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Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

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    Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? (OP)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān View Post
    Greetings Hugo, We can prove that the Qur'an is the word of God by demonstrating it's miraculous nature - the fact that it cannot possibly have been the work of human hands. This is touched upon in this video: How is the Qur'an Miraculous? The Challenge of the Qur'an. Since this is a slightly different area of discussion, I suggest you create a thread in the Clarifications about Islam section if you wish to continue discussing it. Please do watch the video first though.

    This is a new thread based on discussions elsewhere and the above is the suggestion from Uthman. My opening remarks are:

    I looked at the video you suggested and essentially the speaker takes 20 minutes to state that the Qu'ran is a 'literary miracle' but as far as I could tell the only 'proof' he offers is that the Meccan's could not reproduce anything like it at the time and according to him that equals it cannot be done.

    Coupled with this he makes what to me seems odd claims that Arabic scholars at Cambridge or Princeton are of no account compared to those say in Cairo and it seem even they could not hold a candle to the Meccan pre-islamic Arabic speakers

    This to me seems a very weak argument but I would like to explore it and my next post I begin by discussing what is typically understood by the term 'proof' and ways in which the idea of proof is used.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

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    I'm sorry, if someone's mentioned this but there are certain facts that refer to today, in the Qu'ran yet who could have figured it out then?
    For example the amount on water on ther Earth,etc.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad View Post

    1. The language and style of the Qur'an
    Can you be more specific? We have gone over this several times in the thread and I am guessing you are a native Arabic-speaker because this miracle is lost on the rest of us.

    2. The incapability to produce anything similar to it by the disbelievers during the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) time and those after them.
    At the time no-one could or no-one would? The Qur'an is mostly written in the first-person majestic plural of God's own Direct Speech, and to replicate this style is blasphemy for any believer in any god, even in the eyes of the Makkans I imagine, who did have a god called Allah also.

    3. The stories and accounts of the nations and prophets of old, since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had no recourse to such information.
    The Old Testament, particularly Genesis and Exodus, contains most of the Prophetic stories mentioned in the Qur'an, if not in more detail. Even if you could not read this book, recourse to this information is possible through oral means, and it is well-known that the Arabs had a strong oral tradition and ability to memorise what they heard.

    4. The predictions which occurred in the Qur'an, and which later came true
    I feel that most of the predictions are not clearly defined, and some are not even predictions but rather verses taken to mean something they clearly do not, as is the case with many of the science verses. In any case depend on a passage of time before they could be 'validated', again as in the case of the science in the Qur'an.

    5. The perfect belief of Monotheism - the attribution of all that befits Allaah and the negation of all that does not befit Him, and the call of the Creator to the created to worship Him. All of this is not possible for a human to bring forth unless he was inspired by Allaah.
    Why not? Once we have established the concept of God, then any human is entitled to believe in God, his attributes and to call others to worship him without being neccessarily inspired by God. How can this be interpreted as 'miracle'?

    6. The laws and sharee'ah that the Qur'an came with, and the morals and conduct that it called for. All of this leads to the betterment of life in this world and in the Hereafter. The perfection of a set of laws that can be applied to any society at any time and place is humanly impossible, and the sharee'ah is the only example of such a set of laws.
    I think you will find many Muslims and non-muslims who disagree with this.

    7. Scientific facts mentioned in the Qur'an that were unknown at that time.
    See 4 above.

    8. The fact that it has been protected and remained unchanged over such a long period of time, despite the fact that all other religious books have been distorted.
    So do many books remain unchanged but that doesn't make them holy or miraculous, it is only a testament to the regard in which they are held and the language in which they are printed.

    10. The miraculous nature of the various ways and manners of reciting the Qur'an (the ahruf and qira'aat).
    How is this miraculous? It seems that you are using a different definition of 'miracle' than many of us.

    11. The ease by which it is memorised, and this is known by experience and observance.This is in contrast to all other religious books, for none of them are memorised like the Qur'an.
    No other book claims to carry a reward of taking its memoriser and their family members to Paradise. It is well known that many parents encourage their children to memorise the Qur'an at a young age so that he can take them to Paradise.

