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In Islam, does God love everybody?

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    FollowerOfChrist's Avatar Full Member
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    In Islam, does God love everybody?

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    I was kinda wondering this.

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    omar ibrahim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    he loves you when you love him and follow his commands and being sencere

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    does that just mean muslims ?? or all religions ?

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    I'm sure Allah (SWT) love everyone, but is dissapointed when people do not follow his will. He's the most forgiving out of everyone/thing.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    Allah loves humans but hates their sins. This means that although bad deeds merit God's disapproval and subsequent punishment, they also invoke His infinite mercy on a weak creature whom He had lovingly created, to whom He had given life, and whom He had nurtured with gifts and bounty. Allah describes Himself in the Qur'an as "the Loving":

    *{And He is the Forgiving and Loving}* (Al-Buruj 85:14)

    *{And He is the Forgiving and Loving}* (Al-Buruj 85:14)

    One day the Holy Prophet (s) was walking with his companions when he saw a mother bird with her babies in a nest. The mother bird was feeding the small ones some worms. So tender and gentle were her actions, that the companions were awe-struck at this display of love. The Prophet (s) smiled and said, "Are you surprised at the love this mother bird has for her babies? Let me inform you that Allah loves His creatures, the human beings seventy times more than this mother!"

    Yet love must be expressed in action; otherwise it's just a word without meaning. For example: A man may say to his wife "I love you" and then may treat her badly. Does he love her?

    Love between humans and God follows the same principle of actions consistent with words. It must mean obedience from us to God — as His grateful creation — and mercy from God to us as our loving Creator.

    People everywhere in the world obtain their sustenance from Allah regardless of their beliefs. Many evil people are even very rich because Allah gives them good things in this life, although He knows that they have not earned safety in the hereafter.

    On the other hand, believers who follow through with good deeds receive special blessings from Allah: happiness and contentment in this life — even in the midst of trials and tests — and reward in the hereafter for holding on to their faith under pressure. Allah loves them because they have shown their love to Him practically.

    Allah gives a person a lifelong opportunity to turn away from sin and disobedience, and to choose the right path in order to receive His forgiveness. Those who commit evil are hurting themselves in this life and the next. However, Allah's forgiveness has no limits and the only condition is asking for it:

    *{O My slaves (mankind) who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.}* (Az-Zumar 39:53-58)

    Forgiving sins and accepting repentance is a manifestation of God's love. He is absolutely just and fair to the minutest detail, so everyone gets exactly what they deserved, plus extra measures of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness.

    Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah said: 'O son of Adam! I shall go on forgiving you so long as you pray to Me and aspire for My forgiveness whatever may be your sins. O son of Adam! I do not care even if your sins should pile up to the sky and should you beg pardon of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam! If you come to Me with an Earth-full of sins and meet Me, not associating anything with Me in worship, I will certainly grant you as much pardon as will fill the earth'" (At-Tirmidhi).

    Expressing Our Love for God

    On the other hand, our expression of love for God is being completely obedient to Him in order to gain His love and mercy. The Qur'an says what means:

    *{If you love Allah show it in your conduct and obey Allah and His Messenger, for obedience of His Messenger is the obedience of Allah.}* (An-Nisaa' 4:80)

    *{Say, if you love Allah, obey me (Muhammad), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.}* (Aal `Imran 3:31)

    Gaining Allah's Love

    Ibn Al-Qayyim, in his book Madarij As-Salikeen, gives us a prescription to help us gain the love of Allah:

    ■Giving precedence to what He loves over what you love when you are overtaken by your desires

    ■Remembering Allah under all circumstances, with your tongue, heart, and actions

    ■Pondering the beauty of His creation and the wisdom in the universe

    ■Observing Allah's kindness, goodness, and bounties

    ■Having a soft, subdued, and meek heart before Allah

    ■Being alone with Allah during the last portion of the night while reading His Book, then repenting and asking for forgiveness

    ■Accompanying the good and sincere people and benefiting from their knowledge

    ■Keeping away from any evil that comes between the heart and Allah

    Performing voluntary deeds after completing obligatory deeds as is explained in the hadith qudsi: "My slave continues getting closer to Me by performing voluntary deeds until I love him." (Al-Bukhari)

    Benefits of Gaining Allah’s Love

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "When Allah loves a slave, He calls Jibreel (Gabriel) and says: 'I love so-and-so; so love him.' And then Jibreel loves him. Then Jibreel announces in the heavens saying: 'Allah loves so-and-so; so love him'; then the inhabitants of the heavens (the angels) also love him; and then people on earth love him" (Al-Bukhari).
    In Islam, does God love everybody?

