*** Why were some people chosen as Prophets and not you or me? ***


New member
The obvious answer is that we don't possess the appropriate qualities or characteristics to be a Prophet. But Allah created all human beings, so couldn't Allah have created anyone of us with the qualities and characteristics of a Prophet? From this perspective, it seems unfair to all other human beings that they were created or given lower qualities and characteristics, so there final reward or position in Paradise won't be as great as any of the Prophets for example? The strength is from Allah, right? So how come you or me weren't destined to become a Prophet, then Allah gives us the strength to overcome those hardships? Allah wouldn't burden a soul with more than it can bear, so if Allah fashioned us the right way, we would succeed as prophets too and have the best reward in Jannah, yes? [/FONT]
The obvious answer is that we don't possess the appropriate qualities or characteristics to be a Prophet. But Allah created all human beings, so couldn't Allah have created anyone of us with the qualities and characteristics of a Prophet? From this perspective, it seems unfair to all other human beings that they were created or given lower qualities and characteristics, so there final reward or position in Paradise won't be as great as any of the Prophets for example? The strength is from Allah, right? So how come you or me weren't destined to become a Prophet, then Allah gives us the strength to overcome those hardships? Allah wouldn't burden a soul with more than it can bear, so if Allah fashioned us the right way, we would succeed as prophets too and have the best reward in Jannah, yes?

The prophets (pbut) kept close to their tawheed during the height of difficulty. They had nothing to draw from. They were the BEST among their people. You have the Quran, you have technology. YOu literally have everything you could have to succeed in this world, and yet we are nothing in comparison to the prophets pbuh who lived among the worst of the worst of people not because we didn't have any special qualities but because we give in to our desires. Those who just feel the slightest of adversity start becoming suicidal, depressed, questioning "why me?", and run to haram avenues to numb themselves of the pain of this world. They turn away from Allah. They indulge in the fancies of dunyaa without guilt or feelings for repercussion. To be fair, it is not a fair comparison. The prophets were humans just like us and averted themselves from their lower desires BEFORE they became prophets. So they were human without any special qualities. We would not be able to handle the adversity that came their way, we would not be able to handle the responsibility of leading a nation, we would not be able to let go of our desires.

And above all to ask such a question reveals the pride/arrogance one has in his heart to even believe he is that pure and strong against the world to be selected as a leader of it. It is not easy to be a prophet just because it is seen as a blessing. THey are examples for us, so be an example. Strive for the highest rank of paradise, it is not impossible nor is it reserved only for prophets.
Thanks for the reply. Couldn't Allah have given us the strength to overcome these difficulties though? For example, when Muhammad pbuh was young, an Angel came to him and washed his heart of any black spots, thus his heart became pure, and so he wasn't as fallible as you or me, thus he was created stronger than you or me, from a very young age.

Another example I could give would be Satan's example: he was one of the best worshippers to Allah, but then Adam was created and deemed better than Satan, for some unknown reason? That's not very fair to Satan / jinn species? Maybe if Satan was just created a human to begin with, then he wouldn't have been so unlucky perhaps?

To me, it seems unjust and I cannot find a reasonable explanation anywhere.
Another example is Jesus. He was given a miracle at birth to speak and born to a woman who was not touched by man. What did he do to deserve prophecy above you or me, thus getting more honor, status, and reward in Paradise than you or me?
Thanks for the reply. Couldn't Allah have given us the strength to overcome these difficulties though? For example, when Muhammad pbuh was young, an Angel came to him and washed his heart of any black spots, thus his heart became pure, and so he wasn't as fallible as you or me, thus he was created stronger than you or me, from a very young age.

Another example I could give would be Satan's example: he was one of the best worshippers to Allah, but then Adam was created and deemed better than Satan, for some unknown reason? That's not very fair to Satan / jinn species? Maybe if Satan was just created a human to begin with, then he wouldn't have been so unlucky perhaps?

