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Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Flos's Avatar Full Member
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    Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Assalamu alaikum,

    What is going on in India? I found some social media posts that a genocide is possible there against our brothers and sisters. Is there anyone from India in this forum?

    I've just seen horrible video on reels from Palestine.

    Ya Ummah, can we do anything to support and help our brothers and sisters there, in Yemen, China, Ukraine? Can we make congregational prayer simultaneously for them? Anything?

    It aches so much to see them suffering and being isolated with no protection and abandoned by us. There are cca 1.8 billions of Muslims, how can we be so weak and fragile? It's all because we're disunited!!! Are we just waiting for Mahdi to come?
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 12:06 AM.
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    Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    What you can do most is by fundrising throught legal charities and by political, law, and social support and PR.

    What I said some time earlier, the ummah is now divided almost as newer before.

    For example people say this or that tariqah, but instead of 10, there are thousands of tariqahs, with their own lineages, the teachings differing from town to town and family to family, not rarely waiging wars each against another.

    I tried to propagate sunnah dhikr, salawat, estegfar, shukr, surah ikhlas in hundrads and thousands, what I think is only way out, along with sunnah nawafils (duha, awwabin, tasbeeh, tahajjud, hajah, tawbah, istikharah, entering and leaving home, after wudhdhu and others.), but instead to have our tongues wet from dhikr and nawafil, we often fight each other.
    Sunnah duas from Momin ka hatyaar (Ad Dua Divine help Shaykh Palanpuri), Hisn al Muslimi, and https://issuu.com/masoomhussain9/doc...byshaykhshahha
    Are a must for beginning.

    After we clear and augment ourselfs with this red sulphur athanoor cold fusion, we can start to improve family with it, then jammah, then community in the town etc.

    We must spread the nawafil knowledge and be a great example, not neglecting "dunya" (fitness, nutrition, learning, travelling, businesses, family, altruism...) and that is I think the only way out against all maladies.

    You shall see inshaAllah.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    This makes no sense. So, you're implying that we should sit and do dhikir and sports while our Ummah is bleeding?

    You've been proven wrong given the history. How then Ottoman empire vanished and we got divided into nations and states? Didn't you know that the core of sufism is in Turkey (however, it's innovation and we all know that)? How come so much dhikir and everything happened? How come sultans were sufis and did all the dhikir in multiple times, like you suggest and still didn't marry, took women as slaves, didn't follow sunnah and rule was dynasty which is opposite from Sunnah?

    The reason why we split and became weak is losing taqwa, fearing others than Allah. The Ummah is still in state of fear and that's why we're doing nothing to help our brothers and sisters, that's why someone like you comes and says: we can do dhikir...


    anyone here from India? I want to hear what's going on here? What happened? Are we going to let mushrikeen threat our beloved Ummah?
    Anyone from Palestine or Yemen here?

    How comes Ataturk decided to bring western models of behavior to Turkey? He feared humans, Allah's creation!
    Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Assalamu alaikum,

    What is going on in India? I found some social media posts that a genocide is possible there against our brothers and sisters. Is there anyone from India in this forum?

    I've just seen horrible video on reels from Palestine.

    Ya Ummah, can we do anything to support and help our brothers and sisters there, in Yemen, China, Ukraine? Can we make congregational prayer simultaneously for them? Anything?

    It aches so much to see them suffering and being isolated with no protection and abandoned by us. There are cca 1.8 billions of Muslims, how can we be so weak and fragile? It's all because we're disunited!!! Are we just waiting for Mahdi to come?
    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    It certainly is very hurtful and painful to see the state of the Ummah today. Surely as believers we must all have concern for the state of of our Ummah as we are all one body. I really liked the following article on how we can play our part in aiding the Ummah:

    4 Solid Tips On How To Aid The Muslim Ummah

    The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever (Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586)

    The Muslim Ummah is going through one of its toughest period in its history. The severe and troubling times are all but evident for all to see. Whether it’s the long term oppression and suffering in places such as Syria, Palestine and the like, the constant onslaught to suppress the orthodox Islam which has led to a rise of Islamophobia worldwide and even secularism, or the lack of correct knowledge which continues to plight the masses. The question which comes to mind for many is – how to help our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters from these struggles? Here are 4 easy tips that we should