    When truth is hurled at falsehood , falsehood perishes. because falsehood by its nature is bound to perish [21:18- Holy quran]

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by OurIslamic View Post
    I'm sure Allah (SWT) love everyone, but is dissapointed when people do not follow his will. He's the most forgiving out of everyone/thing.
    Seriously? But I thought Muslims follow the Gospel of Jesus like Christians. And Jesus said "Love your enemies" and "Forgive those who sinned against you". Why would he say "love your enemies" if God didn't love his enemies?

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    omar ibrahim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by FollowerOfChrist View Post
    Seriously? But I thought Muslims follow the Gospel of Jesus like Christians. And Jesus said "Love your enemies" and "Forgive those who sinned against you". Why would he say "love your enemies" if God didn't love his enemies?
    i brought to you ayaat fron the quran and ahadith fron the sunnah.However,God does not love everybody,and we believe that the Gospel has been changed.

    From the Quran
    "And yet there are some people,
    who replace God with rivals,
    loving them as God is loved.
    But the believers love God more intensely"

    "It was made attractive to people,
    the love of things they crave;
    women, sons, heaped-up heaps of gold and silver,
    branded horses, cattle and will-tilled land.
    But that is for the enjoyment of this worldly life,
    But God, with Him is the beautiful homecoming"

    "Say: If you love
    your fathers, your sons, your brothers,
    your spouses, your family ties,
    the wealth you have gained,
    the business you fear would decline, and
    the dwellings of which you are fond,
    more than you love God,
    His messenger and
    striving for God's cause (Jehad),
    then wait until God
    brings about His decision,
    as God does not guide
    those who are ungodly"

    God loves:

    those who do good deeds (2:195)
    those who ask Him for forgiveness (2:222)
    those who purify themselves (2:222)
    those who are God-fearing (3:76)
    those who are steadfast (3:146)
    those who trust Him (3:159)
    those who act justly (5:42)
    those who strive for His cause (61:4)
    those who follow His Prophet (3:31)

    God does not love:

    the aggressors (2:190)
    the disbelievers (3:32)
    those who inflict injustice (3:57)
    evil (5:64) and evil doers (2:205)
    those who are arrogant (4:36)
    those who spend lavishly (6:141)

    "You will not attain righteousness,
    unless you give of that which you love" (3:92)
    "They (the disbelievers) love this worldly life
    more than the Hereafter" (16:107)

    "O you believe ..
    God has made you love the Faith,
    and made it so beautiful in your hearts,
    and has made you hate disbelief,
    immorality and rebelliousness.
    These are the righteous.
    This is grace and bounty,
    from God, as God is All-knowledgeable
    and All-Wise" (49:6-8)

    "Say (O Mohammed) "If you do love God,
    follow me,
    God will love you,
    and forgive your sins,
    as God is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful". (3:31)

    "O you believe ..
    Do not you love that God
    Would forgive you?" (24:22)

    From the Hadith

    "God Almighty said: If My servant loves to meet
    Me, I love to meet him, and if he hates to meet
    Me, I hate to meet him." (narrated by Bukhari)

    "God loves kindness when you deal with any
    matter" (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
    "You will not enter Paradise until you have faith
    and you will not have faith until you love one
    another. Do you want me to tell you
    something you can do to make you love one
    another? Make it a habit to greet one another
    with "Asalamu Alaykum" - peace upon you".
    (narrated by Muslim)

    "Give gifts to each other, as this will make you
    love one another." (narrated by Muslim)

    "The most loved person by God Almighty on the
    Day of Judgement and nearest to Him is a just
    ruler. And the most hated person by God
    Almighty on the Day of Judgement and farthest
    from Him is an unjust ruler."
    (narrated by Tirmizi)
    "If a Muslim loves his Muslim brother, he should
    inform him." (narrated by Tirmizi)