    12. The deep meanings that are present inside it, and the fact that a reader never tires of reading the Qur'an, no matter how many times he has heard it or read it. This is in contrast to any other book, since a person cannot read it more than a few times without it getting monotonous and mundane.
    This is largely subjective - there are many books which I never tire of reading and which have a deep meaning to them, but this does not make them miraculous!
    Last edited by Eliphaz; 12-11-2009 at 04:50 PM.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    When I read quotes from the Qu'ran, I simply believe it. That feeling that forms inside you when you truely believe something, for example when someone someone says sorry, or says 'i promise', or says they love you, you know that it is the truth. It's that feeling of knowing something is right, that feeling that causes us make huge descitions. That feeling is really powerful, does this count as proof?

    The creator of the entire world doesn't have to prove his own words are real to us.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    I am sure brother Muhammad won't mind if I stole his thunder

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eliphaz View Post
    Can you be more specific? We have gone over this several times in the thread and I am guessing you are a native Arabic-speaker because this miracle is lost on the rest of us.
    You don't need to be a native Arabic speaker to appreciate its miraculous nature, in fact that has been addressed above by Muslims who are non-Arabic speaking..

    At the time no-one could or no-one would? The Qur'an is mostly written in the first-person majestic plural of God's own Direct Speech, and to replicate this style is blasphemy for any believer in any god, even in the eyes of the Makkans I imagine, who did have a god called Allah also.
    You mistake replication for plagiarism?
    The challenge of the Quran is that you bring a book that will be a guidance for all mankind that matches the Quran in
    1- linguistics /poetic style
    2- transcendence
    3- cover all aspects of human life, politics/economics/social structure/ beliefs/inheritance/ events that have happened with clear accuracy and those yet to happen with equal accuracy, be a guidance to man kind a way to cure an ill hear when recited with pure intent to name a few!

    The Old Testament, particularly Genesis and Exodus, contains most of the Prophetic stories mentioned in the Qur'an, if not in more detail. Even if you could not read this book, recourse to this information is possible through oral means, and it is well-known that the Arabs had a strong oral tradition and ability to memorise what they heard.
    Bring me then the story of A'ad, Thamud, Ahel al kahf, zhu el qarnyen, as7ab alfeel to name a few from the old testament or better yet from the oral traditions of Arabs who themselves failed to match the Quran on every level mentioned above!

    I feel that most of the predictions are not clearly defined, and some are not even predictions but rather verses taken to mean something they clearly do not, as is the case with many of the science verses. In any case depend on a passage of time before they could be 'validated', again as in the case of the science in the Qur'an.
    You make alot of statements of generalities, until such a time you can elucidate for us what you mean, your statements can be dismissed!

    Why not? Once we have established the concept of God, then any human is entitled to believe in God, his attributes and to call others to worship him without being neccessarily inspired by God. How can this be interpreted as 'miracle'?
    Until such a time you or someone like you brings us a perfect Quran and Sunnah both completely different in style, covering every aspect of life and going strong millenniums later can it be considered anything less than a miracle!

    I think you will find many Muslims and non-muslims who disagree with this.
    Disagreeing doesn't make it incorrect.. it is just your opinion..
    in the eyes of a murderer capital punishment is incorrect.. it is a subjective opinion, has nothing to do with the perfection or lack of of the law!

    See 4 above.
    see reply to four!

    So do many books remain unchanged but that doesn't make them holy or miraculous, it is only a testament to the regard in which they are held and the language in which they are printed.
    which books are those? are they books of God or books of physics? a book should do what it claims!

    How is this miraculous? It seems that you are using a different definition of 'miracle' than many of us.
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    No other book claims to carry a reward of taking its memoriser and their family members to Paradise. It is well known that many parents encourage their children to memorise the Qur'an at a young age so that he can take them to Paradise.
    The Rewards for those who recite and practise the Qur'aan

    Aboo Moosaa al-Ash'aree reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "Part of Showing glory to Allaah is to show respect to a white-haired Muslim, and a carrier of the Qur'aan who does not exaggerate in it (i.e., overstep its bounds) nor ignore it (i.e., leave it), and a just ruler" (Aboo Dawoood)

    'Aa'ishah reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "The person who reads the Qur'aan fluently is with the honourable and obedient scribes (i.e. angels), and he who reads it with difficulty, (even) he shall get (at least) a double reward" (Aboo Dawood)

    Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "Whoever wishes to love Allaah and His Messenger, let him read the mus-haf" (Ibn Nu'aym in his Hilya).

