Here is another example that describes my problem better; if you can answer this, then my initial question will be answered too: I will go and create a plane, but I know this plane is gonna crash and burn anyways. But when it does crash and burn, it's the planes fault, not the creator or designer. So why should the plane take blame for crashing instead of the creator? Why should human take blame and responsibility for making mistake it was destined and created to make?
This is not exactly the right analogy but still...let us try it.
You have a plane production company. you produce different kind of planes. for long distances and short distances. none of the planes you sell is defective in any kind...
in your spare time you love looking at your selled planes through your crystal bowl where they will fly to in the future (let us say you have such a crystal bowl).
The fact that a certain plane of yours crashed somewhere in the future...are you the one to blame? would you not still produce that plane? or would you not sell it to that customer?
So like those planes, we humans have not been created defective. we all have the potential to be good servants and reach Heaven inshallah...I know that because Allah says he burdens no one more than he can handle.
The fact that Allah can see beforehand which of us goes to Heaven or Hell is a topic of free will and qadr...which can get pretty complicated.
Allah could create us like superior creatures. We could be like supermans...faster than the speed of strong as destroying continents with one blow...never disobedient...
But wait...those creatures already exist...we call them "Angels"...
But Allah decided to choose to create us different. We do not need to be strong or fast as the Angels to be good servants. Allah is almighty...he does not need any of this.
The only thing that is more valuable for Allah is our free will.
We can choose to not obey...we could choose the evil path...but despite having that choice....we still choose to be good servants of Allah and obey.
And exactly that gives us a higher rank than the angels.
It however also has a downside. In order to have free will, we have to be able to choose for the wrong path. that wrong path must exist, and we have to be able to actually choose that path.
If we somehow were restricted in that decision, we would not have actual free will.
now, if you happen to have an invisible camera on your schoulder which records everything you do and say...your whole life....and when you die, the recorded tape will be put in a box and send back in time before you were born...
The existence of that tape will not restrict you in your free will during your life in any way does it? That tape is your Qadr.
Therefore, Allah knows your future...and still allowes you to have free will.
Hope it is clear now for you.