    1. Increase In Du’a

    The greatest act of support, Du’a, is the weapon of the believer. Single out the last third of the night to pray for the Ummah. Make sure to include the Ummah whilst in the best position, the Sujood. Try to shed tears and beg Allah, The Most High to alleviate the suffering of the Muslims. Never underestimate the power of Du’a. Never lose hope and think our Du’as are not being accepted. Keep the sincere Du’as going, be patient and know Allah has a plan which we may not comprehend. Know our Du’as can change Qadr, destiny. Also remember when we make Du’a for others behind their backs, the angels say Ameen for us, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

    And your Lord said, invoke me and I will respond to your invocation.(Surah 40:60)

    2. Change Yourself

    Our sins not only affect us but the Ummah at large as well. When we are told the Ummah is like one body, it implies we are one in good and bad. So yes, possibly, it’s our own sins that might be a factor towards the suffering of the Ummah. Not only us, we have to wisely correct others that you may come across doing wrong. We can’t have the mentality of – I’m going to my grave and you are going to yours, so leave me with my affairs with Allah and only Allah judges me! No, that’s not being part of the Muslim Ummah means. Rather it’s about – your sin may affect my own state as a Muslim. Our condition will not change as an Ummah until we change ourselves.

    Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on the land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah). (Surah 30:41)

    3. Invest Your Talents By Being The Best That You Can Be

    Each one of us has amazing potential and the Ummah needs us to bring our best forward. Utilise your talents and take part in community projects that will strengthen and unite the Ummah. The Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) were the best of generations due to them contributing to the betterment of the Ummah with whatever gift and skill they had been bestowed with from Allah. They didn’t try to change Islam, rather they used Islam as a basis to bring benefit to the society around them. So, if you have been blessed with a special gift – speaking, writing, debating, graphic designing, etc. – use it for the sake of Allah by helping the Ummah progress. Know our honour will only be given back to us when do the best we can by what Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) has ordained.

    The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.(Daraqutni, Hasan)

    4. Volunteer Aid

    Lighten your pockets and help bring ease to the lives of those in poverty stricken areas and war zones. Alongside Du’as, giving in charity is yet another the most powerful act we ought to do to help the Ummah. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Muslims are one of the most charitable people in the world. This is not just a human trait, but undoubtedly down to the Islamic teachings where charity holds a key role to our success as a Muslim. Make sure to give to those charities which are trustworthy and transparent. Don’t ever think by giving your wealth is decreasing, rather it’s an investment. Use the wealth that Allah has given you in the right way, for we will be held accountable for where we spent it. Help the likes of Syria right now and continue to do so.

    Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’(Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5073, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 993)

    What we realise from this is that helping the Muslim Ummah is not just financially, but also physically and emotionally. Keep the aid consistent for Allah loves the deed most which is regular. And remember by helping others, we may be fixing their worldly affairs, but in reality we may be fixing our own hereafter.

    We ask Allah to facilitate the affairs of the Ummah in the best of manners.
    We ask Allah to bring ease to the Ummah by dealing with the oppressors swiftly.
    We ask Allah to guide the Ummah in the direction which was followed by the early pious and righteous Muslims.

    Source: https://muslimcouncil.org.hk/5-tips-aid-muslim-ummah/
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 12:07 AM.
    Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Flos's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    It certainly is very hurtful and painful to see the state of the Ummah today. Surely as believers we must all have concern for the state of of our Ummah as we are all one body. I really liked the following article on how we can play our part in aiding the Ummah:

    4 Solid Tips On How To Aid The Muslim Ummah

    The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever (Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586)

    The Muslim Ummah is going through one of its toughest period in its history. The severe and troubling times are all but evident for all to see. Whether it’s the long term oppression and suffering in places such as Syria, Palestine and the like, the constant onslaught to suppress the orthodox Islam which has led to a rise of Islamophobia worldwide and even secularism, or the lack of correct knowledge which continues to plight the masses. The question which comes to mind for many is – how to help our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters from these struggles? Here are 4 easy tips that we should