To me, it seems unjust and I cannot find a reasonable explanation anywhere.

You do have the strength to overcome the difficulties though. I don't know why you think you don't. You have all the tools you need to succeed in this life. Your mind, body and soul are a complete package to turn away from sins and do good deeds. You also have salaah, du'a, fasting, and istighfaar to cleanse you from past sins. You can strengthen your iman. You also have a community to help keep you from going astray by giving you dawah/reminders.

Secondly every creature has it's purpose in life. The prophets had a specific purpose to carry Allah's message and guide NATIONS. Those abilities advanced that mission. Who told you their life was easy just because Allah gave them certain abilities? Surely it was not easy. Please tell me that if you had the ability to speak from the womb that would help your life right now in any way. I highly doubt it would.

Iblees is another example that no matter how knowledgeable and honored you are, with just a bit of arrogance you can be the lowest of creatures. Allah commanded the everyone to prostrate to Adam, and Iblees refused because he thought too highly of himself, not because Adam was better. He disobeyed Allah's commands directly.

No matter what you were created as, your purpose is simple: to worship Allah. Doesn't matter if you are a prophet, jinn, angel, or human. Life is a test for everyone. What I can handle is probably not what you can handle unless you went through the same trials and overcame them, it has nothing to do with prophethood. You are refined through trials and experience.
So my question is never answered. If you are saying we already have the strength, then what made Jesus deserve to be hand picked over than you or me? For example, Allah could have just switched my soul/heart with the soul/heart of Jesus. Allah could ensure the timeline goes exactly the same as it is now. But instead, I am the one born to Mary. Now I will have all the fame, glory, status, and reward in Jannah, rather than Jesus. Timeline exactly the same as it is now, due to Allah's planning. Of course, life would be tough, but since Allah has now destined me to be the prophet and son of Mary instead of Jesus, now I would go through all those same trials and tribulations that Jesus did and succeed anyways (cause prophets have 100% success rate in delivering the message, since they were hand-picked by Allah, for whatever unknown reason?). Do you get my question? From your previous reply, you didn't understand clearly.

We all have our purpose in life sure, but some people were given a higher purpose, and thus higher and better reward than what any common person like you or me could dream of. So because of this, our reward and level won't be the same as these prophets. So I'm searching for the fairness and justice in this reward / ranking system, but I cannot find any evidence to support this.
So my question is never answered. If you are saying we already have the strength, then what made Jesus deserve to be hand picked over than you or me? For example, Allah could have just switched my soul/heart with the soul/heart of Jesus. Allah could ensure the timeline goes exactly the same as it is now. But instead, I am the one born to Mary. Now I will have all the fame, glory, status, and reward in Jannah, rather than Jesus. Timeline exactly the same as it is now, due to Allah's planning. Of course, life would be tough, but since Allah has now destined me to be the prophet and son of Mary instead of Jesus, now I would go through all those same trials and tribulations that Jesus did and succeed anyways (cause prophets have 100% success rate in delivering the message, since they were hand-picked by Allah, for whatever unknown reason?). Do you get my question? From your previous reply, you didn't understand clearly.

We all have our purpose in life sure, but some people were given a higher purpose, and thus higher and better reward than what any common person like you or me could dream of. So because of this, our reward and level won't be the same as these prophets. So I'm searching for the fairness and justice in this reward / ranking system, but I cannot find any evidence to support this.

Even the prophets will be ranked differently in paradise, so I don't understand where you are getting the idea that a higher purpose means a better reward and more ranking. I literally just wrote above that our sole purpose is to worship Allah regardless. So based on your deeds and quality of your worship is how you are ranked.

If a cat was created as a dog, then it was never a cat in the first place. So if you were Isa, then you'd be Isa. You would not be someone in someone else's body. There are some flaws in your way of thinking. Allah did not only hand pick them, they were created for that specific purpose as they are. You were not destined to be a prophet because this is what has been written for you. Allah knows best.

