is it permissible to play Dishonored (game) in islam?

Would you like to know another game that's prohibited. Chess. In Saudi Arabia to play chess is to commit sacrilege. Would you like to know why? Because there is a belief that the game can be gambled upon. I am avid chess player. There is a massive chess community worldwide. You may have heard about Grand Master such as Bobby Fischer or Magnus Carlson. None of them play to gamble. Chess is not a game of chance in any way whatsoever - yet the Saudi Fatwa declarers fail to see that.
The point here is that because there's some overweight dude who thinks you'll start worshiping the God like character of the game doesn't mean you will. Just because they are concerned about your ability to separate reality from fiction does not mean you should be.

On a side note, throught the Muslim world Goerge Orwell's book Animal Farm has been prohibited. The book described the rise of the totalitarian, supposedly communist, state in Soviet Russia under Lenin. It did this using the metaphor of Animals (the poor in Russia) removing their Human Owners (the elite in Russia who were exploiting their peasant workers). Now, there is little doubt (many studies have demonstrated this) to the Pig being one of the most clever of Farm animals, and so the narrative involved the pigs leading the revolt against the farmer. What happens after this revolution is that you discover that the leaders of that very revolution soon after become just like the animal's previous Human Owners, in that they exploit their subordinates. This is what happened in Russia with Lenin. Orwell portrayed the Pigs as being cruel, careless characters - who, despite the promises they made before the revolution, became exactly like the Human farm animal owners. This novel gave people a wonderful insight as to exactly what happened in Soviet Union. It is world proclaimed. No-one gives a damn about the fact that the main character being a Pig, that's NOT the point. Yet so many Muslims fail to read this historic literary masterpiece, a extremely educational piece, simply because there is a character of a Pig in there.
I'm sorry. I think you may have missed the second paragraph of your source. The passage in the Quran is a reference to gambling. ''[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]The majority of scholars (Abu Haneefah, Maalik, Ahmad and some of the companions of al-Shaafa’i) said that it is also haraam, basing that view on the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the opinions of the Sahaabah. [/FONT][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]The evidence of the Qur’aan is the words (interpretation of the meaning): [/FONT][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab [stone altars set up for sacrifices to idols etc], and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.[/FONT][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Shaytaan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allaah and from As-Salaah (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?”[/FONT]
It was not banned because of gambling. Read the Fatwaa properly:

The above is the official Fatwaa given in Saudi Arabia regarding chess.
Again, read it properly. Read it over and over. That very Aayah being quoted mentions a number of issues besides gambling. The Fatwaa itself presents a number of reasons besides gambling. Those reasons include the following:

1) Wastage of time.

2) Taking people away from Salaah and Dhikrullaah.

3) Hadhrat `Ali رضي الله عنه referring to people playing chess as being "devoted to idols".


"[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “This aayah indicates that it is haraam to play dice or chess, whether that involves gambling or not"[/FONT][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]
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Right, so you believe that Chess could, more say than the myriad of all the other possible things, cause you to be distracted from religeous obligations? That Chess is especially able to distract you from your Family?

Frankly, if Chess poses a threat there, anything absolutely anything, could do those things. In that case you probably shouldn't get a job. Never have hobbies etc etc etc. They all as much potential to meet the requirements of the first paragraph as chess.

Now, the Quranic Ayyah, are you proposing that Chess causes one to be intoxicated (you realize it's a strategy game, the masters of which are some of Humanity's greatest minds). Or are you proposing that it involves some sort of sacrifice to Idols? Scroll down a little and real the entire parable on Chess. IT IS ABOUT THE FEAR OF GAMBLING.

If not, do you mind, precisely describing what it is about - lets not have any references, I would like you to tell me directly why.

Again, read it properly. Read it over and over. That very Aayah being quoted mentions a number of issues besides gambling. The Fatwaa itself presents a number of reasons besides gambling.
Who told you it is about the fear of gambling. Did the Saudi `Ulamaa tell you that? You are refusing to read the entire Fatwaa. I showed you a clear excerpt from the Fatwaa stating that they view chess to be impermissible regardless of whether gambling is part of it or not.

Maybe the text is not big enough. Let me help you out:
"[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “This aayah indicates that it is haraam to play dice or chess,whether that involves gambling or not"[/FONT]
[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Al-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “With regard to chess, most of the scholars say that it is haraam to play it, whether that is for money or not. If it is played for money then it is indisputably gambling. Even if it is not played for money it is still gambling and haraam, according to most of the scholars… al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about playing chess, is it forbidden or permissible? He (may Allaah have mercy on him) replied that if it makes a person miss praying on time or he plays for money, then it is haraam, otherwise it is makrooh according to al-Shaafa’i and haraam according to others…” ([/FONT]al-Kabaa’ir, 89-90).

Right, so you believe that Chess could, more say than the myriad of all the other possible things, cause you to be distracted from religeous obligations? That Chess is especially able to distract you from your Family?

Frankly, if Chess poses a threat there, anything absolutely anything, could do those things. In that case you probably shouldn't get a job. Never have hobbies etc etc etc. They all as much potential to meet the requirements of the first paragraph as chess.