    1. Increase In Du’a

    The greatest act of support, Du’a, is the weapon of the believer. Single out the last third of the night to pray for the Ummah. Make sure to include the Ummah whilst in the best position, the Sujood. Try to shed tears and beg Allah, The Most High to alleviate the suffering of the Muslims. Never underestimate the power of Du’a. Never lose hope and think our Du’as are not being accepted. Keep the sincere Du’as going, be patient and know Allah has a plan which we may not comprehend. Know our Du’as can change Qadr, destiny. Also remember when we make Du’a for others behind their backs, the angels say Ameen for us, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

    And your Lord said, invoke me and I will respond to your invocation.(Surah 40:60)

    2. Change Yourself

    Our sins not only affect us but the Ummah at large as well. When we are told the Ummah is like one body, it implies we are one in good and bad. So yes, possibly, it’s our own sins that might be a factor towards the suffering of the Ummah. Not only us, we have to wisely correct others that you may come across doing wrong. We can’t have the mentality of – I’m going to my grave and you are going to yours, so leave me with my affairs with Allah and only Allah judges me! No, that’s not being part of the Muslim Ummah means. Rather it’s about – your sin may affect my own state as a Muslim. Our condition will not change as an Ummah until we change ourselves.

    Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on the land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah). (Surah 30:41)

    3. Invest Your Talents By Being The Best That You Can Be

    Each one of us has amazing potential and the Ummah needs us to bring our best forward. Utilise your talents and take part in community projects that will strengthen and unite the Ummah. The Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) were the best of generations due to them contributing to the betterment of the Ummah with whatever gift and skill they had been bestowed with from Allah. They didn’t try to change Islam, rather they used Islam as a basis to bring benefit to the society around them. So, if you have been blessed with a special gift – speaking, writing, debating, graphic designing, etc. – use it for the sake of Allah by helping the Ummah progress. Know our honour will only be given back to us when do the best we can by what Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) has ordained.

    The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.(Daraqutni, Hasan)

    4. Volunteer Aid

    Lighten your pockets and help bring ease to the lives of those in poverty stricken areas and war zones. Alongside Du’as, giving in charity is yet another the most powerful act we ought to do to help the Ummah. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Muslims are one of the most charitable people in the world. This is not just a human trait, but undoubtedly down to the Islamic teachings where charity holds a key role to our success as a Muslim. Make sure to give to those charities which are trustworthy and transparent. Don’t ever think by giving your wealth is decreasing, rather it’s an investment. Use the wealth that Allah has given you in the right way, for we will be held accountable for where we spent it. Help the likes of Syria right now and continue to do so.

    Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’(Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5073, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 993)

    What we realise from this is that helping the Muslim Ummah is not just financially, but also physically and emotionally. Keep the aid consistent for Allah loves the deed most which is regular. And remember by helping others, we may be fixing their worldly affairs, but in reality we may be fixing our own hereafter.

    We ask Allah to facilitate the affairs of the Ummah in the best of manners.
    We ask Allah to bring ease to the Ummah by dealing with the oppressors swiftly.
    We ask Allah to guide the Ummah in the direction which was followed by the early pious and righteous Muslims.

    Source: https://muslimcouncil.org.hk/5-tips-aid-muslim-ummah/
    Dear brother Hamza, may Allah reward you and protect you.
    The second part is so interesting and important.

    As for the dua, how to make as more as possible mu'minun and mu'minaat to do the dua in last part of the night.

    Maybe if someone among us has a dawah channel with many followers could give a call to Ummah. We are forgetful beings and while watching dawah videos we forget that there are parts of our body suffering.

    Do you know anyone with dawah channel brother? Imagine if hundreds of believers would make that dua every night...