    Ibn 'Amr reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "There is no cause to be envious except in two cases: (the first is of a) person whom Allaah has taught the Qur'aan, and he recites it in the day and night, and one of his neighbours hears him and says, 'Woe to me! I wish I had been given what he has been given, then I would do what he is doing! (The second is of a) person whom Allah has blessed with wealth, and he spends it in good causes, so a person (who sees him) says, 'Woe to me! I wish I had been given what he has been given, then I would do what he is doing!" (al-Bukhaaree)

    Aboo Hurayrah reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "The Qur'aan will be brought on the Day of Judgement, and it will say, 'O My Lord! Adorn him (the one who read and practised it)!' So he will be adorned with the crown of glory and honour . It will then say, 'O My Lord! Increase this!' So he will be clothed with the clothes of glory and honour. Then it will say, 'O My Lord! Be pleased with Him! So He (Allaah) will be pleased with him. It will be said, 'Recite! And rise!' and every verse he recites will bless him with a good deed" (at-Tirmidhee)

    Ibn 'Amr reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "It will be said to the companion of the Qur'aan after he has entered Paradise, 'Recite, and rise!' For every verse he recites he will rise one level (in Paradise), until he recites the last verse with him (i.e., in his memory)." (Aboo Dawood)

    Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "Recite the Qur'aan, for verily you will be rewarded for it. I am not saying that Alif-Laam-Meem will count as a word, but rather that Alif has ten (rewards), Laam has ten (rewards), and Meem has ten (rewards), so this is thirty (rewards)" (Khateeb al-Baghdaadee)

    'Ismah Ibn Maalik reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said "If the Qur'aan is enclosed by skin (i.e., if a person memorises the entire Qur'aan), then Allaah will never burn it in the Fire (of Hell) (al-Bayhaqee)

    Aboo Hurayrah reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "Never do a group of people gather together in one of the houses of Allaah, reciting the Book of Allaah and pondering over it, except that peace descends upon them, and mercy surrounds them, and the angels encircle them, and Allaah remembers them in His gathering" (Aboo Daawood)

    Aboo Moosaa al-Asha'aree reported that the Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God? said, "The believer who recites the Qur'aan is like a citrus fruit - its fragrance is pleasing and its taste is sweet. The believer who does not recite the Qur'aan is like a dry date - it has no fragrance but its taste is sweet. The hypocrite who recites the Qur'aan is like a basil - its fragrance is sweet, but its taste is bitter. The hypocrite who does not recite the Qur'aan is like a colocynth - it has no smell, and its taste is bitter" (Muslim)

    [As found in "An Introduction To The Sciences Of The Qur'aan"]

    This is largely subjective - there are many books which I never tire of reading and which have a deep meaning to them, but this does not make them miraculous!
    not subjective if agreed upon by the majority of Muslims, what is subjective is however your own opinion on what you find deep... if you'd like a comparative study with what you have read and the Quran, by all means..
    again, statements of generalities aren't very weighty!

    all the best!
    Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    BTW the Pagan Arabs had no God names Allah (that is the problem when you get your insta smarts from evangies) Jewish and Christian Arabs knew God as Allah or derivatives of the name (Elohim) etc.
    Pagan Arabs had Alat, al'ozza, and Manat.. look it up.. if you can't find it in evangie sites, they are certainly addressed in the Quran in suret An'Najm!

    I guess the saying is true.. quality research isn't cheap!
    Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes View Post
    Then you should read holy Qur'an dragon and then after words try and write something like it thats your challenge
    Suppose that some did this, would you then accept is as a refutation of Islam? It is a hopeless test because you would simply find some pretext for saying it not as good as or similar to the Qu'ran.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada - View Post
    If anyone's in doubt, just check this out;

    a chapter of qur'an only a few lines long, yet its explanation can cover volumes.
    Would this amount to a refutation of the Qu'ran as the word of God - Muslim's say it Mubeem, clear; so if it requires volumes to explain then it is anything but clear.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post
    Would this amount to a refutation of the Qu'ran as the word of God - Muslim's say it Mubeem, clear; so if it requires volumes to explain then it is anything but clear.
    I can understand Quran without needing any voluminous exegesis. Hence it is mubeen for me. If I need to become a scholar and extract new meanings and interesting information then of course many have done so and millions of volumes have been expounded upon. Quran is mubeen because even a farmer in a remote village in Punjab can understand it and act upon it without needing voluminous commentaries . Anyways, no, its not a refutation.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by HandOnHeart View Post
    When I read quotes from the Qu'ran, I simply believe it. That feeling that forms inside you when you truely believe something, for example when someone someone says sorry, or says 'i promise', or says they love you, you know that it is the truth. It's that feeling of knowing something is right, that feeling that causes us make huge descitions. That feeling is really powerful, does this count as proof?

