Landmark Forum

I you see some wrong happening it's not only necessary that you say something but it's an Islamic obligation. I read in a hadith something to the effect that if you keep your mouth closed when you should say something then you're a sinner. Don't remember the exact words.

So if you doubt something is going on that might either mislead the people or put them in danger - as cults are known to do - then it's important to voice your thoughts. You can talk about it in a wise manner, even in a questioning manner so that it doesn't seem you're preaching. Like, you might ask the sisters why they aren't attending the Islamic class, is something keeping them busy, etc. If they don't talk about the landmark forum, you can bring the subject to it yourself, like say, so have you heard about this landmark forum, etc. and then turn the topic to the dangers and using your research as supporting evidence.

Finally, you can suggest that the sister do istikhara prayer to get guidance regarding this issue.
I see your point.... so what do you suggest? that they carry on and let this happen again?
Not at all. I've mentioned some suggestions earlier and others have given some great suggestions too, in terms of approaching the people who are attending the Landmark Forum, or otherwise conveying important advice to others. This can be done without calling for a change in leadership of the Halaqas.

And bro Muhammad, the leaders ARE the cause of the problem if they've recommended this cult to their members and the members therefore feel like they've been taken advantage of, especially financially...
It was my understanding that another sister recommended the Forum and that's when one of the leaders as well as others decided to go to it. It does not sound like the Halaqas themselves are recommending it to the attendees.
oh yes, I recall that from the OP now, my apologies :embarrass

"Hello Imran, you look happy today" remarked Abdullah, "yes, I'm happier than I've ever been," returned Imran with a smile.
"what's changed? I mean, you always used to look stressed out and stuff, and now, you look like you've stepped off a surf board after catching the most amazing wave and owning it - what's the secret?" asked Abdullah. "Ah, well you can thank Landmark for that - their course changed my life" explained Imran...

WHOA... STOP... !!!! Landmark changed your life? You ungrateful idiot.

Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Qur'an 94:5-6

Allah tells us in the Quran that after every difficulty there is relief, and we forget WHO to thank?

This is one very real problem with people who boast about organisations like Landmark being their saving grace.

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Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Qur'an 94:5-6

Allah tells us in the Quran that after every difficulty there is relief, and we forget WHO to thank?

Yup, like there is a cure for everything in the quran, it's just we forgot how to use it...(?)

Peace :shade:
here's the funny thing sister, the photo was a reflection of a real person - and not an artisitic impression to be admired... she put her face to the article becuase she believes people should not hide behind a veil of anonymity...

ofcourse, on this forum, displaying photos of any person is against the rules and I temporarily forgot that...

Anyway, talking about the lesser fitna in light of the larger one is a bit of a hiccup on this thread...

as you were ladies and gents :)


It is nothing against you. I'm only a beginner Muslim so I don't know all the details about everything. However, it is an obligation if we do know of something deen related that should be improved upon to point that out no matter how small. I encorage (and hope) others would do the same for me. :) Sometimes something cannot necessarily be fitna but has the potential to lead towards it. Even me as a woman have to sometimes lower my gaze from other women the way some of them are dressed to avoid feelings of envy, competition, and too much body-consciousness.

The fitna of this Landmark Forum sounds serious. It is taking sisters' time and money away from the ummah, is likely confusing and alienating the new believers who are not a part of Landmark, and worse may well be leading Muslims astray from the deen due to bidah. In any case if it is just a distraction, then it means it is slowing down our Islamic education.

Insha'Allah I am meeting with the sister leader not apparently involved with Lanmark soon and insha'Allah will voice my concerns directly and discuss how to proceed. The goal is to improve the situation without "burning bridges." And Allah (swt) knows best.
Considering that the Landmark Forum course costs roughly the same as a weekly wage for 39 hours worth of Landmark which equates to a working week... this organisation is minting money BIGTIME.

If they get a class full of students, say 15 average (I have no idea how many they have per session so I'm being careful with estimates) that's 15 X £250 = £3,750 they earn, and off that, they'll pay a percentage to the course tutor and assistant - lets minus a generous £300 for each, plus another £15 for materials and a further £390 odd pounds for renting a conference room for the period (equated at £10 per hour) and they've profited £2745.00

Thats for a very conservative estimate of 15 students of landmark attending, to my knowledge these classes have more students and so, the profit margin increases,

Consider, this is for one locality only, and multiple classes are currently en vogue all over the world...

...this organisation is a beast.

Asalam walaikum,

By reading all the comments in thread, I got a better clarity on my concern on landmark.. Jazak Allah for the insights.. I feel It is infact harmful for the Deen as it can make you praise the forum instead of Allah subhana taala.

These are the seven commandments they teach the students at the end
(I have a question related to this)

Secret seven

The Landmark Forum's 'seven commandments' for being an extraordinary person:

· Be Racket-Free: give up being right - even when you know you were.

· Be Powerful: be straight in your communication and take what you get.

· Be Courageous: acknowledge your fear (not necessarily get rid of it) and then act.

· Be Peaceful: give up the interpretation that there's something wrong.

· Be Charismatic: give up trying to get somewhere. Be entirely fulfilled in the present moment.

· Be Enrolling: share your new possibilities in such a way that others are touched, moved and inspired.

· Be Unreasonable: in expectations of yourself and others beyond what you would think they are capable of.

These commandments seems to be impressive but I'm very sure Islam must be teaching these commandments in Quran and hadees. I just don't know how find them.. if someone can guide me in finding these commandments..
Jazak Allah khair