    Last night I saw a horrible video on instagram from Palestine. It was from a mosque. Chairs throwing inside, there was smoke coming from outside and I heard takbirs very loud.
    Then I read 2 posts about India. One said: "in my country disbelievers are preparing for genocide over us Muslims" and another about a family being worried about their father traveling through India as Hindus start hitting Muslims as soon as they figure that a person is a Muslim. And then Ukrainian war and Mariupol - city of majority Muslim population... the main mosque is taken down a month ago. They have no food, water, medicine, shelter, their homes ruined

    And on another side I see Gulf countries, rich, in gold, not caring about anything happening to Ummah and only with one piece of their jewelry they could finance the end of the horrors.

    It aches, it really aches.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 12:07 AM.
    Suffering Muslims around the world

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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Dear brother Hamza, may Allah reward you and protect you.
    The second part is so interesting and important.

    As for the dua, how to make as more as possible mu'minun and mu'minaat to do the dua in last part of the night.

    Maybe if someone among us has a dawah channel with many followers could give a call to Ummah. We are forgetful beings and while watching dawah videos we forget that there are parts of our body suffering.

    Do you know anyone with dawah channel brother? Imagine if hundreds of believers would make that dua every night...

    Last night I saw a horrible video on instagram from Palestine. It was from a mosque. Chairs throwing inside, there was smoke coming from outside and I heard takbirs very loud.
    Then I read 2 posts about India. One said: "in my country disbelievers are preparing for genocide over us Muslims" and another about a family being worried about their father traveling through India as Hindus start hitting Muslims as soon as they figure that a person is a Muslim. And then Ukrainian war and Mariupol - city of majority Muslim population... the main mosque is taken down a month ago. They have no food, water, medicine, shelter, their homes ruined

    And on another side I see Gulf countries, rich, in gold, not caring about anything happening to Ummah and only with one piece of their jewelry they could finance the end of the horrors.

    It aches, it really aches.
    I think if we as Muslims made it a habit of awakening in the third portion of the night, even if its shortly before Fajr begins, to pray Tahajjud and ask of Allah to aid the Ummah. Then can you imagine what a powerful effect our Dua's will have, as well as having a profoundly positive effect on our own lives, which may enable us to change our conditions, so that Allah may change the condition of our Ummah.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 12:08 AM.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    Where to begin. I won't come here to pretend like I have all the answers, but from my observation, it's a combination of many things and I'll just give a brief description of what I think is going on.

    As you mentioned, lack of taqwa for sure. Fearing the creation more than the creator. Being comfortable in this life and not wanting to give that comfort up in exchange for helping other Muslims. That help can come in many different ways, not just militarily.

    Another major one is lack of leadership and so much can be said on this topic alone. That leadership can be in Muslim governance within Muslim countries, Muslim communities in non Muslim countries, and just as important, Muslim leadership within families. Without a father figure, the kids will look outside of the family for that leadership. And of course, we already know they'll more than likely be looking up to celebrities and accepting all the secular ideas as their way of life, or just as common, a combination of Islamic teachings mixed with secular ideas. The internet of course has only been adding fuel to the fire with how quickly and easily disinformation can be spread.

    Regarding Muslim majority countries, they should be setting an example and encouraging Muslims to move there and contribute within those countries, the same way israel encourages and even relocates jews to israel. Right now, Muslims living here in the west are slaving themselves to the system, burning themselves out while not being able to be there for their families. We are also slaving ourselves to the system at the expense of our deen. Missing prayer for work, not fasting, not going to the masjid, and so on. This is causing dysfunction within families and has slowly killed the Muslim family to the point of it being what it is today. As this goes on, it'll get worse and worse with every generation.

    Unfortunately the Palestinian issue is messy. It's going to be hard to get the world to unite with the Palestinians when they themselves are disunited. Drug use is high, liberalism and secular ideology is rapidly spreading, violence and even murder happens over petty issues between families, and so on. Lots of clinging to the dunya and no fear of the akhira. Muslims around the world are already suffering from their own issues. You would be hard pressed to have those same issue ridden Muslims to somehow help an already disunited Palestine.

    In the end, it really all comes down to self reflection and how much taqwa a person has.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Dear brother Hamza, may Allah reward you and protect you.
    The second part is so interesting and important.