    God would say on the Day of Judgement:

    "Where are those who love each other for the sake of My glory? Today I will shelter them with My shade, as there is no shade today except My shade"." (narrated by Muslim)

    "God Almighty said: "My servant draws near to Me with nothing more loved by Me than the acts of worship that I have enjoined upon him. My servant continues to try to draw near to Me with more devotion, until I love him. When I love him, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his sight by which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, his feet on which he walks. When he asks Me for something, I will respond and when he takes refuge in Me, I will grant it to him. I do not hesitate in doing anything I intend to do as much as I hesitate in seizing the soul of My faithful servant; he hates death and I hate hurting him. But death is a must for him"."
    (narrated by Bukhari)

    "If God would love his servant He would call Archangel Gabriel and tell him "I love this person, therefore love him." And Gabriel would love him and call out in the heavens "God loves this person, therefore love him." And the inhabitants of the heavens would love him. Then he would be embraced by the people of this world. But if God would abhor his servant, He would call Gabriel and tell him "I abhor this person, therefore abhor him". And Gabriel would abhor him and call out in the heavens " God abhors this person, therefore abhor him." And the inhabitants of the heavens would abhor him. Then he would be abhorred by the people of this world." (narrated by Muslim)

    "God Almighty said "I am as My servant expects Me to be. I am with him if he remembers Me. If he remembers Me to himself, I would remember him to Myself. And if he remembers Me in a gathering, I would remember him in a gathering, which is even better. And if My servant draws near to Me by a hand's span, I would draw near to him by an arm's length and if he draws near to Me by an arm's length, I would draw near to him by a fathom's length. And if My servant comes to me walking, I would go to him speeding." (narrated by Bukhari)

    "A strong believer is better and more loved by God Almighty than a weak believer, although both bear goodness. Thus, seek eagerly what benefits you the most and seek God's help. Do not show weakness in your struggle and if something bad happens to you, do not say "if I had done so and so, then such and such would not have happened", but say "it was my destiny and God has allowed what He wished" , because the word 'if' in this context would open the door for Satan to work on you."

    "A man came to the Prophet (may God's peace and blessings be upon him) and asked him "O God's Messenger, tell me of something I do to win God's love and people's love". The Prophet answered "Do not love this world, God would love you and do not have a longing for whatever people have, people would love you".
    (narrated by Ibn-Majah)

    "Visit one another from time to time, your love for each other will increase."
    (narrated by al Bazzar)

    "None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself".
    (narrated by Bukhari)

    "Whoever loves for God's sake, hates for God's sake, gives for God's sake and withholds for God's sake has a perfect faith."
    (narrated by Abo Dawood)

    "There are three characteristics whoever has them will taste the sweetness of faith: that God and His Messenger are more loved by him than everything else, that he loves or does not love a person only for God's sake and that he would hate to revert into disbelief just as he would hate to be thrown into fire." (narrated by Bukhari)

    "There are seven whom God will shade with His shade on the Day when there is no shade except His; a just ruler, a youth who grew up in the worship of His Lord, a man whose heart is attached to mosques, two men who love each other only for God's sake, meeting and parting for that love, a man who resists the call of a woman of noble birth and beauty to commit fornication, but he refuses and says "I fear God", a man who gives charity secretly so that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given and a man whose eyes flood with tears whenever he remembers God in private."
    (narrated by Bukhari)

    "When a man asked the prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, "O Messenger of God, when will the Day of Judgement be?", the Prophet replied, "What have you prepared for it?" he said, "I have not prepared for it a great deal of prayer, fasting nor charity, but I love God and His Messenger intensely," the Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love."
    (narrated by Bukhari)
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    I could of sworn you guys were using verses from the NT to prove Jesus never claimed to be God. What's the point of that if you believed the gospel's been changed. And ya'll also try to use the NT to prove Jesus never said eat unclean foods to me in the other thread. I don't know why ya'll constantly quote things from the NT then to prove stuff to us (Christians). Anyway, that's why I could never convert to Islam. There's no way God could hate anyone.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by OurIslamic View Post
    I'm sure Allah (SWT) love everyone, but is dissapointed when people do not follow his will. He's the most forgiving out of everyone/thing.
    I don't think God brought us here to follow his will. I think he wants us to live our life the way we want to. He tests us.
    Last edited by Tilmeez; 09-18-2010 at 06:20 AM. Reason: spelling :)

