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what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

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    Question what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer (OP)

    Peace be upon u all....

    Well i have couple of questions to ask to my fellow brothers/sisters in christianity or even judaism...and muslims are also welcome...

    Can someone explain wot is meant by original sin? as i've studied in childhood that some believers believe that children are born with sins and when they enter this world they eventually become pure,as examples were given such as james bulger case...as some think does original sin exist?
    but others believe including myself, we are born with pureness when we enter this world people start commiting sins.

    Also my second question is about Adam and Eve as i've studied in religious studies, did original sin start from there? because the fall of the eden...
    therefore was eve blamed to tempted adam to have the apple? as i have studied in RE that because of eve tempted to have an apple, women are cursed by God thru child bearing, menstrul cycle, women are seen as a object in the society then equal amongst men....

    and how are men and women are seen in christianity, equally? or are women subordiante to men?

    found an article from wikipedia...

    Some branches of Christianity fully accept the tradition of Adam and Eve as portrayed in the Bible, and although some hold various views expressed in the Pseudepigrapha, they do not accept the later Jewish Midrash.

    The story of Adam and Eve forms the basis for the doctrine of original sin, a doctrine that is held as true by many branches of Christianity, but is not shared by the Orthodox [9] or Congregationalist churches, nor by Judaism[citation needed] nor The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all men sinned," said St Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, writing in Greek about 58 AD.[10] St Paul was not being true to the Hebrew of Genesis, which nowhere mentions the words "sin" and which does not say that Adam was punished with death. (Adam's transgression in Genesis 3 is disobedience, not sin, and he is expelled from Eden not in order to die, but so that he may not eat of the Tree of Life and become immortal).[11] St Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD), working with a Latin mistranslation of the epistle, understood Paul to have said that Adam's sin was hereditary: "Death passed upon (i.e. spread to) all men because of Adam, [in whom] all sinned".[12] Original sin, the concept that man is born in a condition of sinfulness and must await redemption, while founded on a forced reading of Genesis followed by an exegesis based on a mistranslation, nevertheless became a cornerstone of Christian theological tradition, primarily in Western-rite churches.

    Over the centuries, a system of uniquely Christian beliefs has developed from the Adam and Eve story. Baptism, which predates Christianity has become understood as a means of washing away the stain of hereditary sin.[13] Additionally, the serpent that tempted Eve was interpreted by some to have been Satan, although there is no mention of this identification in the Torah. In fact, Genesis does not even hint at any of these readings, and their observance by many Christians has marked the religion's radical break from its parent.

    Because Eve had tempted Adam to eat of the fatal fruit, some early Fathers of the Church held her and all subsequent women to be the first sinners, and especially responsible for the Fall. "You are the devil's gateway," Tertullian told his female listeners in the early 2nd century, and went on the explain that they were responsible for the death of Christ: "On account of your desert _ that is, death - even the Son of God had to die."[14] In 1486 the Dominicans Kramer and Sprengler used similar tracts to justify the Malleus Maleficarum ("Hammer of the Witches") that led to three centuries of persecution of "witches".

    Eastern Orthodox tradition holds that the sword placed at the entrance to Paradise to prevent humankind from returning to the Garden was removed once Jesus was born.

    hopefully u can all answer my questions...wid evidence from the bible...

    Thanks alot...
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    All i hope is for my mums happiness.Shes my light.Shes my dunya.Her tears are my weakness.Her sadness breaks my heart.She is my mirror.A mirror that keeps me alive.Without her am nothing.shes my saaya.How can i leave her.I pray to Allah(swt) to keep me with her forever inshAllah.

  2. #41
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

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    format_quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    So we are not considered guilty for the act, but we do suffer the consequences. We are not punished, yet the punisment affects us.
    (by the way, I'm not implying mortality or the abilty to bear children is actually a punishment. Personally I don't see it as such. I'm just building an argument based on the claim the Catholic teachings make.)
    - something like that . But catechism is not using word "punishement" .We belive that Adam&Eve comitted their sin, but at the same time they have "spoiled" our human nature (and this nature is common for every human). And thanks to them introducing sin to the word, we today can sin. Additionaly we belive that what happend in Garden of Eden didn't only destroy our relationship with God, but aslo with each other and with the word around. Adam&Eve opened Pandora box and set sin free into this word. And now whole word is afflicted by it. But we believe that in the end God will cure this disease

    format_quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Well this begs the question: Do all human sin fall under this?
    No. Only this onn. And it's "sin" only in analogical sens
    format_quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Or is just some of the sin considered inherited?
    Inherited is fallen nature

    format_quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Actually back then -being an atheist- I had a lot of vain fun in those lessons mocking my teachers and raising questions they could not answer for my entertainment.