    As for the dua, how to make as more as possible mu'minun and mu'minaat to do the dua in last part of the night.

    Maybe if someone among us has a dawah channel with many followers could give a call to Ummah. We are forgetful beings and while watching dawah videos we forget that there are parts of our body suffering.

    Do you know anyone with dawah channel brother? Imagine if hundreds of believers would make that dua every night...

    Last night I saw a horrible video on instagram from Palestine. It was from a mosque. Chairs throwing inside, there was smoke coming from outside and I heard takbirs very loud.
    Then I read 2 posts about India. One said: "in my country disbelievers are preparing for genocide over us Muslims" and another about a family being worried about their father traveling through India as Hindus start hitting Muslims as soon as they figure that a person is a Muslim. And then Ukrainian war and Mariupol - city of majority Muslim population... the main mosque is taken down a month ago. They have no food, water, medicine, shelter, their homes ruined

    And on another side I see Gulf countries, rich, in gold, not caring about anything happening to Ummah and only with one piece of their jewelry they could finance the end of the horrors.

    It aches, it really aches.
    There are plenty of dawah channels out there. Unsurprisingly, some of them are against the other and have even openly cursed and talked down to the other. We're truly in a sad state.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 12:08 AM.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by 404 View Post
    There are plenty of dawah channels out there. Unsurprisingly, some of them are against the other and have even openly cursed and talked down to the other. We're truly in a sad state.
    Ohh, really? Dawah channels against each others? But why? Is it due to earning money again?

    For the rest...

    I'm sure there's plenty of Mu'minun and Mu'minaat out there. Let's forget those inclined in sinning publicly, going after Dunya and just make dua for them that Allah guides them to the right path.

    But, again for Mumins, they can unite and do a lot (I'm not saying WE, as I can't be sure I'm Mu'min at all). Westerns have a saying for any social change that it takes only a small group of people to change the world.

    I don't know... if there's any good dawah channel, can we reach out to them and ask them to ask the Ummah to make a dua in last part of the night for the Ummah, if possible every night?

    I believe many believers feel the same and would want to do something concrete but have no idea what, except the dua or donation.

    If we go through the history, this has happened many times. Crusaders surprised us over night, just in time when Muslims became too worried about Dunya stuff. Mongols appeared as well as soon as Muslims became too worried about Dunya stuff, etc...

    The leader is Mahdi, but let's not just wait for him. Let's be hopeful and at least prepare the terrain for him. He might come in a century or two, and we might be very much ruined by the time.
    Suffering Muslims around the world

    Don't rush your salat for anything, as you are standing in front of The One who is in charge of whatever you are rushing for!
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    And I, also, want to say this:

    I love you all for the sake of Allah! May Allah give you all Jannatal Firdaws and make us neighbors over there
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    The cure is to take iniciative with sabr in doing good deeds.

    You shall make dua and istikharah and afterwards decide what path to take (or what tariqah), but to speed up the getting closer to Allah with the most intensive ibadah your shaykh can give you and visit others for barakah.

    With the best and most intensive personal example you shall be able to help a lot.

    Talking many tines only gets the tension lower and people do not even donate, not to say involve in international politics.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Murid View Post

    The cure is to take iniciative with sabr in doing good deeds.

    You shall make dua and istikharah and afterwards decide what path to take (or what tariqah), but to speed up the getting closer to Allah with the most intensive ibadah your shaykh can give you and visit others for barakah.

    With the best and most intensive personal example you shall be able to help a lot.

    Talking many tines only gets the tension lower and people do not even donate, not to say involve in international politics.
    Thanks but no thanks! I'm not following innovations, I'm on Sunnah path.
    Suffering Muslims around the world

    Don't rush your salat for anything, as you are standing in front of The One who is in charge of whatever you are rushing for!
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    I am from India. The situation has become intense as the minister won the elections who is the member of same party as PM (BJP). We muslims need to return to the true islam. The islam of sahabah. We need to follow it the way sahabah did it. We should not limit it to salah and saum. That's when Allah will give us victory.
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  17. #14
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Ansariyah View Post
    I am from India. The situation has become intense as the minister won the elections who is the member of same party as PM (BJP). We muslims need to return to the true islam. The islam of sahabah. We need to follow it the way sahabah did it. We should not limit it to salah and saum. That's when Allah will give us victory.
    Dearest sister,

    Is it true that a genocide is possible as I read in social media?