    The creator of the entire world doesn't have to prove his own words are real to us.
    It might count as assurance for you but it is not proof because no one else can test how you feel or think. Almost every other religion feels the same when they read their scriptures so again one is really talking about faith here not proof.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    I can understand Quran without needing any voluminous exegesis. Hence it is mubeen for me. If I need to become a scholar and extract new meanings and interesting information then of course many have done so and millions of volumes have been expounded upon. Quran is mubeen because even a farmer in a remote village in Punjab can understand it and act upon it without needing voluminous commentaries . Anyways, no, its not a refutation.
    Interesting post but to me it would be very very odd that you can extract NEW meanings and that would to my mind be a definite refutation as it implies that there is really no meaning and one may extract whatever takes your fancy.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post
    It might count as assurance for you but it is not proof because no one else can test how you feel or think. Almost every other religion feels the same when they read their scriptures so again one is really talking about faith here not proof.
    same with that Holy Ghost/Spirit dude. I seem to never be possessed by this creature of Father.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye View Post
    You mistake replication for plagiarism?
    The challenge of the Quran is that you bring a book that will be a guidance for all mankind that matches the Quran in
    1- linguistics /poetic style
    2- transcendence
    3- cover all aspects of human life, politics/economics/social structure/ beliefs/inheritance/ events that have happened with clear accuracy and those yet to happen with equal accuracy, be a guidance to man kind a way to cure an ill hear when recited with pure intent to name a few!
    Replication is plagiarism if it does not cite the sources so not quite sure what you mean here - do you mean the Qu'ran replicates Biblical stories?.

    Until such a time you or someone like you brings us a perfect Quran and Sunnah both completely different in style, covering every aspect of life and going strong millenniums later can it be considered anything less than a miracle!
    What if I bring say the Bible, that has been around for millennia and long before the Qu'ran was available. It has all that is needed and if we simply think of literary merit, passages like the latter chapters of Isaiah (1,000 years older than the Qu'ran) or the sermon in the mount or Psalm 23 or 1 Corinthians 13 are far superior to anything found in the Qu'ran or Sunnah. So let me turn the challenge around - YOU find something that matches say the beauty and profundity of 1 Corinthians 13?

    Disagreeing doesn't make it incorrect.. it is just your opinion..
    in the eyes of a murderer capital punishment is incorrect.. it is a subjective opinion, has nothing to do with the perfection or lack of of the law!
    What for you is the difference in the context of this thread between fact and opinion. You may think the Qu'ran unsurpassed in terms of say literary merit but others might not agree so its a matter of opinion not fact.

    Ibn 'Amr reported that the said, "It will be said to the companion of the Qur'an after he has entered Paradise, 'Recite, and rise!' For every verse he recites he will rise one level (in Paradise), until he recites the last verse with him (i.e., in his memory)." (Aboo Dawood)
    I have no comment really here but this sounds so absurd that I can hardly believe it can be taken literally. The whole, idea of merit through recitation seem antithetical to good works and deeds - that is Gods word should be alive in our hearts and actions not just on our lips.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    same with that Holy Ghost/Spirit dude. I seem to never be possessed by this creature of Father.
    And what is you point here, because you have not experienced the Holy Spirit no one else has?

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Khanurani View Post
    I'm sorry, if someone's mentioned this but there are certain facts that refer to today, in the Qu'ran yet who could have figured it out then?
    For example the amount on water on ther Earth,etc.
    This is exactly the kind of point we might discuss here but you MUST give us the details so we can look at what you say the Qu'ran claims otherwise it's nothing but hearsay.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post
    Interesting post but to me it would be very very odd that you can extract NEW meanings and that would to my mind be a definite refutation as it implies that there is really no meaning and one may extract whatever takes your fancy.
    Those new meanings are not necessary to understand the Quran. Its like a new perspective. Everytime I read my favorite secular novel again and again, I get new perspectives. Does it refute the fact, assuming the novel was "mubeen," that the novel was coherent and well written? No.
    Last edited by CosmicPathos; 12-12-2009 at 12:27 AM.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post
    And what is you point here, because you have not experienced the Holy Spirit no one else has?
    You just mentioned that experience has no value. Please, for God's sake, do not contradict yourself. I just caught you in a loop? Can I proclaim success here?