    The dreadfullness was on my teachers I suppose
    -hehe i usually played truant. But there were times when I was on lessons and my theacher was losing temper and she was throwing books and hitting us with keys so if i can't answer your questions blame her!
    Last edited by duskiness; 06-25-2006 at 05:51 PM.
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    If by dispelling you mean trying to 'change' it or sweep it under the rag,
    - I doubt we are "sweeping sth under the rag". If teological understanding of some dogmas change trhat's rather normal. It developing for 2000 years it can't be still! and in th end "For we know in part and we prophesy in part"

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    A while bck I heard of something like this among some catholic, of a meeting to discuss such things, but I have no proof, I had some but it was a while back and it wasnt something of much interest.
    Maybe 2 Councile of Vatican?

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    I see that denominational talk is happening in here.
    And i see that all denominations represented here are in agreement much often than in disagreement...

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    Are you asking 'what is original sin' in a certain denomination or are ya asking Biblically?
    - all denomination support their view with Bible. So thier understanding is "biblical".

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    To me from my viewpoint Original sin is almost as obscure as the Trinity, you ask people and seem to get totally different answers.
    - I would agree with answer given by Glo, so we are not giving "totally different answers"

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    all seem to be correct when you look at the bible, but all are illogical to think a Just G-d would do such a thing
    - IsaAbdullah are a judging God?
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
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  5. #43
    Umar001's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    - I doubt we are "sweeping sth under the rag". If teological understanding of some dogmas change trhat's rather normal. It developing for 2000 years it can't be still! and in th end "For we know in part and we prophesy in part"
    If you read the little article then you might have seen my view point. But as I have said it was a long time ago and I don't know where it is.

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    Maybe 2 Councile of Vatican?
    I don't have a clue, the reason I think it was of some catholics was because it talked about purgutry or something. I remember thinking it was Catholosism.

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    And i see that all denominations represented here are in agreement much often than in disagreement...
    They might be, if they are then good for them, it will make interfaith dialogue easier. I just dont like talking about denominations because I don't study their view points individual so I would not want to say something wrong about one of them.

    It would be like a Christian who has not studied the Aqeeda of Shi'a getting involved in a discussion about Shi'a, Sunni points of view on Abu Bakr, May Allah be pleased with him.

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    all denomination support their view with Bible. So thier understanding is "biblical".
    If that were the case then wouldnt they all just be one denomination and not many??

    Do you believe that a Biblical view can be one that takes a some of passages and neglects others? Althought they might support their view with some passages they neglect others which would not make it a whole Biblical view.

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    I would agree with answer given by Glo, so we are not giving "totally different answers"
    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    To me from my viewpoint Original sin is almost as obscure as the Trinity, you ask people and seem to get totally different answers.
    Right here I was talking with regards to what I have come across, that is why I stated from my viewpoint.

    And I go on to speak about what I have seen from my viewpoint,

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    As I have stated before, some merely think it is a disposition of man making him inclined towards sin, some think that we are all born in sin and need Jesus to save us, and so on.
    Now to be honest, I am no expert but my experience has mainly come from outside this Forum, so my viewpoint is not just formed from what happens in here, and whether Christians agree on this forum or not.

    format_quote Originally Posted by duskiness View Post
    IsaAbdullah are a judging God?
    In Islam we don't believe G-d has any equals or co-equals nor shares his dominion, thus it would be very illogical for me to 'judge' G-d.

    Rather as the Bible says:

    1 Thessalonians 5

    19 Quench not the Spirit. 20 Despise not prophesyings. 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
    And in the advise of the author of Mark who claims Jesus said:

    Mark 12

    29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
    I am only to question the Spirit who has brought forth the revelation and in loving G-d with all my mind, I should abstain from all appearances of evil.

    So when I believe G-d is Just, then someone tells me that G-d punishes the children for the sins of the parents. Then I as the scripture says should abstain from evil.

    Hope thats cleared my position up a little bit.

    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

    format_quote Originally Posted by snakelegs View Post
    I'm sure you've asked this question before.

    if so, it went down the memory hole
    I just meant that you have expressed an interest in this topic before ... not necessarily that you got an answer that time.
    I'm sure your memory is fine!
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    glocandle ani 1 - what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    My understanding:

    The belief is that Adam and Eve committed the first sin. This first sin is a stain on everybody's soul.

    To get rid of the stain you need to be baptised.