    I agree with you regarding following the way of sahabah and stay away from innovations. There are 74 sects in Islam, according to our Prophet SAWS sayings.

    I'm kindly asking participants of this thread to stop promoting practices that didn't exist in the time of our Prophet Muhammad SAWS.
    Suffering Muslims around the world

    Don't rush your salat for anything, as you are standing in front of The One who is in charge of whatever you are rushing for!
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Dearest sister,

    Is it true that a genocide is possible as I read in social media?

    I agree with you regarding following the way of sahabah and stay away from innovations. There are 74 sects in Islam, according to our Prophet SAWS sayings.

    I'm kindly asking participants of this thread to stop promoting practices that didn't exist in the time of our Prophet Muhammad SAWS.
    Yeah. I too saw it on trt that an expert who had predicted the genocide of some place(forgot the name) has predicted the same for India. And his previous prediction also came true. May Allah keep the ummah safe. All of this situation is heading towards G@zwa hind. Qiyamah is super near. Few days ago, i read a news that an FIR was lodged against a man because he was listening to p@kistani songs :/

    But Allah will enlighten His deen. Recently, a popular female personality from India coverted to Islam.
    Last edited by Al-Ansariyah; 05-06-2022 at 11:05 AM.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to Allah, he cares for all his creation.

    Justice is best served when we seek the same justice for those who are different to us. I remember reading about Muslims who formed a circle around a church to protect the Christian's who were praying inside.

    When we can stand up for each other despite our differences, then peace can happen.

    In the spirit of praying for all of mankind,
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    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    Good link regarding dua, tahajjud snd the time of prophet saws:

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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    Money can help a lot, beidhnillah, inshaAllah.

    If one million muslims would send Indian and Pakistani Muslims each 1-2000 $, that would make a great difference inshaAllah, or for example a billionaire or KSA, UAE (they have a lot of Indopak population) etc.

    What is needed too is the spread of SUNNAH mornings, evenings and duas before sleep.
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to Allah, he cares for all his creation.

    Justice is best served when we seek the same justice for those who are different to us. I remember reading about Muslims who formed a circle around a church to protect the Christian's who were praying inside.

    When we can stand up for each other despite our differences, then peace can happen.

    In the spirit of praying for all of mankind,
    And I remember the same from Christians doing for Muslims in Egypt.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Ansariyah View Post
    Yeah. I too saw it on trt that an expert who had predicted the genocide of some place(forgot the name) has predicted the same for India. And his previous prediction also came true. May Allah keep the ummah safe. All of this situation is heading towards G@zwa hind. Qiyamah is super near. Few days ago, i read a news that an FIR was lodged against a man because he was listening to p@kistani songs :/

    But Allah will enlighten His deen. Recently, a popular female personality from India coverted to Islam.
    I wish I could do something concrete for you, not just sit and make dua.
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    Suffering Muslims around the world

    Don't rush your salat for anything, as you are standing in front of The One who is in charge of whatever you are rushing for!
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    Re: Suffering Muslims around the world

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Ohh, really? Dawah channels against each others? But why? Is it due to earning money again?
    A mix of different things. Arrogance, pride, attention/youtube views, etc. One Muslim might make a very innocent critique with good intention on something another Muslim publicly did, and the one being critiqued will reply back with personal attacks, posted publicly publicly of course. One da'ee even spoke out against a scholar whose been long deceased. Arab speaking Muslims talking down to non Arab speaking Muslims. All schoolboy type stuff, except from grown ups. More so from a specific group, but I won't name names. I think once you come across their content, it will stick out like a sore thumb.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-07-2022 at 03:34 PM.
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