Now, the Quranic Ayyah, are you proposing that Chess causes one to be intoxicated (you realize it's a strategy game, the masters of which are some of Humanity's greatest minds). Or are you proposing that it involves some sort of sacrifice to Idols? Scroll down a little and real the entire parable on Chess. IT IS ABOUT THE FEAR OF GAMBLING.

If not, do you mind, precisely describing what it is about - lets not have any references, I would like you to tell me directly why.
I think the definition of gambling has been assigned irrelevant of whether it is gambling or not - the fear of gambling is to say that it was applied due to the potential for gambling. With regard to chess, most of the scholars say that it is haraam to play it, whether that is for money or not. If it is played for money then it is indisputably gambling. Even if it is not played for money it is still gambling and haraam, according to most of the scholars… al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about playing chess, is it forbidden or permissible? He (may Allaah have mercy on him) replied that if it makes a person miss praying on time or he plays for money, then it is haraam, otherwise it is makrooh according to al-Shaafa’i and haraam according to others…
In this world, there are two kinds of people:

1) A person who does research and looks at facts. Thereafter, he makes his conclusion.

2) A person who makes a conclusion, and then hunts for facts he can twist to try and fit that conclusion.

We can't help the second kind of person.
I'm sorry - it's your own source that says the following. Perhaps you should reply to the direct question here, instead of declaring inability.

[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Al-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “With regard to chess, most of the scholars say that it is haraam to play it, whether that is for money or not. If it is played for money then it is indisputably gambling. Even if it is not played for money it is still gambling and haraam, according to most of the scholars… al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about playing chess, is it forbidden or permissible? He (may Allaah have mercy on him) replied that if it makes a person miss praying on time or he plays for money, then it is haraam, otherwise it is makrooh according to al-Shaafa’i and haraam according to others…” ([/FONT]al-Kabaa’ir, 89-90).

In this world, there are two kinds of people:

1) A person who does research and looks at facts. Thereafter, he makes his conclusion.

2) A person who makes a conclusion, and then hunts for facts he can twist to try and fit that conclusion.

We can't help the second kind of person.
the good old days...

...emmmm.. That's what old people say.. probably.


had a c64 myself..

blows into tape cassette.. winds it with finger..

listens to "original modem noise (tm)" for ages..

yep, them were the days.

stay in school kids.


I think it's best to avoid it if that is the case.

In addition to this, it's also a waste of time and sometimes one might get preoccupied in playing the game and then end up praying his salah later on or even missing it. Unless one can discipline himself in a way were he can pray everything on time, I don't see why we should be playing such games. Besides, even if one can it's still a waste of time. You could be doing something more productive religiously speaking.


I'm old.

..jab, jab, forward, light kick, heavy punch..

although its been a while.

Which is why they have age ratings ;)

But not every video game is good, bro. There are many video games that teach violence. So we have to be wise in choosing the game for us and our children.

Video games are like fictional stories: sources of entertainment. Honestly, y'all need to relax about this issue - it pops up every now and then and sooner rather than later the haram police, rather like an rko, come out of nowhere.

...why can't you play skyrim like...normal people.


I can't answer to what is officially halal or haram, being a Christian. But I avoid games that glorify evil or evil beings. Also, if your conscience is giving you true qualms, perhaps you should find a nicer game?


It has a lot of false things - you can teleport, possesses people or slow time down - Its all fictional, its meant to be game and not a Manuel to live your life. I'm not sure if you live in a restrictive place but this shouldn't be problem.


Would you like to know another game that's prohibited. Chess. In Saudi Arabia to play chess is to commit sacrilege. Would you like to know why? Because there is a belief that the game can be gambled upon. I am avid chess player. There is a massive chess community worldwide. You may have heard about Grand Master such as Bobby Fischer or Magnus Carlson. None of them play to gamble. Chess is not a game of chance in any way whatsoever - yet the Saudi Fatwa declarers fail to see that.
The point here is that because there's some overweight dude who thinks you'll start worshiping the God like character of the game doesn't mean you will. Just because they are concerned about your ability to separate reality from fiction does not mean you should be.

On a side note, throught the Muslim world Goerge Orwell's book Animal Farm has been prohibited. The book described the rise of the totalitarian, supposedly communist, state in Soviet Russia under Lenin. It did this using the metaphor of Animals (the poor in Russia) removing their Human Owners (the elite in Russia who were exploiting their peasant workers). Now, there is little doubt (many studies have demonstrated this) to the Pig being one of the most clever of Farm animals, and so the narrative involved the pigs leading the revolt against the farmer. What happens after this revolution is that you discover that the leaders of that very revolution soon after become just like the animal's previous Human Owners, in that they exploit their subordinates. This is what happened in Russia with Lenin. Orwell portrayed the Pigs as being cruel, careless characters - who, despite the promises they made before the revolution, became exactly like the Human farm animal owners. This novel gave people a wonderful insight as to exactly what happened in Soviet Union. It is world proclaimed. No-one gives a damn about the fact that the main character being a Pig, that's NOT the point. Yet so many Muslims fail to read this historic literary masterpiece, a extremely educational piece, simply because there is a character of a Pig in there.
Yes, you are right.

But its not because there is a chance to worship the charactors in the games. There will not be a chance for it. But i just need to make sure if its haram or halal in islam.