    As non Christians are never baptised you cannot get rid of the stain.

    John the Baptist baptised people even before Christ died on the cross so it dates back to that time.
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    You said "christian" women.

    Why did you say that?


    Why did i say Christian women..

    Well lets see,,,Bible is read by christians...

    The bible in genesis cursed women with child birth pain...

    So is it not plain why i say christian women?

    So pls answer,if you are a chrisitan.
    Did Jesus die to forgive all sin ?
    If he did then why is the curse still aroung?

    Unless he did not die to forgive original sin,and thus all women are still cursed..right..

    Unless Jesus has no power to undo what the fahter did
    Which mena they are not equal nor are they one..

    So which would be more appealing to you,a god that forgives but still punishes..
    Or a god that cannot undo what a greater god do
    Or Jesus is but a man..
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    You quoted from Genesis.

    Who belives in Genesis? Only Christians?????
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  11. #48
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    Quote Zulkiflim
    "So which would be more appealing to you,a god that forgives but still punishes..
    Or a god that cannot undo what a greater god do"

    It's not that God can't undo what's been done. In principal He wont but has rather provided a way to escape the curse (Jesus)

    I'll try and illistrate the concept of original sin in the form of a simple scenereo;

    An intruder breaks into your house & shoots you leaveing you seriously wounded. He's eventually caught & imprisoned (punished)
    Eventually he sees the error of his ways and asks Gods forgiveness.

    Now he may be forgiven but you are still affected by his sin right? Probably not just you but also your family. You see his pardon from his evil doesn't mean you will be healed will it?
    It's similar with original sin. Adam & Eave were punished & forgiven, but there were still consequenses to their actions & we (part of Adams family) live with those consequenses all around, for the Bible teaches that by one man (Adam), death & sin came into the world.
    Hope this helps a bit.
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    You'll have to pardon my bad spelling.... Eave lol! should be eve
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer


    Chief thank for the answer but agian it begs the question..

    Did Jesus forgive just everyday sin or all sin including original sin.

    I ask you,if a man like you siad shot the houseowner and ask for forgiveness from god and god gives him but then put him in hell...

    Do you think then that he is forgiven?

    So in short you are sayin that jesus in your mind died for all sin but still punishes those whom have accepted him...
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    You quoted from Genesis.

    Who belives in Genesis? Only Christians?????

    Well i see you place yourslf as an atheis so why dont i ask you,do you believe that god cursed eve with childbirth pain for original sin?

    Then if you do then do answer,do you forgive and leave the curse behind..

    If you dont then just asnwer,do you forgive but exact retribution?

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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    Bear with me, I find its quite hard to put my thoughts in writing.
    I believe Jesus has the power & will to forgive all sin. But I think you see original sin different to the way Fundamental Christanity would view it.
    Here's another analogy, rather simplistic but it's the principle that I'm trying to convey.
    A man leaps off a high cliff to end his life (suicide) He realises his wrong actions (suicide is considered a sin to Fundamentalist Christians) & asks God's forgiveness. God can forgive him but that won't stop him falling & the consequences of that fall.
    Original sin as I understand it came as the RESULT of Adams sin in the garden. In that day he died spiritually, his spirit was corrupted or spoiled & it's like a "spiritual defect" that runs down from him through all humanity (we are his decendants) Almost like a genetic disorder that will pass from parent to child.
    We don't actually need forgiveness for original sin because we are not accountable for Adams sin & it's not our fault that we are "fallen / defective" by nature. BUT we all are affected by it & need restoration spiritually.
    God has provided redemption through the sacrifice of his Son, If we reject his provision then we will be held to account for that on the Day Of Judgement &
    will be cast into the lake of fire.
    I hope this is a little clearer
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim
    Well i see you place yourslf as an atheis so why dont i ask you,do you believe that god cursed eve with childbirth pain for original sin?
    As there is no god the answer is "no"
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  18. #54
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Chief1 View Post
    Bear with me, I find its quite hard to put my thoughts in writing.
    I believe Jesus has the power & will to forgive all sin. But I think you see original sin different to the way Fundamental Christanity would view it.
    Here's another analogy, rather simplistic but it's the principle that I'm trying to convey.
    A man leaps off a high cliff to end his life (suicide) He realises his wrong actions (suicide is considered a sin to Fundamentalist Christians) & asks God's forgiveness. God can forgive him but that won't stop him falling & the consequences of that fall.
    Original sin as I understand it came as the RESULT of Adams sin in the garden. In that day he died spiritually, his spirit was corrupted or spoiled & it's like a "spiritual defect" that runs down from him through all humanity (we are his decendants) Almost like a genetic disorder that will pass from parent to child.
    We don't actually need forgiveness for original sin because we are not accountable for Adams sin & it's not our fault that we are "fallen / defective" by nature. BUT we all are affected by it & need restoration spiritually.
    God has provided redemption through the sacrifice of his Son, If we reject his provision then we will be held to account for that on the Day Of Judgement &
    will be cast into the lake of fire.
    I hope this is a little clearer