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    But if ya'll believe the Gospel has been changed, then why do ya'll use the NT to try to prove Jesus never clamed to be God. Kinda like ya'll was doing in the "Why do you bash Christians for eating unclean foods" thread. Anyways, this is why I can't be apart of Islam. There no way God can hate someone.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by FollowerOfChrist View Post
    But if ya'll believe the Gospel has been changed, then why do ya'll use the NT to try to prove Jesus never clamed to be God. Kinda like ya'll was doing in the "Why do you bash Christians for eating unclean foods" thread. Anyways, this is why I can't be apart of Islam. There no way God can hate someone.
    You said there is no way God can hate someone. If this was to be true than why, oh why, is there a Hell? I mean, you're Christian so you have to believe in Hell right? What is Hell's purpose? It is a place of punishment for those that have sinned against God, tarnished their relationship with God by disobeying Him and his Laws and following their own desires etc.

    If God loved everyone in the way that you say he does why would there need to be a Hell? God would just overlook all of man's sins and flaws and just let them all in Heaven after death? That wouldn't make sense. But that's right, you believe that God manifested himself into an undercover human being named Jesus and allowed himself to die for all of mankind sins so long as they believe and accept that he did such. We're all off the hook? The world doesn't seem to work that way so why would God work that way.

    God loves his creation if they love him back. Whether they love him back or not he blesses mankind with many good in life. But those that disbelieve and are arrogant and worship those other than him, God doesn't really care much for those type of people so they'll be punished for their own wrongdoing. Not cause God hates them.

    And as for what you said about Muslims believing the Gospel has been change. Yes, you're right. Muslims do believe the NT and OT are not in their original forms as they were when revealed to Moses/David/Jesus etc. The timespan of the writings of the Bible is believed to be some 2,000 years before Jesus and 200 years after. And during that time, human beings (Church leaders, Rabbis, respected priests, anonymous folk) have tampered with the messages. We believe this because the Qur'an says so. If you truly believe that the Qur'an is a revelation from God than you'd believe so too. A lot of Christians think that Muslims pick and choose verses of the Qur'an for their own benefit to prove that Islam is the truth or to prove that Jesus himself was just a prophet and other things. Muslims don't just blindly choose what's fact and fiction from the Bible, we have a criteria that lets us know that :The Qur'an.

    First of all, it is important to know that if the Bibles of today, with all their versions and differences in the quantity of their "books" and "gospels", were in fact the Original Holy Word of GOD Almighty, completely unaltered, untampered, unchanged, unsubtracted and unadded then there would be no need for the Holy Qur'an. The revelation of the Qur'an came down to CONFIRM the truth that exists in the scriptures of Jews/Christians ("People of the Book") and filter out the truth from the fabrications, falsities and BS. The Qur'an only recognizes the Bible as a HISTORY BOOK with errors and man's alteration in it when originally it was much more because they were the Laws that Moses and Jesus had revealed and preached the same message that Islam carries today. Anything in the Bible that agrees 100% with what is in the Qur'an is valid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with the Qur'an is discarded.

    That is why Muslims believe only in parts of the Bible that agree with what is in the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an has detailed stories of Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, David, Solomon, Job, Jonah, John the Baptist,Jesus and other Biblical figures. They are the correct, reliable stories because they are coming directly from God, his 1st person words with no additions by Muhammad or anyone else.

    Hope that helped, bro.
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    omar ibrahim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by FollowerOfChrist View Post
    But if ya'll believe the Gospel has been changed, then why do ya'll use the NT to try to prove Jesus never clamed to be God. Kinda like ya'll was doing in the "Why do you bash Christians for eating unclean foods" thread. Anyways, this is why I can't be apart of Islam. There no way God can hate someone.
    because you dont believe in quran so we show you the proves in the bible itself.Although muslims believe that the gosbel has beeen changed but we believe there are still some words of God

    Do you want God to love arrogant and criminals and people who even disbelieve in him, you are a bit strange.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by EllyDicious View Post
    I don't think God brought us here to follow his will. I think he wants us to live our life the way we want to. He testes us.
    How can God test us if wants us to live the way we want. There must be a right way of living to pass the test, no?
    In Islam, does God love everybody?

