exceptions unless you live in the Amazon rain forest and the message of Islam didn't reach you but that is not the case with modern day People of the Book.

    And now you as a kaffir come in here and try to use your whims and desires to interpret the Quran.

    And worst of all, you actually have two naiive Muslim women agreeing with you.
    Lost faith

    "When a person sees the road as too long, he weakens in his walk." - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
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    Re: Lost faith


    format_quote Originally Posted by ChosenTCO View Post
    I am honestly stunned at how some of you are so afraid and unwilling to use their deductive reasoning to process and assess the words and messages of some great scholars that we know of today. I mean honestly stunned!
    You must be new here.

    And that exactly is the reason why some of you probably were unable to understand and comprehend what i said in my previous posts ... Its because you never practiced challenging yourself and your face value understanding of texts and information. Yet when it comes to others, we easily brush off the arguments by saying you havent pondered enough about the Quran or this or the other ...
    Good point.

    Secondly, this fear of critical thinking inhibits a lot of us to reach a level of knowledge where we can actually make ijihad instead of acting like parrots making takleed 24/7 and never thinking for ourselves. Thats why islam is consistently getting more and more difficult because we are allowing the west to design everything for us and we just implement their systems into our countries without coming up with anything ourselves that would suit the rules and regulations of our religion.
    It's great that somebody noticed.

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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post

    brother, you are advised to stay away from books, articles, lectures, video of atheists until you complete your study and have more sterling faith
    Haha. Too late. Been there. Done that. Didn't like it so Came back

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just last Friday when at the juma prayer, the imam was giving the sermon, he said something that's still resonating with me.
    He said: near the end times Allah will take away this religion from us. How ? By taking away those who have knowledge of it.

    And that's what I believe is happening here in this world. I mean I'm lost for a reason and on judgement day when ill be questioned about my doubts I'll point this thread out.
    Honestly the only definitive thing I can do now for my peace of mind is wake up in the middle of the night and pray for guidance.
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  16. #112
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    Re: Lost faith

    why somebody expect to enter jannah, while he claims that ALLAH doesn't own a jannah.and ALLAH isn't the owner of jannah.
    if you believe Allah is bad,Allah will deal with you badly. But if you think He is kind, He will be kind to you.
    So, people with so many good deeds who believe ALLAH doesn't own a jannah will not enter jannah,as if Allah truly doesn't own a jannah.
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    Lost faith

    Leave me alone. Let me serve this ummah anonymously.
    Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart."(verse 17:81)
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  17. #113
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Haha. Too late. Been there. Done that. Didn't like it so Came back

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just last Friday when at the juma prayer, the imam was giving the sermon, he said something that's still resonating with me.
    He said: near the end times Allah will take away this religion from us. How ? By taking away those who have knowledge of it.

    And that's what I believe is happening here in this world. I mean I'm lost for a reason and on judgement day when ill be questioned about my doubts I'll point this thread out.
    Honestly the only definitive thing I can do now for my peace of mind is wake up in the middle of the night and pray for guidance.
    May Allah swt keep us steadfast on deen. Ameen
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  18. #114
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Haha. Too late. Been there. Done that. Didn't like it so Came back

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just last Friday when at the juma prayer, the imam was giving the sermon, he said something that's still resonating with me.
    He said: near the end times Allah will take away this religion from us. How ? By taking away those who have knowledge of it.

    And that's what I believe is happening here in this world. I mean I'm lost for a reason and on judgement day when ill be questioned about my doubts I'll point this thread out.
    Honestly the only definitive thing I can do now for my peace of mind is wake up in the middle of the night and pray for guidance.
    Brother, dont be too hard on yourself. It is said that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said:

    “Religion is easy, and no one overburdens himself in his religion but he will be unable to continue in that way. So do not be extremists, but try to be near perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded. Gain strength by worshipping in the mornings and afternoons and during the last hours of the night.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (39) and Muslim (2816).

    “There will come an era when a person patiently practicing his religion will be like holding on to hot coals.”[At-Tirmithi 2260]

    The first hadith i mentioned is just to show you that you shouldn't let yourself down if you feel like your not good enough or will never be as good as the sahaaba or these weird expectations some people expect of us. Guess what? Your not suppose to, nor will you even if you tried, because if u could, you would be with them already. But doesnt mean your inherently bad like some people would have you believe. Doesnt make you evil, just makes you a person like any other person living in this era and generation. A fugged up time filled with trials and tribulations that one can just not escape. The second hadith just proves it!