    I dont think you are right,accordign to the church we are resposnsible and accoutnable for original sin.that is why god cursed the entirety and the offsprings of adam and eve.
    If we are just cursed spiritually then surely a spirtual cleansing is enough but now we are cursed accoridng ot eh bible,both spiritually and physically so as you say,chrisitan supposedly have received the spiritual forgiveness but not the physical forgiveness.

    For that scenario you have said about the man jumping down,consider the same fact,he commit suicide and before death he ask for forgivensss and receives,but still is punished into hell.....

    Is then that forgiveness trully meanigful?it is the same with the curse on woman kind,would god say you re forgiven but then still leave the curse behind...

    For one,there are many christian in the world whom are more then 10 generation long,but still with every female born,the curse remains....so that mean that the curse resides in every woman despite the first generation receiving forgiveness...
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    Phil12123's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

    format_quote Originally Posted by Chief1 View Post
    I believe Jesus has the power & will to forgive all sin. But I think you see original sin different to the way Fundamental Christianity would view it.
    Here's another analogy, rather simplistic but it's the principle that I'm trying to convey.
    A man leaps off a high cliff to end his life (suicide). He realizes his wrong actions (suicide is considered a sin to Fundamentalist Christians) & asks God's forgiveness. God can forgive him but that won't stop him falling & the consequences of that fall.
    Original sin as I understand it came as the RESULT of Adam’s sin in the garden. In that day he died spiritually, his spirit was corrupted or spoiled & it's like a "spiritual defect" that runs down from him through all humanity (we are his decendants). Almost like a genetic disorder that will pass from parent to child. We don't actually need forgiveness for original sin because we are not accountable for Adam’s sin & it's not our fault that we are "fallen / defective" by nature. BUT we all are affected by it & need restoration spiritually. God has provided redemption through the sacrifice of his Son. If we reject his provision then we will be held to account for that on the Day of Judgment & will be cast into the lake of fire.
    Zulkiflim’s response:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim View Post
    I don’t think you are right, according to the church we are responsible and accountable for original sin. That is why god cursed the entirety and the offsprings of adam and eve.
    If we are just cursed spiritually then surely a spiritual cleansing is enough but now we are cursed according to the bible, both spiritually and physically so as you say, Christians supposedly have received the spiritual forgiveness but not the physical forgiveness.
    For that scenario you have said about the man jumping down, consider the same fact, he commits suicide and before death he asks for forgiveness and receives, but still is punished into hell.....
    Is then that forgiveness truly meaningful? It is the same with the curse on woman kind, would god say you’re forgiven but then still leave the curse behind...
    For one, there are many Christians in the world whom are more then 10 generation long, but still with every female born, the curse remains....so that mean that the curse resides in every woman despite the first generation receiving forgiveness...
    I think Glo and Chief1 (above) have stated the meaning and effect of “original sin” very nicely. We might look first at the commandment that Adam and Eve broke:

    Gen. 2:17 "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.''

    Immediately after eating, they died spiritually, because we see them hiding in the Garden from God (Gen. 3:8), no longer enjoying the close fellowship of one who is spiritually alive to God. And they apparently started dying physically, because we know that ultimately Adam died at age 930 (Gen. 5:5). And if with God “one day is…as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8), we might say that Adam died physically the “day” he ate the forbidden fruit.

    In the New Testament, Paul explains it in Romans 5:

    12. Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned
    18. Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.
    19. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous.

    Just as God is Triune (Three in One), man who was made in the image of God is triune. He has a body, soul, and spirit (1 Thess.5:23). It was his spirit that died immediately when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. So he became spiritually dead. That deadness, or sin nature, was passed on to his children and their children and all descendants on down to the present day.