What is your point at the end of the day? You want paradise? You can achieve it. YOu want the highest level of paradise? You can achieve it. You want to be guaranteed paradise? Well it has been guaranteed for you as a Muslim. You want it to be easy?? Work for it. So I don't understand really where you are going with this? You can't attain prophethood because you are not a prophet. Simple as that really.
Right, so how is that fair for all the other prophets, that they won't get the same ranking / reward / love of Allah compared to prophet Muhammad pbuh? Only one person gets the Al-Wasilah, and most likely it will be Muhammad pbuh. The only reason he gets it, is because he was chosen to be the final prophet. Because he was destined for it, he gets it. He is #1; everyone else is good, but not the best. How is that fair for anyone other human? Or any other creation? Only one person has that opportunity and can really compete for it, and that's prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Besides, we do our worship to obtain Paradise and avoid Hell, right? If there wasn't a Paradise or Hell, if there wasn't a negative consequence for not worshipping Allah, then there's not much incentive. Our main incentive is to get closeness to Allah, but no human will get as close as Muhammad pbuh. His life was special, but not because of his own strength, but because Allah strengthened him to succeed in his mission. So why Allah chose him, and not anyone else?
Right, so how is that fair for all the other prophets, that they won't get the same ranking / reward / love of Allah compared to prophet Muhammad pbuh? Only one person gets the Al-Wasilah, and most likely it will be Muhammad pbuh. The only reason he gets it, is because he was chosen to be the final prophet. Because he was destined for it, he gets it. He is #1; everyone else is good, but not the best. How is that fair for anyone other human? Or any other creation? Only one person has that opportunity and can really compete for it, and that's prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Besides, we do our worship to obtain Paradise and avoid Hell, right? If there wasn't a Paradise or Hell, if there wasn't a negative consequence for not worshipping Allah, then there's not much incentive. Our main incentive is to get closeness to Allah, but no human will get as close as Muhammad pbuh. His life was special, but not because of his own strength, but because Allah strengthened him to succeed in his mission. So why Allah chose him, and not anyone else?

How do you define fairness? Are you the ultimate judge of what is fair?

The rest of what you're saying is speculation.
Right, so how is that fair for all the other prophets, that they won't get the same ranking / reward / love of Allah compared to prophet Muhammad pbuh? Only one person gets the Al-Wasilah, and most likely it will be Muhammad pbuh. The only reason he gets it, is because he was chosen to be the final prophet. Because he was destined for it, he gets it. He is #1; everyone else is good, but not the best. How is that fair for anyone other human? Or any other creation? Only one person has that opportunity and can really compete for it, and that's prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Besides, we do our worship to obtain Paradise and avoid Hell, right? If there wasn't a Paradise or Hell, if there wasn't a negative consequence for not worshipping Allah, then there's not much incentive. Our main incentive is to get closeness to Allah, but no human will get as close as Muhammad pbuh. His life was special, but not because of his own strength, but because Allah strengthened him to succeed in his mission. So why Allah chose him, and not anyone else?

You sound like you are jealous and believe somehow Allah have given you the short end of the stick. Are you serious? Allah do whatever he wants with his creation. Be thankful you are Muslim..you could be atheist.
[028:068] Thy Lord does create and choose as He pleases: no choice have they (in the matter): Glory to God! and far is He above the partners they ascribe (to Him)!

[003:074] For His Mercy He specially
chooseth whom He pleaseth; for God is the Lord of bounties unbounded.

Why ? Because we do not know what HE , the Exalted knows .

[002:032] They said, “Exalted are You! We know nothing more than what You have taught us. Undoubtedly, You (and only You) are the all-
Knowing, the Wisest.”

Still are you going to argue with GOD , the All-Knowing !?

Sure, I am slightly jealous, but Islam asks us to compete in doing good, and I'm here calling out that some of the competition has an unfair advantage. Even I have an unfair advantage over those born non-Muslim, or if you don't like that term, then more gifts or blessings from Allah.