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad View Post
    However, many more exist, and it is important to consider all of the miraculous facets in combination, as the miraculous nature of the Qur'an is not by any one of them only. Examples of these are the following:

    1. The language and style of the Qur'an
    2. The incapability to produce anything similar to it by the disbelievers during the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) time and those after them.
    3. The stories and accounts of the nations and prophets of old, since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had no recourse to such information.
    4. The predictions which occurred in the Qur'an, and which later came true
    5. The perfect belief of Monotheism - the attribution of all that befits Allaah and the negation of all that does not befit Him, and the call of the Creator to the created to worship Him. All of this is not possible for a human to bring forth unless he was inspired by Allaah.
    6. The laws and sharee'ah that the Qur'an came with, and the morals and conduct that it called for. All of this leads to the betterment of life in this world and in the Hereafter. The perfection of a set of laws that can be applied to any society at any time and place is humanly impossible, and the sharee'ah is the only example of such a set of laws.
    7. Scientific facts mentioned in the Qur'an that were unknown at that time.
    8. The fact that it has been protected and remained unchanged over such a long period of time, despite the fact that all other religious books have been distorted.
    9. The compilation of the Qur'an and the diligence with which all the knowledge essential for its understanding has been preserved (such as the causes of revelation behind specific verses, verses revealed in Makkah/Madeenah, abrogation etc.)
    10. The miraculous nature of the various ways and manners of reciting the Qur'an (the ahruf and qira'aat).
    11. The ease by which it is memorised, and this is known by experience and observance.This is in contrast to all other religious books, for none of them are memorised like the Qur'an.
    12. The deep meanings that are present inside it, and the fact that a reader never tires of reading the Qur'an, no matter how many times he has heard it or read it. This is in contrast to any other book, since a person cannot read it more than a few times without it getting monotonous and mundane.
    13. The impact that the Qur'an has on those who hear it and the euphonious quality of the Qur'an.

    Taken from An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an, Yasir Qadhi, with slight modifications.
    This is a useful post as it outlines some of the claims made for the Qu'ran. At this time I make two points.

    1. There are 13 claims here and the writer says there are more so is this like a chain in that suppose I or anyone can refute any of the above claims will that mean that the Qu'ran is then shown to be not of God?

    2. It is a principle well accepted in Science that a theory (let's call all 13 of the above theories) has to be falsifiable otherwise it cannot be regarded in anyway as scientific. Thus, it might sound odd but what we attempt to do in an almost brutal manner is to try to find something, some result that falsifies the theory - if you cannot work out how to do that unambiguously then we cannot show the theory to be true and we cannot show it to be false either. Another way of putting it as some have done is to re frame it into a question 'What does the theory imply which, if false, would show the whole theory to be false?'

    Think about the famous white swan question - if we had a theory that all swans are white then we can easily see without ANT doubt immediately that IF we can find ONE non-white swan then the theory fails - that is we KNOW when the theory fails if a certain thing occurs and if we know that we know how it might be falsified. Be careful, this does not mean that the theory will fail but it does mean we can recognise it if it does. Two examples:

    Being topical here, suppose we say that God exists then that only becomes a scientific theory IF we can say unambiguous when it fails to be true. Thus, someone might say "earthquakes" prove there is no God; although this MAY be true there is no way any one would feel certain of this test so that argument is fallacious.

    Again, suppose someone says "he is lying because he is demon possessed" now this might be a true explanation of his lying but I cannot think (can you) of any way to show that it is UNTRUE (incompatible) so we therefore say it is in essence a logical fallacy
    Last edited by Hugo; 12-12-2009 at 12:54 AM.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo View Post
    Replication is plagiarism if it does not cite the sources so not quite sure what you mean here - do you mean the Qu'ran replicates Biblical stories?.
    Indeed.. replication is plagiarism.. Early Arabs who tried to imitate the style of the Quran to take the Quran challenge used a complete verse and substituted two words of a verse for something else, that doesn't equate to a new better Quran that is a guidance for man kind it equals to plagiarized Quran:

    Plagiarism looks like this:

    "The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the Family Arecaceae (palm family). It is the only species in the genus Cocos, and is a large palm, growing to 30 m tall, with pinnate leaves 4-6 m long, pinnae 60-90 cm long; old leaves break away cleanly leaving the trunk smooth. The term coconut refers to the fruit of the coconut palm. "

    highlighted and copied the information, pasted it in a word document and turned it ones own work. Surely you don't need to have that elucidated?
    I challenge you to show me where the Quran plagiarized your bible and the name of the person or persons who translated Grecian stories to the prophet in perfect queryshi tongue to rest on seven ahruf!