    So basically, dont hold yourself up to what you have accomplished, instead hold up yourself to what effort you have put in. I notices what you said about praying during times of doubt ... I know because i have experienced it before and by the grace of Allah its no longer there (the doubts). Dont think like that brother. Your thinking that if u tried but nothing came and nothing happened (ur iman didnt improve) then whats the point? Thing is, its not Allah who is suppose to show you that he is there and what not, its you who is suppose to show him that your worthy of his mercy because you would never give up on him! And you should trust in him ... Allah states in The Quran (2:286)

    [Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."]

    So dont think that when your being tested that means somehow Allah means to hurt you or misguide you because Allah also said in His Book (2:143) " ...And indeed, it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided. And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Indeed Allah is, to the people, Kind and Merciful."
    Nor should you think that Allah has forsaken you or anything like that. (50:16) [And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein]
    Also (2:186) [And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.]

    I really hope that these verses help you like they helped me during times of great doubt in my previous years ... You have no idea how much i benefited from these trials and others that we much harder. Gave me a whole new perspective on life ... May Allah guide you and guide us Allah to his path! Ameen!
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    Re: Lost faith


    عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:

    لَمَّا قَضَى اللَّهُ الْخَلْقَ، كَتَبَ فِي كِتَابِهِ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ، فَهُوَ مَوْضُوعٌ عِنْدَهُ: إِنَّ رَحْمَتِي تَغْلِبُ غَضَبِي"

    رواه مسلم (وكذلك البخاري والنسائي وابن ماجه)

    On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

    When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath.

    It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

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  21. #116
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by Misbah-Abd View Post
    Jews and Christians are misguided period. All of them today that did not accept the last Messenger, Muhammad s.a.a.w. Allah says:

    "And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." (3:85)

    There are no exceptions unless you live in the Amazon rain forest and the message of Islam didn't reach you but that is not the case with modern day People of the Book.

    And now you as a kaffir come in here and try to use your whims and desires to interpret the Quran.

    And worst of all, you actually have two naiive Muslim women agreeing with you.
    This was discussed here:


    I will respond in that thread.
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  22. #117
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    Re: Lost faith

    format_quote Originally Posted by lost_one View Post
    Hi all. I am or was a Muslim but slowly and slowly feel like losing my faith. Why? How come Allah will send some people to heaven just cause of kalimah but a Jew or a Christian or atheist who spent their entire life in suffering to help others will go to hell?
    Doesn't make sense
    When i was a kid. I also think Why my teacher will fail some of my class fellows? Then i realize those who failed. They actually deserve to be failed. Inshort When you will grow and learn... You will start to understand things. The concept of Allah is all about love, The purest form of Love. So research why some people will go to hell? Why is that? This is how we start our journey as a passenger. So Read, research, think, Ask why,when,what,where... Good wishes and enjoy this wonderful life. God show you the right path.
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    Re: Lost faith

    Allaah speaks off Jew's,Christians,Sumerians and those who do good work...Allaah says they will not grieve... will share the ayat tomorrow ...always check the Quran ..as it has the criteria..and it's good to question openly to gain clarity needed...and remember that Allaah is bringing many towards truth....sometimes it can be an error our perception, so don't define God by that ...I'm a huge believer in observing as often Allaah clarifies our misunderstanding...please do open up up and share what other questions that are creating doubt...and maybe we can use hikma from the Quran to help put them to rest for you...but please do have patience, and understanding from context helps the angle of truth....you are not alone in this battle in times when confusion the biggest tool used...
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    Re: Lost faith

    , I have come up with an explanation.suppose,you receive your salary from "MICROSOFT ". but, in reality, you are just planning to elevate "APPLE" Company. what would "microsoft do,if they come to know that you are cheating them?
    they would bring you before court.the court may fine you or put you in jail for several years.
    now think,Allah is feeding you,giving you rijik.and you are planning to destroy this Deen.you are helping other religion, satan & idol to defeat Islam. but,it's Allah who have kept you alive. you don't even give thanks to Him.what would Allah do to you in His court?
    He has the right to put you in jail too
    Lost faith

    Leave me alone. Let me serve this ummah anonymously.
    Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart."(verse 17:81)
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    apostacy is a great sin
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