    "O you who believe! Fear ALLAH as He should be feared" [aal 'Imraan, 102]

    يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِۦ آل عِمرَان - 102

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    Omar Ibrahim, that only seems strange to you because you don't believe in peace. God knows if you love everybody and you're not angry with people all the time, you'll be much happier. God's love is infinite. And the by the way, the majority of the world believes that. Strange (abnormal) is when you're not like the rest of the world. How is that abnormal or strange?

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    every day more than the day before it becomes apparent to me why this verse is so befitting of christians
    2:171] The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout like a goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom.

    sob7an Allah..

    where is all that love starting from the crusades unto now? how much loving is there in half those wars that you start against innocent people the Muslim world over? you must need a special brand of hypocrisy to be a practicing christian!
    In Islam, does God love everybody?

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by FollowerOfChrist View Post
    Anyway, that's why I could never convert to Islam. There's no way God could hate anyone.
    Malachi 1:2-3 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

    Romans 9:13-15 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
    For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

    It seems to me that you are misunderstanding and misinterpreting "hate" and also "love." It also seems to me that you are closing your ears and eyes in order to selectively see and hear what you want to assume to be correct rather than what is.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. You have NO BUSSINESS quoting the bible if you think it's been changed. God simply meant he CHOOSE Jacob over Esau. Jesus's statement "Love you enemies" is enough proof God loves all humanity.

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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by FollowerOfChrist View Post
    This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. You have NO BUSSINESS quoting the bible if you think it's been changed. God simply meant he CHOOSE Jacob over Esau. Jesus's statement "Love you enemies" is enough proof God loves all humanity.
    I never said that the Bible was changed. I am a Christian. I know quite well what the verses mean. My issue is not with the Bible, but with the way you are misunderstanding and misinterpreting things in order to make them say what you want them to say. Even in this thread alone you quote a member, and then respond to him in a way that is completely contrary to what he said. It shows your eyes and ears are closed. You ignore the things you want to. There was more than one person in this thread who said that God loves all people, but hates the sin or favors those who keep his will, etc. As a Christian, I agree. God may be all loving and all forgiving, but there will be punishment for those who are not in his will. He favors those who are his own. You want to take the words "love" and "hate" and make them black and white when they suit you, but not when they don't, such as in the verses I quoted. That much is easy to tell from the onset of this thread.

    Love and hate are not concrete nouns. If a Muslim said "God loves those who follow him and hates those who do not" and the Bible says "Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated"... you are placing your own interpretation on the word "hate" in each of those sentences, when in reality are they not showing the same thing? They are both showing a preference for one over the other, based upon the actions of the intended. The Christian God is no different. Yes he is loving and forgiving, but he also will judge the sins of man and punish those who do not keep his commands.

    Matthew 23:32-39 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

    Luke 12: 5, 8-10 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him... I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

    I could list verses for hours where God says he will punish those who are not doing his will. Matthew 7:21-23 "“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" You can read Matthew 25:31-46 on your own. I've quote enough already.
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ View Post
    every day more than the day before it becomes apparent to me why this verse is so befitting of christians
    2:171] The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout like a goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom.

    sob7an Allah..

    where is all that love starting from the crusades unto now? how much loving is there in half those wars that you start against innocent people the Muslim world over? you must need a special brand of hypocrisy to be a practicing christian!
    This is also a verse that describes accurately such people (QS. 3:19)

    3 19 1 - In Islam, does God love everybody?

    Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. Those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except, out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieves in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, then surely, Allah is Swift in calling to account.

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  25. #20
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    Re: In Islam, does God love everybody?

    If you're Christian, then you should know it's totally against our theology to say God hates anyone. Sure he punishes those who don't follow him and don't believe in him. But he still LOVES them. It's the same thing as a father punishing his son for doing something wrong, and even though his son did something wrong, THE FATHER STILL LOVES HIS SON. It's the exact same concept. In fact, leviticus 19:18 tell us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Your neighbor could be ANYBODY. Including someone who doesn't love you back.

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