    When Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus in John 3, He told him that he had to be “born again,” not physically as Nicodemus was thinking, but spiritually. Nicodemus’ spirit needed a new birth or regeneration, to make him spiritually alive. Jesus said, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). Only the Holy Spirit can regenerate the dead human spirit to bring life to it. And when He does, that life is ETERNAL life. That occurs when a person receives Christ into his heart and life. “He that has the Son has life, and he that has not the Son of God has not life” (1 John 5:12)

    Based on Jesus’ loving treatment of little children and His statement that “of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14), I believe babies, though born with a sin nature (a predisposition or inclination to disobey or “sin”) are not “sinners” by choice until they actually commit willful sin, knowing that it is sin. That may occur at different ages for different people. Babies are born spiritually dead and with a sin nature, and for that reason one could say they are born “sinners” but they are otherwise “innocent” and not accountable for any sin until they themselves actually sin, knowing it is sin.

    I have sometimes thought that the period of our lives, from birth to the point of knowing right from wrong, is similar to the lives of Adam and Eve before they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We were innocent, running around naked, as little babies or very small children do, not knowing any different. Then, as we grow older and know good and evil, we become accountable and when we disobey and do the “evil,” we are no longer the innocent babies we once were, just as Adam and Eve were no longer the innocent creatures they once were.

    Paul, in Romans 7:7-9, includes some similar thoughts. He said, “I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.” “For without the law, sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once; but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.”

    The Law, the Ten Commandments, etc. gave Paul the knowledge of good and evil. But before he received the Law, before he knew what sin was, he was “alive” in some sense---but when the Law came and he then knew, he died.

    So before a baby or child knows right from wrong (the knowledge of good and evil), he is “alive” in some sense. But when he knows and disobeys, he dies. After that, he has to be born of the Spirit or he “cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:3,5).

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  21. #56
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    Excellent post Phil12123.
    I know I should include the relevant scriptures in mine but usually I'm in a hurry to get to work etc... I need the bible on my PC for quick refrence.

    I've tried to explain the concept useing the man leaping off the cliff as a sort of parable. It's the concept that I'm trying to make clear. the illistration probably isn't the best.
    If God forgives him, of course he will NOT go to Hell, he would be with his Father in Heaven if he dies.
    He may be forgiven but that doesn't mean he will touch down with a perfect "3 point landing" at the bottom of the cliff. You see his sin has set in motion the course of his future. Think of it as cause & effect. If we look around us we see a world suffering from the result of sin & the collateral damage it leaves behind.
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to an

    "Just as God is Triune (Three in One), man who was made in the image of God is triune. He has a body, soul, and spirit (1 Thess.5:23). It was his spirit that died immediately when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. So he became spiritually dead. That deadness, or sin nature, was passed on to his children and their children and all descendants on down to the present day." Phil

    Is this the only part that was sent down according to you?

    I mean it seems like your saying, the spirit of Adam died instantly and this, deadness, is what has been passed down.

    So as you have stated we are, body soul and spirit. So we see that the death of our spirit has been given to us as a punishment from G-d through Adam's action.

    What about the soul and body, what in those sections have we recieved from Adam, if anything.

    Im trying to get this so bare with me please.
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    The path is long but I hope we meet,
    After the grave and the Day, in paradise in bliss upon a reclined seat.

    A traveler traveling - travelled from shirk to tawheed,
    If I'm remembered for anything - let it be the Mercy I seek.

    Your Bro. Abu Hurayra, al-Habeshi
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer


    Hmm now i am confused,you are trying to explain what si original sin right??

    May i ask how do you know that after they ate the fruit they died spiritually?
    And can i aslo say that by eating the fruit they became mortal,,succumbed to death,,,when before they were immortal...So eating the fruit casued them to die both physically and spiritually..like old age...

    Also you say Adam died at the age of 930 year which is 1 day to god,,,but may i ask did not adam stayed in heaven for several day?
    So that account that adam died at age of (in god days) 1 day then that is a mistake right..

    Basically in your article you say that jesus death forgives and recreate man spirtually.....but not remove the curse for that taint..

    Does that mena Jesus does not have the power to remove the taint by the father?
    Or is he supplying the spirit while the body is cursed?

    either way,my question remain,,,do you still punish those whom you have forgiven?

    Unless youa re saying jesus forgives but the father is still angry,,thus showing they are speperate entity with differnt thought and limited power...ie jesus beign lesser than the father..
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    Some nice question I wanted to ask but I jus went along with the spiritual thing
    what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    The path is long but I hope we meet,
    After the grave and the Day, in paradise in bliss upon a reclined seat.

    A traveler traveling - travelled from shirk to tawheed,
    If I'm remembered for anything - let it be the Mercy I seek.

    Your Bro. Abu Hurayra, al-Habeshi
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    Re: what is original sin? some questions to the chrisitians and all are welcome to answer

    Is it true that if a child or baby doesn't get baptized, it's destined for hell accordig to Christians?
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