I read a hadith which says that people in Paradise will look up and see others above them and would feel regret for not doing enough or being tested enough and would have wished they had more difficult tests to begin with. So I obviously don't want to have those feelings in Jannah if Allah accepts me, so what can I do to prevent this? There isn't much I can do in my boat, as I'm no scholar, nor prophet, so how can I compete with them?

I already know Allah is most fair, but need more clarification as to why, cause the answer given that Allah knows best won't ride among non-Muslims. That answer is similar to when an atheist says "we don't know" when asked about the existence of God. It's a cop out, and there has to be some evidence somewhere? I remember some hadith about a cup being filled, and I think it has my answer, but I can't find it.

You had asked a similar question before and there were several replies posted explaining why you can not compete with the Sahabah. Go through the replies once again here: Arrogant Question (islamicboard.com)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TR][TD] Arrogant Question
Salam Alaikum, Sorry in advance for the arrogant question. How come I wasn't chosen to be a Sahabah? It seems unfair that certain people automatically...[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]
Yes, I'm still confused 5 years later, so please help. This is the video I watched from NAK, but I'm still confused, so maybe someone can help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbd2HsVNH_Q&ab_channel=BattleIgnorance

You can say the same for Satan; he was considered one of the best worshippers, then all of a sudden, Adam comes as the new best creation (who didn't do any worship at that point). While what Satan did is wrong and arrogant, he has a point that his situation is very unfair. No one addresses the unfairness given to him (in regards to his demotion), but everyone is quick to point out his mistake of being prideful and arrogant.

Which is why I don't understand, if we are put in this world, competing to do good deeds, but in the end, the rank doesn't matter, then what is the incentive for doing extra sunnahs and nawafil, compared to just doing the fard and doing few sunnahs? Why should we work for Firdaus if the rank or honor doesn't matter?
Here is another example that describes my problem better; if you can answer this, then my initial question will be answered too: I will go and create a plane, but I know this plane is gonna crash and burn anyways. But when it does crash and burn, it's the planes fault, not the creator or designer. So why should the plane take blame for crashing instead of the creator? Why should human take blame and responsibility for making mistake it was destined and created to make?
How are you coping with the tests you have in your own life? I hope from your question you have 110% in your current test
The prophets alayhis salam received the most difficult tests. If you aren't acing your current test how do you hope to succeed aat a greater test

This question reeks of ingratitude. Why aren't you a Prophet? For one the prophets alayhis salam didn't have arrogant attitudes like yours and your soud dhann billah you have

Look inward at your own qualities and how you think of Allah and you will find your answer
Right, they received the most difficult tests, but also had the biggest blessings to deal with them as well. Because of this, they get all the rank, honor, glory, status, etc in Jannah, unlike you or me; we are just the common Joes at the bottom. Look at Muhammad pbuh, his heart was washed of any black spots at the age of 5, so sinning wasn't even in his vocabulary. Look at Jesus, he is born with the blessing of giving dawah from birth. Look at me, I'm born to Muslims parents, compared to others born to Non-Muslim parents. What did the 3 of us do to deserve the blessings we have now, which will inevitably grant us a high rank, high honor, high status in Jannah? How would this be fair to someone born to Non-Muslim parents, or a teen who died young, who didn't have the opportunity to work hard to get the highest rank?

I even remember hearing a hadith about a man who converted to Islam, then immediately went out into the battle field, died as a Martyr, then received Jannat ul Firdaus, without ever having prostrated to Allah. Like, how is that even possible or fair?
Right, they received the most difficult tests, but also had the biggest blessings to deal with them as well. Because of this, they get all the rank, honor, glory, status, etc in Jannah, unlike you or me; we are just the common Joes at the bottom. Look at Muhammad pbuh, his heart was washed of any black spots at the age of 5, so sinning wasn't even in his vocabulary. Look at Jesus, he is born with the blessing of giving dawah from birth. Look at me, I'm born to Muslims parents, compared to others born to Non-Muslim parents. What did the 3 of us do to deserve the blessings we have now, which will inevitably grant us a high rank, high honor, high status in Jannah? How would this be fair to someone born to Non-Muslim parents, or a teen who died young, who didn't have the opportunity to work hard to get the highest rank?

