New member
Assalamu alaikum.
I am concerned about a possible fitna going on in my local Muslim community called "Landmark Education" or "Landmark Forum." A number of months ago I started going to a weekly halaqa geared towards new sisters in Islam. There are two sisters who take turns leading it. Awhile back one of the sisters who actually reverted long ago I believe started promoting this Landmark thing which is a series of weekend seminars apparently designed to improve one's life, take more control of themselves, self-help, etc. This sister encouraged everyone to sign up and several people did including one of the leaders. Since then, that leader has repeatedly cancelled the sessions in which she is to lead the halaqa and when it is the other leader hardly anyone is there and then I found out many were absent due to Landmark. Both leaders seem very knowledgable about Islam and I love them dearly for the sake of Allah (swt). I feel there is some fitna going on as everyone I have met who has gone to this Landmark talks more passionately about this program than Islam. The leader who went to it has been gone for awhile and out of contact and the leader who didn't seem to join it doesn't know what is going on. Back during Ramadan at a different masjid people were going on about Landmark but I didn't understand. Back before that I knew some Iranian Shias who were obsessed with Landmark and promoted it more than Islam when they knew I reverted. They abandoned me when they realized I was going the Sunni path and that I loved Islam too much not to abadon it for this Landmark program which some of them wanted me to join instead of Islam! Please I am not backbiting. Nobody here knows my city and I am not giving any identifiable information.
This Landmark sounds like a cult and it may be kufr especially if it is replacing Islamic education with its own kaffir-led program that appears to be brainwashing people and taking them away from masjid unless they are there to recruit for it. Has anybody dealt with this group or heard of it? It supposedly is a well known worldwide program? How can I approach the situation? It is breaking my heart because I love these halaqas and don't know of any better ones in my area and this program seems to be damaging the community. I feel like the other leader who is apparently not involved with Landmark is being hurt by having practically nobody show up to her halaqas anymore and education in the deen is important! Please share your thoughts insha'Allah.
I am concerned about a possible fitna going on in my local Muslim community called "Landmark Education" or "Landmark Forum." A number of months ago I started going to a weekly halaqa geared towards new sisters in Islam. There are two sisters who take turns leading it. Awhile back one of the sisters who actually reverted long ago I believe started promoting this Landmark thing which is a series of weekend seminars apparently designed to improve one's life, take more control of themselves, self-help, etc. This sister encouraged everyone to sign up and several people did including one of the leaders. Since then, that leader has repeatedly cancelled the sessions in which she is to lead the halaqa and when it is the other leader hardly anyone is there and then I found out many were absent due to Landmark. Both leaders seem very knowledgable about Islam and I love them dearly for the sake of Allah (swt). I feel there is some fitna going on as everyone I have met who has gone to this Landmark talks more passionately about this program than Islam. The leader who went to it has been gone for awhile and out of contact and the leader who didn't seem to join it doesn't know what is going on. Back during Ramadan at a different masjid people were going on about Landmark but I didn't understand. Back before that I knew some Iranian Shias who were obsessed with Landmark and promoted it more than Islam when they knew I reverted. They abandoned me when they realized I was going the Sunni path and that I loved Islam too much not to abadon it for this Landmark program which some of them wanted me to join instead of Islam! Please I am not backbiting. Nobody here knows my city and I am not giving any identifiable information.
This Landmark sounds like a cult and it may be kufr especially if it is replacing Islamic education with its own kaffir-led program that appears to be brainwashing people and taking them away from masjid unless they are there to recruit for it. Has anybody dealt with this group or heard of it? It supposedly is a well known worldwide program? How can I approach the situation? It is breaking my heart because I love these halaqas and don't know of any better ones in my area and this program seems to be damaging the community. I feel like the other leader who is apparently not involved with Landmark is being hurt by having practically nobody show up to her halaqas anymore and education in the deen is important! Please share your thoughts insha'Allah.