Assalamu alaikum,
Don't know if this is the right section for this thread. I am a muslim. I don't play game too much. But i play in my free time.
Anyway, I recently downloaded and installed Dishonored (PC game). The game has a charactor "The outsider" which is basically a supernatural being, partly angel, partly devil. Full description here (can't post the link as i am not a full member here. I'll paste some description below)
"The Outsider is a mysterious supernatural being said to be part-devil, part-angel, neither good nor evil. He appears to Corvo Attano and Daud as a plain-looking young man with short brown hair and black eyes, wearing a brown coat, blue pants and black boots.Though many people worship him, such is considered heresy by the Abbey of the Everyman and punishable by extreme measures, up to and including death. Spawned by the Void as a representational figure,[SUP][1][/SUP] he appears to be the source of all magic in the world o fDishonored, and his shrines can be found across the Isles."
I didn't liked this part and the part where the outsider give powers to me
The game is not bad + plus i wasted some time downloading it. So, I want to know if its permissible to play this game or do i need to uninstall it (wasted around 1 day to download it:exhausted)?
Don't know if this is the right section for this thread. I am a muslim. I don't play game too much. But i play in my free time.
Anyway, I recently downloaded and installed Dishonored (PC game). The game has a charactor "The outsider" which is basically a supernatural being, partly angel, partly devil. Full description here (can't post the link as i am not a full member here. I'll paste some description below)
"The Outsider is a mysterious supernatural being said to be part-devil, part-angel, neither good nor evil. He appears to Corvo Attano and Daud as a plain-looking young man with short brown hair and black eyes, wearing a brown coat, blue pants and black boots.Though many people worship him, such is considered heresy by the Abbey of the Everyman and punishable by extreme measures, up to and including death. Spawned by the Void as a representational figure,[SUP][1][/SUP] he appears to be the source of all magic in the world o fDishonored, and his shrines can be found across the Isles."
I didn't liked this part and the part where the outsider give powers to me

The game is not bad + plus i wasted some time downloading it. So, I want to know if its permissible to play this game or do i need to uninstall it (wasted around 1 day to download it:exhausted)?