I even remember hearing a hadith about a man who converted to Islam, then immediately went out into the battle field, died as a Martyr, then received Jannat ul Firdaus, without ever having prostrated to Allah. Like, how is that even possible or fair?

You haven't answered my question.
Assalam o alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa barakuthu.

It is not proper manner for a Muslim to question Allah, As He is a Superior Being and does whatever He wills. Suppose, If i work as employer under a CEO, and he gives me some projects which I dislike to work, but I will go ahead working on it, regardless. So therefore, Allah is Supreme Being, and we should alway obey Him.

لَا يُسْـَٔلُ عَمَّا يَفْعَلُ وَهُمْ يُسْـَٔلُونَ

He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.

Everyone has their own tests. It all depends on our faith.

It was narrated from Mus’ab bin Sa’d that his father, Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas, said:

“I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, which people are most severely tested?’ He said: ‘The Prophets, then the next best and the next best. A person is tested according to his religious commitment. If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, he will be tested more severely, and if he is frail in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment. Trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him.’”

Sunan Ibn Majah 4023

As sister said:

Those who just feel the slightest of adversity start becoming suicidal, depressed, questioning "why me?",

We are human beings, we are weak. Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear. If we were able to face the same tests as the Prophets peace be upon them and also the Companions of Prophet peace be upon him, then we would have gone insane and end up being astray away from Allah, blaming Him.

Our mind is limited. We cannot understand the wisdom of Allah fully.

May Allah guide us to what is good.
Here is another example that describes my problem better; if you can answer this, then my initial question will be answered too: I will go and create a plane, but I know this plane is gonna crash and burn anyways. But when it does crash and burn, it's the planes fault, not the creator or designer. So why should the plane take blame for crashing instead of the creator? Why should human take blame and responsibility for making mistake it was destined and created to make?

This is not exactly the right analogy but still...let us try it.
You have a plane production company. you produce different kind of planes. for long distances and short distances. none of the planes you sell is defective in any kind...
in your spare time you love looking at your selled planes through your crystal bowl where they will fly to in the future (let us say you have such a crystal bowl).
The fact that a certain plane of yours crashed somewhere in the future...are you the one to blame? would you not still produce that plane? or would you not sell it to that customer?

So like those planes, we humans have not been created defective. we all have the potential to be good servants and reach Heaven inshallah...I know that because Allah says he burdens no one more than he can handle.
The fact that Allah can see beforehand which of us goes to Heaven or Hell is a topic of free will and qadr...which can get pretty complicated.

Allah could create us like superior creatures. We could be like supermans...faster than the speed of light...as strong as destroying continents with one blow...never disobedient...

But wait...those creatures already exist...we call them "Angels"...

But Allah decided to choose to create us different. We do not need to be strong or fast as the Angels to be good servants. Allah is almighty...he does not need any of this.
The only thing that is more valuable for Allah is our free will.

We can choose to not obey...we could choose the evil path...but despite having that choice....we still choose to be good servants of Allah and obey.

And exactly that gives us a higher rank than the angels.

It however also has a downside. In order to have free will, we have to be able to choose for the wrong path. that wrong path must exist, and we have to be able to actually choose that path.
If we somehow were restricted in that decision, we would not have actual free will.

now, if you happen to have an invisible camera on your schoulder which records everything you do and say...your whole life....and when you die, the recorded tape will be put in a box and send back in time before you were born...
The existence of that tape will not restrict you in your free will during your life in any way does it? That tape is your Qadr.

Therefore, Allah knows your future...and still allowes you to have free will.

Hope it is clear now for you.