    What if I bring say the Bible, that has been around for millennia and long before the Qu'ran was available. It has all that is needed and if we simply think of literary merit, passages like the latter chapters of Isaiah (1,000 years older than the Qu'ran) or the sermon in the mount or Psalm 23 or 1 Corinthians 13 are far superior to anything found in the Qu'ran or Sunnah. So let me turn the challenge around - YOU find something that matches say the beauty and profundity of 1 Corinthians 13?
    I don't think you can even comprehend the weightiness of what is requested of you here.. firstly you have never read the Quran nor recited it, nor listened to it to know of the lyricism and its profound effect on the believer.. I can't compare your Psalm of the lord being a sheep herder to even a poem of Antonio Machado which I believe far exceeds the bible in beauty!

    by Antonio Machado
    (1875 - 1939) Timeline
    English version by
    Robert Bly

    Original Language

    Last night, as I was sleeping,
    I dreamt -- marvelous error!—
    that a spring was breaking
    out in my heart.
    I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
    Oh water, are you coming to me,
    water of a new life
    that I have never drunk?

    Last night, as I was sleeping,
    I dreamt -- marvelous error!—
    that I had a beehive
    here inside my heart.
    And the golden bees
    were making white combs
    and sweet honey
    from my old failures.

    Last night, as I was sleeping,
    I dreamt -- marvelous error!—
    that a fiery sun was giving
    light inside my heart.
    It was fiery because I felt
    warmth as from a hearth,
    and sun because it gave light
    and brought tears to my eyes.

    Last night, as I slept,
    I dreamt -- marvelous error!—
    that it was God I had
    here inside my heart.

    Also, you can't have an excerpt to represent your whole book.. I need every chapter to be unlike any other and be equally profound on all the criteria listed.. you need your bible to read collectively beautiful.. even the parts when Abraham marries his sister or Lut sleeps with his daughters and the psalms that you care not mention like this:
    "My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him" (Song of Solomon 5:4).

    frankly I find the tone of the bible downright misogynistic!
    if you can edit or remove those parts (plus the central tenet) of God, born, confused and dying, .. and in the end have it needs to sound like this:

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    perhaps then can we have an object of comparison..

    by the way find me this sura in the bible too (suret ad-dukhan) which discusses one of the signs of the end of the world amongst other things!

    What for you is the difference in the context of this thread between fact and opinion. You may think the Qu'ran unsurpassed in terms of say literary merit but others might not agree so its a matter of opinion not fact.
    The difference is in the criteria, and it has been listed for you all throughout here!

    I have no comment really here but this sounds so absurd that I can hardly believe it can be taken literally. The whole, idea of merit through recitation seem antithetical to good works and deeds - that is Gods word should be alive in our hearts and actions not just on our lips.
    I actually find what you just described more in concert with how Christians live their lives and in order to deflect from their overt hypocrisies they'd rather project what they are unto Muslims.. (all praise Jesus) but you can't get them to live an ounce in his shoes.. the most I have seen done is an attendance of Christmas mass or easter sunday where even that is jaded by some commercial gift giving and Noruz (pagan) offering!

    by the way what is the point of this absurd exercise? How could you possible expect to discuss the Quran on a level with me or any Muslim?

    all the best
    Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    You just mentioned that experience has no value. Please, for God's sake, do not contradict yourself. I just caught you in a loop? Can I proclaim success here?
    What loop is this - my comment is not about the nature of experience its about your logic.

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    Re: Is it possible to Prove the Qu'ran is the very Words of God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    Those new meanings are not necessary to understand the Quran. Its like a new perspective. Everytime I read my favorite secular novel again and again, I get new perspectives. Does it refute the fact, assuming the novel was "mubeen," that the novel was coherent and well written? No.
    Then perhaps we agree. Biblically, we would say that a verse for example has only ONE meaning but many applications in life. If that is what you are saying above then there is no difference between us.

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